The Exorcist

Related Works【The Exorcist Ⅱ】Official Upload Notice

Dear readers:

Nine months after The Exorcist ended, 【The Exorcist Ⅱ】is finally uploaded!

I thought I was going to be calm, but I have to say, I'm very happy, very excited.

Finally, I can use this book again to communicate with everyone in this way. Finally, I can legitimately scare people again! Wow Kaka.

However, the protagonist of this book is Bao Datong. It has a different story, a different plot, and a different cute character. It should be regarded as a brand new collection, and the story structure will be more perfect. I hope you like it.

My goal is: to make everyone laugh to death, then scared to death, and finally moved to death. (Evil laugh.)

What is your goal?

come on. Favorites, clicks, recommendations, long-term support, I am all eager, let your support come more violently!

There is a direct train to [The Exorcist Ⅱ] on the pages of all my books, or you can click on the link below, just click, and you will fly to the new book with a swoosh.

Waiting for you.

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