The setting sun was blood-red, hanging in the west.

On the stage,

Mo Xie stood with his hands behind his back, surrounded by Lan Ge and a dozen other people.

"You answered correctly, but there is no reward!"

After Mo Xie said this, his fierce demonic energy burst out!

How could he look like a spent force? !

The whole audience was shocked, "What's going on? Isn't Mo Xie dying?!"

Listening to the exclamations of the crowd below the stage, Mo Xie sneered in his heart.

After inheriting the golden blood of the demon god, he opened six Qi seas, plus the thunder and fire Qi seas, a total of seven.

Will I become a spent force because of the exhaustion of demonic energy? !

Yes, he will!

But he still has five Qi Seas...

Facing Moye's demonic energy,

Lang Ge and more than a dozen others were also shocked, but they were not panicked at all, "Even if he is in his prime, can he still beat so many of us?!"

Everyone in the audience nodded, "Yes, Moye is still doomed to lose!"


It is said that the first level above the King Extreme Realm is the first level of heaven, but a second-level King Extreme Realm can only defeat two first-level King Extremes at most.

And they have seven first-level King Extreme Realms!

What's more,

They are all genius-level King Extreme Realms!

That's not all,

There are more than a dozen high-level disciples of the Supreme Extreme Realm waiting for him!

What can Moye do? !

"It's not worth watching!"

"It's inevitable that Moye will be eliminated. Let's think about who will win the position of the Son of God candidate!"

"I guess it's..."


The audience in the audience has already eliminated Moye from the list.

On the stage,

Chi Sha laughed wildly and said, "Hahaha, I ask you again! Do you choose to kneel down and beg for mercy to avoid physical pain, or do you choose to go against us for the sake of ridiculous face..."

Gu Li added: "The price is very heavy, you will become a crippled person with four limbs!"


their purpose is not only to destroy Mo Xie,

but also to trample on his dignity.

"Only the weak make choices."

Mo Xie shook his head and said seriously: "The strong will give answers... You all come together, otherwise you will lose badly."

"Hahaha, when the time comes, you are still so arrogant, I really shouldn't say you are arrogant or stupid!"

Chi Sha and others laughed.

Now even some neutral spectators find it a bit ridiculous.

I admit that you, Mo Xie, are the number one in my temple, but they have so many geniuses, isn't it easy to beat you? !

Lan Ge's face was gloomy, "Don't waste time talking to him..."

"His movements are a bit strange, let's take advantage of the number advantage and attack together, don't give him a chance to fight back!"


A group of people slowly approached Moye with fierce and angry faces.

As long as they were at a suitable distance, they would launch a fatal attack!

"Boss... let's eliminate him, it's better than falling into a trap now!" Ao Fang scratched his head, worried and anxious.

Gui Ying said worriedly: "Maybe Moye has already thought of a way out..."

Sima Tian said to Ji Meiling: "What do you think?"

"He won't retreat..."

Ji Meiling hugged her arms in front of her chest.

She looked at Moye with her charming eyes without blinking.

I couldn't help but think of the inheritance of the Demon Ancestor,

At that time, it seemed that there was a situation of no return... but he brought himself out alive.

Sima Tian said, "Why?"

"Because I believe in him."

She raised her finger to lift the hair between her eyebrows and said softly.

Sima Tian frowned slightly and doubted, "You mean... he will win?"

In such a situation,

even if he is so proud, he feels that there is no chance of winning.

"I don't know... but I know that he is not a man who likes to brag~"

"Mo Xie keeps his promise and never loses it!" - The man's decisive words echoed in Ji Meiling's mind again.

If you keep thinking about it, there will be a response.


On the ring.

A dozen people approached Mo Xie with a covetous look.

"I didn't expect such a shameless group fight... this Lan Ge is still a decent villain."

Mo Xie secretly said it was a pity and shook his head and didn't take it to heart at all.

Facing the increasingly narrow encirclement,

he actually slowly closed his eyes.

Is this situation difficult?

It's really hard!

Very hard!

But in Moye's opinion, it's not so bad.

A dozen high-level genius disciples in the sect's extreme realm can indeed pose a slight threat to the low-level king's extreme realm.

If they fight desperately, it's not impossible to get injured.

But unfortunately,

They are all injured.

And they are just flowers in a greenhouse.

Not to be feared!

The only troublesome ones are the seven king's extreme realms.

But there are twoThey were almost exhausted by Ji Meiling and the others - really the last gasp!

So the five people of Lan Ge should be taken seriously.


After fighting for so long just now, Mo Xie was not joking.

- Their methods have been figured out by Mo Xie!

Thinking of this, Mo Xie analyzed the situation: there is pressure, but it's not bad!


The time has come, and more than a dozen people led by seven kings rushed over.

At the same time,

Mo Xie also slowly opened his eyes.

"Number advantage?"

Mo Xie frowned.

A dozen or so Zongji Realms alone are not worth mentioning, but if there are kings, it will be terrifying!

"In this case, then eliminate your advantage..."

He curled his lips.

With a thought, he raised his hands flat in front of his chest and clenched them in the air.

"The innate treasure - Wu Xiang!"

—— Wu Xiang, shapeless and without quality, can be transformed into any weapon at will!


A nunchaku appeared in Mo Xie's hand.

At this moment,

the crowd had already killed him.

Mo Xie said in a deep voice: "The demonic shadow is surging!"


As if the dark night had fallen, a black shadow "emerged" from Mo Xie's body, instantly covering most of the arena.

Naturally, it also covered the incoming attack.

"What's going on?!"

"I can't see!"

"Damn it, what's going on!"


The audience below the stage couldn't see the situation in the black shadow clearly, they only heard a cry of surprise from inside.


the cry turned into a scream.

"Ah!" "Ah!"

Along with the scream, there was also a strange cry of "I'll beat you!"

Along with the strange cry,

one by one, the figures flew out of the black shadow like small dumplings.

"Get out of the way!"

The crowd below the stage quickly avoided.

One by one, the disciples flew out from the shadow and fell to the ground.

The scene was in chaos!

"This kid..."

Even the great elder was shocked, "He has figured out the art of shadow!"

Xiao Yi drank the wine crazily, with a slight smile on his face.

On the stage,

"Not good, retreat quickly!"

Several kings of the extreme realm quickly retreated from the shadow by releasing their soul power.

But those of the extreme realm did not have this ability,

"Brother Lan Ge asked us to get out!"

"Ah, why did you bump into me!"

"It's pitch dark, how do I know you're in front of me!"

"Run over there!"

"No, it should be that side!"


As the strange cry of "I'll fight" sounded,

one after another, the disciples flew out from the shadow.

The disciples below the stage were stunned.


On the stage.

It was pitch black inside the shadow.

Mo Xie seemed to be unaffected, looking at the disciples with sparkling eyes.

Without vision and soul power as a "radar", they were running around like headless flies.


Mo Xie laughed and rushed forward in three or two steps.

"I'll beat him!"

Mo Xie took the nunchaku and hit him twice, making him cry and become a weak shrimp.

Then he kicked him and kicked him out.

On the other side,

Shadow Slave No. 1, who had the cultivation of the eighth-grade Zongji Realm, was also wandering in the darkness, constantly attacking the blind disciples.

Mo Xie panted and thought to himself: "Maintaining this shadow formation consumes too much energy... I have to speed up!"

Just as he thought about it, another sea of ​​​​qi was about to run out of magic energy.


there were not many disciples left in the Zongji Realm.

"I'll fight!"

The nunchaku swung in Moye's hand, creating a terrifying gust of wind, and whipped at the frightened disciples.



Moye whipped the body with a stick, and the last disciple screamed and flew backwards.

He wiped his nose with his fingers and clamped the nunchaku under his armpit.

With a thought, "Collect!"


The shadow covering most of the ring slowly dissipated.

Looking up,

Only seven King Extreme Realms such as Lan Ge were left on the field, standing trembling on the edge of the ring.

"Not bad..."

Moye smiled with satisfaction at the result of the battle.

Off the stage,

One by one, the disciples who were wailing and bruised flew out of the ring, fell heavily to the ground, and were carried away by servants.

The whole audience was silent,

Everyone was shocked, staring at the young man on the stage in amazement.

Mo Xie's legs were spread apart, and one hand was holding a "weird" weapon made of two sticks connected together.

His eyes were stern and murderous!

The dozen people who were so imposing just now... were now only seven trembling people.

"Am I, am I dazzled?!"

"This... this, what on earth is he doing?How did he do it? ! ”

“It’s only been a short time, and the whole army has been wiped out? ! ”

“Is this the strength of the first disciple of the temple? ! ”

On the stage,


Lang Ge suddenly laughed and said, “Anyway, the Zong Ji Realm is just a foil, the most crucial battle is still with us Wang Ji Realm!”

Gu Li came back to his senses from the shock, waved his fist and said viciously: “That’s right, the seven of us will destroy him in a moment!”

The audience nodded,

“That’s true, there are still seven Wang Ji Realm, he Mo Xie is still bound to lose!”

“And you see, Mo Xie’s breath is very unstable, obviously he is already at the end of his strength!”

“It seems that the mysterious secret technique just now consumed a lot of his energy!”

“Alas, even if defeated, it’s still glorious!”

“It’s really strong, I am convinced! ”


Although they knew that Moye would lose, most of the disciples were convinced by him at this moment.

——To be able to fight out of such a situation under such circumstances...Moye is just "strong"!

On the ring,

Looking at the murderous Moye, Chi Sha swallowed his saliva.

Listening to Lan Ge's words, he regained his confidence and said loudly: "Yes, the advantage is mine!"

"This guy is already at the end of his strength. Can he recover his Xuan Qi? Haha..."

As soon as the voice fell,

Moye hung the strange stick around his neck,



The demonic energy that had been exhausted exploded again!

Chi Sha's face froze instantly, and he said in a lost voice: "This is impossible!"

The whole audience exclaimed again...

PS. Good night~

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