The Evil God is Invincible

Chapter 47: Sima Tianjiao

Standing on the upper floors of the Shedeng City Hotel facing the window, looking from a distance, the neon lights of the city are constantly flickering. It was already late at night, and the city, which had been noisy all day, became a little quiet.

At some point in the sky, it began to rain lightly, and it hit people's faces so itchy and refreshing. Walking out of the big hotel and standing at the street corner, the wind blowing in front of me was already a bit chilly.

A luxurious Mercedes-Benz slowly stopped behind Li Jun, and Sima Tianjiao's beautiful face appeared through the slowly sliding window: Get in the car, where are you going? I'll take you there. .”

Oh, it's you, why did you leave so late? Li Jun didn't think much about it, opened the car door and got in. I'm waiting for you. Sima Tianjiao said calmly, the luxury Mercedes started slowly, and the engine could not be heard from the inside of the car.

Wait for me? Li Jun looked at Sima Tianjiao puzzled, hoping she could give him an explanation.

Sima Tianjiao turned her head, looked at Li Jun and said, I want to say that I like you, do you believe it or not?

Li Jun shook his head: Such a joke is not funny at all, big sister.

Li Jun, whose ancestral home is Linhu County, Province S, was born on February 15, 1973. He has three older sisters and an only son. His father is Li Hanxiang, and his mother is Cao Fuyun... Sima Tianjiao opened his mouth and Li Jun's resume was clearly memorized.

Wait... I know you're going to be an intern at the Public Security Bureau soon. You won't be a household registration policeman, right? Besides, what do you like about me? It seems like we haven't known each other for long, right? Li Jun Interrupting Sima Tianjiao, he asked with some doubts.

Sima Tianjiao smiled faintly: Of course not, I just want to make it clear that I really like you. I have liked you since the first day I saw you, that's why I asked someone to check you You are admitted to Capital University with the first place in the total score of province S, which shows that you are a smart person. You have a good foundation in Linhu County, and you still have entangled relationships with the local black forces, which shows that You are very capable. If someone like you gives you the right platform, you will be even more powerful and have a bright future.

You are the right platform, can I understand that? Li Jun asked with a smile, looking at Sima Tianjiao.

You can also say that. Sima Tianjiao answered him seriously while turning the direction. You have met my elder brother tonight, what is your impression of him?

To be honest? I really have a bad impression of him. I can't tell you the specific reason. I always feel that when you hit that person, you are very gloomy and have sharp eyes. I really want to be able to see people's hearts. Li Jun also told the truth that he did have this impression of Sima Tianhao.

Sima Tianjiao turned her head to look at Li Jun, and nodded: Sure enough, I didn't misunderstand the person, you are indeed very unusual. It seems that you are not confused by his gentle appearance, it is really true that he wants to deal with you It's not that easy.

Li Jun asked in surprise: Your brother wants to deal with me? Why? Why are you telling me this?

Because he is also my enemy. Sima Tianjiao said indifferently, as if he was not talking about his elder brother, but an unrelated stranger. As for why he dealt with you, I don't know, but I think you must have offended him somewhere. By the way, do you know a man named Long Qianshan?

Long Qianshan? Li Jun read the name silently, and suddenly his eyes narrowed: Brothers Long Qianfeng and Long Qianshan from the Iron Fist Gang in Yunhe City? Do they have anything to do with Sima Tianhao?

That's an external force he established without telling the family. I think, on this point, we have a common enemy. The car stopped in front of a building at some point, Sima Tianjiao held the steering wheel with his hands, He turned to look at Li Jun.

Enemy? Li Jun asked uncertainly.

Sima Tianjiao said with certainty: Yes, he has been my enemy since childhood.

Li Jun laughed so hard that he almost burst into tears. Sima Tianjiao's face changed slightly, and she asked in a deep voice, What are you laughing at? Is it so funny?

Li Jun stopped his laughter, stared at Sima Tianjiao and asked, How do I know if what you said is true or not? Sima Tianjiao pushed open the car door with a bang, I know Liu Fei is there tonight? Come back, in order to dispel your worries, you can collect a deposit first.

Li Jun also got out of the car, put his arms around her slender waist, stretched his head over her shoulders, and sniffed the fragrance wafting from her hair: It's not good for women to be too ambitious. Will use feelings as a bargaining chip, this is the most unreliable thing.

As he spoke, he slowly pushed Sima Tianjiao's trembling body away: Is this the first time you've been hugged by a man? It's not worth it.

You... Sima Tianjiao was completely unexpected, and asked suspiciously: Don't you have any affection for me? I don't need Liu Fei to be beautiful, or are you afraid?

The corners of Li Jun's mouth were slightly upturned, and he smiled faintly. He stretched out his hand and wiped her beautiful face lightly: You are very beautiful, there is no doubt about it. You just took a shower, and you are wearing a black lace sexy dress. Underwear, all this shows that you really want to make this deal with me. There is nothing in this world that I dare not do, I just don't want to do it. Go back, go back and sleep well and have good dreams , we are still friends.

Sima Tianjiao's eyes gradually became cold: Have you thought it through? Are you not afraid that I will tell Sima Tianhao about you?

Li Jun smiled faintly: It's up to you. Besides, Sima Tianhao and I may not necessarily be enemies. Maybe, if we find a suitable opportunity, he and I can sit down and have a good drink. Is not it?

Giggle Sima Tianjiao couldn't help but tremble with laughter after hearing Li Jun's words: If you think so, I can't help it. I can only say that you will even know how you died. It seems that Zhang Yanan I didn't tell you that the titles of the seven princes in the capital are not just called out for nothing. Liu Peng is just at the bottom of the list, and tell you, if I hadn't stepped forward, would Zhang Yadong have been able to hold him down?

Li Jun looked at Sima Tianjiao fixedly, and thought to himself, what's the matter with you?

Hmph, I knew you wouldn't believe what I said, forget it, you will understand in the future. Sima Tianjiao said, slowly raised his right hand: I hope you will remember what you said , we will still be friends from now on.”

Watching her car leave, Li Jun couldn't help turning his head around. Brother and sister Sima Tianjiao, plus people like Liu Peng and Zhang Yanan, why are they in such a mess? It seems that they have been caught in a big net since the first day they stepped into the capital.

Whether you like it or not, these people around you are silently influencing and changing yourself. The capital is expensive, and it's not easy to live in. With my own strength, can I forcefully tear open a hole and step in a foot in the strange capital?

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