The Evil God is Invincible

Chapter Four Hundred and Seventeen

When the crowd was raging and crowded, they suddenly felt the ground under their feet tremble violently, and soon calmed down. But the Ministry of Defense building not far away could no longer be seen, only the smoke and dust flying in the sky. Immediately afterwards, more than a dozen fighter jets that were hovering above their heads suddenly dragged long flames and smoke, and flew into the distance. Before they disappeared from sight, two of them flew into the air When it exploded, the scene was really as gorgeous as fireworks.

In fact, there was so much commotion here, people on the street already knew that something was going to happen somewhere. Now that the Ministry of Defense building has collapsed, and the planes in the sky are already escaping in flames, there is no need to do ideological work, and the evacuation is not difficult at all. Before Aikden could let the troops behind him go up to drive away the crowd, more than half of the people who stood in front of him had already disappeared without a trace.

Just as Li Jun smashed more than a dozen fighter jets away, there was a sound of motors above Li Jun's head, and a helicopter flew over again. In the evening twilight, bright searchlights hit Li Jun. Judging from the logo sprayed on the belly of the helicopter, this is an aircraft belonging to the US military.

A row of police cars with flashing lights appeared in the distance, approaching Li Jun. Behind the police car, rumbling armored vehicles also drove over.

A high-pitched voice sounded from the tweeter on the helicopter: Put down your're surrounded...God! I dreaming? Oh...God, you fucking hurry up Get out of the way...he actually hit us with a rock...

Li Jun didn't wait for him to finish shouting, and threw a small stone of five or six kilograms, smashed from the belly of the helicopter into the cockpit of the plane, passed through the pilot's buttocks, and pierced a big hole in the top cover of the plane. Like a spinning top that has lost power, the helicopter wobbled forward for five or six hundred meters, and then it landed on a building, setting off a huge flame.

Li Junli ignored it, and flew into the convoy of police cars with flashing police lights. He stretched out his arms and actually lifted a car weighing several tons. With his hands raised, the police car had already smashed into another car. With the bang of the explosion, the huge air wave pushed several nearby police cars out sideways.

Li Jun poured his inner strength into his arms and concocted according to the law. Within two minutes, four or five police cars caught fire and exploded, and the rest of the police cars had already started to retreat in panic. But behind them, the rumbling armored vehicles had already started to adjust their artillery, and they were about to shoot at Li Jun. The roads were all tightly blocked, so where was there any retreat for them?

Although Li Jun had tested that pistol bullets could not hurt him, he was not sure that he could stop the artillery of the armored vehicle. Seeing that those iron bumps were about to aim at him, he swiped his arm on the ground, picked up a few small stones the size of a fist, and threw them at the muzzle of the armored vehicle with all his strength.

Finally, the muzzle of an armored vehicle had adjusted its firing angle. As soon as the gunner pressed the button, there was a loud bang, and the armored vehicle had been exploded into a pile of scrap metal by the shells he fired.

Seeing that his method worked, Li Jun couldn't help laughing up to the sky, and threw the stones in his hand continuously. Following that armored vehicle, seven or eight armored vehicles blew themselves into powder.

Prime Minister Murayama, this is the powerful U.S. military you rely on? Don't let them embarrass themselves here... As his loud voice was transmitted far away, Aikden, who had just stepped out of the car, was already flushed with anger. It's a shame, it's really a shame. My own troops have lost an aircraft, eight or nine armored vehicles as soon as they arrived. Is this still the invincible army of the world's number one military power?

I ordered the fighter group to aim at the target, and use missiles to blow that person into powder... Following his words, the orderly immediately sent out Commander Aikden's words in the command vehicle. Twelve U.S. fighter jets that had been circling in the sky for a long time had already locked their targets on the Ministry of Defense building from a hundred miles away. Two balls of flames and twenty-four missiles roared towards the place where Li Jun was standing.

The U.S. army of the dog day! Li Jun cursed loudly, and the second before the missile was about to land on the top of his head, his figure disappeared in place in a flash.

Boom!!! A loud noise came from Akden's command vehicle. Akden turned around and asked in surprise, What happened? The orderly standing in front of the radio said in panic, One of our planes is missing, and we can't find it on the radar display...

Boom!!! Another loud bang came from the microphone, and this time it was clearly shown on the monitor that a fighter jet caught fire and exploded, and the flames shot into the sky.

A body as big as a car was blown to a distance of more than ten meters near the command vehicle, scaring everyone to the ground. Aikden's guards overwhelmed Aikden, and after a while, the guard raised his head and hissed, Terrorist attack, definitely a terrorist attack...Your Excellency, I can't believe it This is what humans do...

Report to the President, report to the Pentagon! I'm going to use nuclear weapons...

Commander Akden, do you think it is appropriate to use nuclear weapons on the territory of Japan? Prime Minister Murayama, who was lying beside him, pouted his butt and turned his head to ask.

You have to know that the use of nuclear weapons is against the Charter of the United Nations. Besides, even if Washington agrees, we will oppose it. In that case, the people of our country will die. Prime Minister Murayama said, While carefully observing the surrounding movement: Commander Akden, where is your plane? It won't be completely killed by that person, right? Do you think you will be able to kill him even if you use nuclear weapons? What if If you can’t kill him, if you anger him and go to the United States, this responsibility can only be borne by you.”

Hmph, do you think our United States belongs to your Japanese Kobe? If he... Before he finished speaking, there was another urgent call from the command vehicle: Call Commander Aikden, please answer... ...Please answer when you hear it... We were attacked by unknown personnel. All the aircraft on the aircraft carrier were kicked into the sea, and the gun barrels of the frigate were also broken. There are no casualties yet, but our fleet suffered heavy losses...

Aikeden took the microphone and cursed angrily: Damn it, you are all idiots... What kind of monster is this? In such a short time, he ran from Tokyo to the Yokosuka Naval Port ? And kicked all the planes on the aircraft carrier into the sea? The frigate's gun barrel was also twisted? Is this fucking human?

After scolding, Aikden remembered, if Prime Minister Murayama hadn't asked the US military for support, how could that monster have troubled the US military? Fuck this is all bad idea of ​​the old devil Murayama, now this guy pretends to be a good guy and reminds himself not to provoke that guy? It's not me that's pissing him off now, it's him that's pissing me off. My fleet is finished. If I don't say this, what status will the US military have in the world in the future?

Thinking of this, Ekden stood up regardless of the danger, grabbed Prime Minister Murayama by the collar and lifted him up: Murayama, did you hear that just now? He destroyed my fleet, and you still insist on not using nuclear weapons ?

Yes, Your Excellency Akden, especially in this case, I am even more advocating not to use nuclear weapons. Prime Minister Murayama was held in his hand by Akden, who was a head taller than him, but said without changing his face: You You can think about it, now he is only making trouble on the land of Japan. If you use nuclear weapons, as long as you can’t kill him, you have to prepare him to go to the land of the United States to wreak havoc. Is that the consequence you want to see? ? When Washington and the Pentagon hear about it, how do you answer it?

Then what do you say? Akdon asked unwillingly.

Our two countries jointly issued a statement saying that in accordance with the Perstan agreement, the Ryukyu Islands will be handed over to China. Doesn't that guy want the Ryukyu Islands? Whether China should give it to him or not is not our business. Prime Minister Murayama Then, with a sinister smile: What do you think of my idea?

Akden thought for a while before he finally understood: Well, it's interesting, I think it's a good way to do it.

Haha, then the work in Washington needs to be done by your Excellency. Prime Minister Murayama looked at Aikden and said. Aikeden was as disgusting as if he had eaten a fly. He gestured at the head of the village angrily, put his thumb up and turned it down suddenly, without saying a word, got in the car and left.

Prime Minister Murayama watched his car disappear in the distance, and then smiled secretly: Please forgive me Akden, it's not that I intend to use you, if I don't get the support of the United States, if I announce the return of Ryukyu Island to Huaxia Kingdom will not only be opposed by the people in the country, but also have to deal with pressure from your country. My shoulders cannot bear such a big responsibility.

Thinking of this, he turned back to the Minister of Defense and said, Notify the troops, all of them should go back to the camp and stand by, and all the police will go out to patrol the streets, so that the people don't go out at home. Now, follow me to the TV station.

Master Prime Minister, why don't we go back to the parliament building for a meeting to study it? You do this... The Minister of Defense kindly reminded Prime Minister Murayama.

If you let those idiots hold a meeting to discuss it, there will be no results until next month. If they have seen what happened here, they will not come out to object again.

While talking, Prime Minister Murayama shook his head and said: Do you think I am willing to do this? I don't know what you think in your heart? But you can see that he is simply a freak, and he cannot be controlled by humans. , this is not our sin, this is God's punishment for the Great Japanese Empire, whether we want to admit it or not, after all, fifty years ago, we committed an unforgivable crime in China...

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