The Evil God is Invincible

Chapter 45 Hotel Opportunities (3)

Li Jun didn't know which country's g### mobile phone base station equipment was first introduced in China, but Li Jun knew that Aisin released an Aisin 337 mobile phone at that time, which caused great repercussions after it was launched in China.

In the era of analog mobile phones, the functions of mobile phones are often limited to calling, and are limited by technology and materials, so the style is quite single and lacks changes. The domestic g### digital network can probably start from the construction of the first g### communication network in Guangzhou in 1994. In 2001, the analog network was transferred to the network, and the g### digital network completely replaced the previous analog and g### The pattern of two networks coexisting.

g### technology uses narrowband tdma, allowing 8 groups of calls to be made simultaneously on one radio frequency. The g### digital network also has strong confidentiality and anti-interference, clear sound quality, stable calls, and has the advantages of large capacity, high frequency resource utilization, open interface, and powerful functions.

In the era of analog mobile phones, no one could compete with Motorola. 8900 and 9900 mobile phones were called big brothers and became synonymous with mobile phones. After the era of g###, the major mobile phone manufacturers are optimistic about this new opportunity and are scrambling to expand their market share. Motorola refused to give up its existing territory and blocked the analog network, so that it failed to adjust the market in time strategy, its hegemony declined rapidly. At the same time, manufacturers such as Nokia and Aisin came from behind, and each took the lead for a while, and called them the three overlords in the mobile phone market.

However, due to strategic problems, Aisin's performance continued to decline, and its dominance was replaced by South Korea's Samsung. However, relying on the sales performance in the early stage of China, Aisin still survived with difficulty, and finally cooperated with Sony in Japan to develop the Sony Aisin brand mobile phone.

It is hard for people to imagine that in 1990, there were only more than 100,000 mobile phone users in China, but after the 1990s, this number was close to 30 million, not including the number of smuggled parallel imports. If you want to say what the most profitable industry will be in the future, it will be computers, mobile phones and supporting products.

Li Jun knows that although he clearly understands the development trend of mobile phones and computers, he does not have the ability to make mobile phones. ?

The incompetent waits for opportunities, the wise create them. Now the opportunity is in front of me, if I can't grasp it, I might as well die again.

Thinking of this, Li Jun smiled lightly.

Looking at Li Jun's smile, the observant Zhang Yadong smiled and said, Li Jun, what bad idea did you think of?

Li Jun grinned: Brother, why do I often come up with bad ideas? Looking at Hao Jiefang, Li Jun restrained the smile on his face, and asked solemnly: Uncle Hao, I would like to ask, do you think the above g### The system doesn’t want it, or do you think it’s necessary, but you don’t want to use it now that funds are tight?”

As soon as the topic of his profession was mentioned, Hao Jiefang also said solemnly: Although the two people from Aisin made it very clear, I don't think it is necessary to go up. You can see that Motorola's momentum is so strong now. If they don't change, It is also impossible to change other things. If Motorola still uses the analog system after the launch, then two systems must be used in parallel. But the current market is dominated by Motorola mobile phones. How many people will use g### mobile phones? If everyone doesn’t use it, then this system will only lose money, so I don’t think it’s good.”

Li Jun looked at Hao Jiefang, thinking that it would not be a mistake to look at the problem from his perspective. When any new thing is just starting, people's doubts are always greater than certainties.

Li Jun thought for a while, picked up what he could say about his cognition and future development of g### mobile phones, and finally said: Uncle Hao, maybe you still can't believe everything I said, but I would like you to introduce me to those two Swedes.

Hao Jiefang pondered for a moment and said, Can you tell me what you want to do?

The link said: Uncle Hao, I want to ask you, if you don't need to invest a penny from your department, would you agree to use the g### system?

Hao Jiefang laughed loudly, It would be too pedantic for me to disagree with such a cheap thing, and you, Uncle Hao, are not so confused yet.

That's fine, as long as you introduce me to them, I'll do the rest. Li Jun said firmly.

Hao Jiefang said: Okay, I'll go back now, you wait for my news, let's get in touch later. Saying that, he got up and walked out.

Zhang Yadong looked at Li Jun, giggled and said, What do you want to do?

Li Jun stared at Zhang Yadong and said, I want to be the general agent of Aisin China, what do you think?

Hearing what Li Jun said, Zhang Yadong couldn't help but gasped. It seemed that the boyfriend his sister had found was quite ambitious. He looked at Zhang Yanan who was talking to Han Xiaoyan on the side, and said to Li Jun: I don't know you very well, but since you say that, it proves that you are somewhat sure. Don't worry, look at Yanan For your sake, I will support you.

Until then, Zhang Yanan turned to look at Li Jun, his eyes full of tenderness and appreciation. When talking to Han Xiaoyan just now, half of her energy was actually focused on Li Jun. He listened to everything that her brother and Li Jun said, and took her eyes away from Li Jun. He casually glanced at his elder brother, and said in a low voice, That's more or less the same.

Han Xiaoyan looked at the two empty seats, stood up and said, Why haven't Liu Fei and Hao Nana come back after going out for so long, I'll go and have a look.

As soon as the words were finished, the door of the room was pushed open. Liu Fei stumbled in and said in a hissed voice, Li Jun, hurry up and save Sister Nana.

Li Jun stood up and asked in a deep voice: Run slowly, can you explain clearly what's going on?

Liu Fei gasped and said, Sister Nana and I went to the bathroom just now. When we came out, we met two men at the door of the bathroom. One of them was known by Sister Nana. That man invited me and Sister Nana Sister Nana didn't want to go to their room at first, but in the end she couldn't stand the persuasion of that person and followed. Who knew that after arriving in their room, those people kept urging Sister Nana to drink, Sister Nana If I didn’t want to drink, those people started to say obscene words, Sister Nana and I were so scared, we wanted to run back to find you, but Sister Nana didn’t run away and was blocked in the room.”

Li Jun and Zhang Yabei couldn't help being furious when they heard the words, shouted loudly, and ran out at the same time. Zhang Yadong and the others quickly ran out after him.

Li Jun and Zhang Yabei ran to the room Liu Fei mentioned, opened the door and saw that there were quite a few people in the room, a young man in a white suit forced Hao Nana to the corner of the room, holding a wine glass in one hand , the other hand kept touching Hao Nana's body: Hao Nana, you really don't give face, do you?

The rest of the people in the room also booed: Hmph, you don't even give Mr. Sima any face. This chick is pretty good. I'll take her round a few minutes later. Let's see if she's still arrogant?

Seeing this scene, Li Jun and Zhang Yabei couldn't help being furious. Zhang Yabei yelled, flew up, and kicked one of them with both feet. Li Jun came first and punched the other person in the back. But after hearing two sounds of Woo, ah, the two young people who helped him spurted blood and fell to the ground.

Li Jun leaped over the table in the middle like flying, and kicked the young man in white. The young man in white sneered, turned the wine glass in his hand, and a wine arrow shot straight at Li Jun's eyes, followed by turning his body, and he also smashed the wine glass in his hand to Li Jun's chest as a hidden weapon.

There was a gloomy sneer on the young man's face, Li Jun was in mid-air, and his figure couldn't dodge at all. Before he thought about it, his wine arrow and wine glass divided the attacking person up and down, even if this person didn't die, he would lose half his life.

Who knew that Li Jun twisted and twirled in mid-air, his body stretched straight like a javelin, avoiding the wine arrows and wine cups, and the toes of his feet pressed straight for the young man's throat.

The young man was trying to escape there before he had time, seeing that Li Jun's toes were about to touch his throat, Zhang Yadong suddenly heard Zhang Yadong yelling from behind: Li Jun stop.

Li Junxin said that this should be a stop, how can it be called a stop, there is really no distinction between bottom and bottom. While thinking about it, his feet were slightly separated, and the toes of the two toes were nailed to the wall behind him by rubbing against the neck of the young man in white.

Li Jun shouted angrily, and cut his feet together. With the rotation of his body, he had already pinched the man's neck and threw him to the ground.

Damn, you dare to hit me? Do you know who I am? The young man in white stood up with his hands on his neck, saw Li Jun standing in front of him with a sneer, cursed, and kicked Li Jun. Army crotch.

This kid's moves were all insidious from the very beginning, and his moves were life-threatening. Li Jun knew from the moment when he waved his hand and threw the wine and arrows that this young man in white was not weak in martial arts. This meant that he had met Li Jun. If it was Zhang Yabei, he might have been injured by his hands.

Seeing his vicious kick, Li Jun snorted coldly, raised his left arm to support his calf, followed his body, and punched down his thigh with his right fist.

Zhang Yadong shouted loudly: No...

Hearing the scream of the young man in white, Li Jun punched him in the stomach, let go of his hand, looked at Zhang Yadong and asked, Why do you keep him with such rubbish? But Zhang Yadong took out his mobile phone and dialed After the number, he said a word and hung up the phone, and then said to Li Jun: You don't understand, this person is my friend's cousin, and I have to save some face for my friend.

But the young man in white screamed and cursed: Zhang Yadong, don't speak so damn nicely. You are obviously afraid of my cousin. Just wait. My brother will settle accounts with you when he comes.

Zhang Yabei walked up to him, stretched out his hand and slapped his face: Sun Bin, if you dare to talk nonsense, believe it or not, I will cripple you?

The young man in white looked at Zhang Yabei, his face was full of disdain, Li Jun took a step forward with a livid face, and Sun Bin immediately lowered his head and said nothing.

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