The Evil God is Invincible

Chapter 369 Unfortunate Family

Not long after Li Jun got up, the door of the room was pushed open. A thirteen or fourteen-year-old girl came in. Her name was Xiaorui. She was a pretty girl, very thin, but very lively. The pressure of life didn't seem to have any effect on him.

Xiaorui's mouth is very sweet, and she calls her uncle as soon as she enters the door: Uncle, are so mother has already prepared breakfast, let me ask you to go out to eat. Uncle, what's your name?

Although the little girl is not very old, she is already about 1.6 meters tall. She is wearing a white t-shirt with an open collar and lace on her upper body, and her lower body is wearing bright red trousers. She looks like an older child Used clothes.

She was wearing a pair of blue plastic slippers with bare feet, and her white and tender feet were raised up and down as she walked. The ten toes with red nails looked like plum blossoms that had just bloomed, and her small appearance was extremely handsome. up.

I don't know if it's because the children are developing earlier or what's the matter. Xiaorui's small breasts have been obviously raised, and her mother's face is almost exactly the same as her mother's. Behind the slender neck, it swayed like a wave as it walked.

Having such a child should be a kind of pride for parents. Parents who have such a child should regard such a child as their own treasure, take good care of her, and prevent her from being wronged in the slightest.

But, can the parents outside do it?

Li Jun shook his head and sat up from the bed: Okay, uncle is going to have dinner with you. Uncle's name is Li Jun, you can call me Uncle Li...

The child didn't feel anything, but he left the small room and went to the larger room outside. The husband and wife sitting at the small dining table couldn't help being stunned when they saw Li Jun coming out.

When I saw Li Jun for the first time last night, I just felt that this young man was tall and handsome under the dim light.

The second time I actually saw Li Jun was after walking into the house. How could the husband and wife be in the mood to see what the young people around them looked like?

Now that the couple saw Li Jun again, they realized that this young man was not only tall and handsome, but also extremely cool. Not only is he super cool, but he intuitively has an indescribable aura about him, a feeling that makes people dare not look directly at him.

Big brother, are you up? Hurry up... Hurry up and sit down and eat. The man was about thirty-four or fifteen years old, and he was not bad looking, not handsome but definitely not sloppy. But there was obvious sadness on his face, and he looked as if he had aged several years.

The woman squatted on the ground and poured porridge out of a small pot. There were a few chapters of scallion pancakes on the dining table, which looked like the kind she made at home.

Why don't you go out to do business? Aren't there more people riding in cars during the day? Li Jun seemed to have forgotten what happened last night, sitting at the dining table, picking up a piece of pancake and chewing it in his mouth.

I... I have a black car, so I can only rent it secretly at night. Besides, yesterday... Guo Tao explained with a blushing face, then lowered his head and started eating.

The black car, obviously it is a white van? Li Jun looked at him a little puzzled, saw that he was eating with his head down and didn't dare to look at himself, and wanted to ask more questions, Xiaorui had already smiled sweetly and handed him a pair of chopsticks: Uncle Li Jun, before our family only had I only fried a dish at noon, and my mother made a scallion egg this morning. Try it, it’s delicious. I love my mother’s fried dishes...

The man sniffled and said nothing. The woman was about to put the rice bowl on the table, when she heard Xiaorui's words, she turned her face away and gently wiped her eyes with the back of her hand.

Thank you, Xiaorui. Uncle also likes eggs with scallions. Come, let's eat together.


Why didn't Xiaorui go to school today? What grade are you in?

The third grade of junior high school, after the summer I will be in the first grade of high school. Uncle, today is Sunday, so I don't have to go to school. Why are you adults always confused every day, just like my mother. Mom, you promised last week, this Take me to buy a walkman on Sunday, other children have walkmans, it is very convenient to use it to learn English, those children speak English much better than me.”

The woman looked at her husband, and the two looked at each other, just lowering their heads to eat.

Mom, it doesn't count if you don't know how to speak. You won't buy it for me this week, right? Our teacher always... Xiaorui pouted her bright red mouth, and her eyes were full of tears. Maybe it was in front of this stranger. In the face of her uncle, she fought back tears not to let her fall out.

Li Jun silently put down his chopsticks, looked at the house and the three people in the family, and suddenly said to Xiaorui in English: finished eating fooduncletoleadyoutobuyisgood? Looking at Li Jun with a shy face, he shook his head embarrassingly: sorry, couldn'ttuncle, whatiunderstandyoutosay? (Sorry Uncle, I don't understand what you are talking about?)

Li Jun smiled: i, with you, buy! (I, with you, buy!)

Xiaorui looked at Li Jun, then at her parents, and shook her head: Mom won't let me ask for other people's things. Li Jun was surprised at this moment. Such a couple would rather give up on themselves in order to make money. The dignity of education, but not sloppy in educating children? This is rare.

Haha, it's okay, I'll tell them. Li Jun turned his face with a smile, and said to the couple who were dumbfounded at the same time: I'll take Xiaorui to buy a walkman after dinner, just treat it as a Uncle has given you a meeting gift, you are not allowed to object.

Guo Tao looked at his wife, the woman turned to look at her husband, and sighed deeply: Don't we still have to move, this...

She meant to say, we are going to move soon, you take my daughter out, where will you find us then? Guo Tao also looked at Li Jun and said, Brother, although we don't know what you do, we feel that you are not an ordinary person when we look at you. To be honest, we are not good people, and we don't deserve your help. This I won’t go into details in front of the children, we’ll move after dinner, you go, your kindness is appreciated by us both.”

It's okay, you move yours, I will take the child out to buy something by myself. You leave me your mobile phone number, and I will call you when the time comes to find you.

I...I didn't... Guo Tao said a little embarrassed. At that time, a mobile phone worth more than 10,000 yuan was definitely a luxury in the eyes of ordinary people. Many people did not have mobile phones, but only a small number of people had mobile phones. There is nothing shameful about not having a mobile phone. The key is that Comrade Guo Tao originally had a mobile phone, but now he doesn't have one. This makes him feel a little embarrassed.

Guo Tao was originally a section-level cadre of the Commercial Bureau, and his wife Yao Min was an accountant of the Spring Breeze Shoes Company in S Province. The couple originally had a good job, and their small life was very prosperous.

However, Guo Tao made a mistake in a business negotiation, which led to the purchase of a batch of counterfeit and inferior electrical appliances by the shopping mall under the Commercial Bureau, causing the Commercial Bureau to lose more than one million yuan.

The bureau leader was furious, and he drove Guo Tao to the end, and asked Guo Tao to work as a handyman in a shopping mall.

Guo Tao couldn't bear this bullshit, resigned angrily, left the Bureau of Commerce and started his own business. Working with the public and working for himself is different. In less than two years, Guo Tao has made a lot of money. With some money in his hand, he has a car and a mobile phone for himself. People greeted them with smiles when they entered the door, and it was a very pleasant day.

But when the day gets better, someone must be thinking about it. At this moment, He Zhanshan came to the door and asked for a partnership to do business with Guo Tao. Guo Tao knew exactly what kind of person He Zhanshan was. He didn't want to agree to it at first, but he was afraid that he would not be able to offend him. Before the two formed a partnership, Guo Tao went to consult a lawyer, and the two signed a contract at the notary office. He Zhanshan invested 500,000 yuan as a stock, accounting for 40% of the company's shares, but he was not allowed to intervene in the company's operation and management, and only distributed dividends at the end of the year.

I thought it would be okay, right? Unexpectedly, after the contract was signed, He Zhanshan would use different methods to withdraw funds from inside and outside the company, thinking of reasons. For a while, some projects were urgently waiting to use the money, and the money would be returned in only two days. He Zhanshan embezzled more than 800,000 yuan from the company in less than a month. Not only did he take out all the 500,000 yuan he invested in, but he also abducted more than 300,000 yuan from Guo Tao.

Once Guo Tao talked about a big business, He Zhanshan promised to get the money out, the contract was signed, and he was anxious to start making payments as soon as the funds were in place, but Guo Tao couldn't find He Zhanshan's person no matter what.

The contract fell through and a liquidated damages was allocated. Guo Tao lost his temper no matter how stubborn he was. No matter who he was, He Zhanshan asked him for money, and if he didn't have money, he would file a lawsuit.

However, the lawsuit went to the court, and it was mediated out of court at first, which lasted for more than three months; if the mediation failed, the trial was held again, and the trial had passed for more than three months, and the matter had not yet turned ugly. Mao Lai. Seeing that the Chinese New Year is about to come, things have to be discussed after the year.

Unexpectedly, after a year later, He Zhanshan sued Guo Tao in the name of Guo Tao's failure to fulfill the contract and pay dividends. I don't know how the court did it. Both of them were originally from Nanshan District, but on the grounds that He Zhanshan's brother is the mayor of Nanshan District, the court came to a different place for trial, and the case was transferred to Shizhong District for trial.

The efficiency and speed of the court this time is simply jaw-dropping. It took ten days from He Zhanshan's lawsuit to the verdict, and the court's verdict came down.

Not only did He Zhanshan not invest any money, but he also abducted Guo Tao's 300,000 yuan. According to the contract, the court still ruled that Guo Tao's company should distribute 400,000 yuan in dividends to He Zhanshan.

Guo Tao naturally refused to obey the judgment, but the court of second instance still upheld the original judgment. The reason was that the money that He Zhanshan took from Guo Tao was a private loan and had nothing to do with the company's shareholding. Since He Zhanshan still has shares, Guo Tao should pay He Zhanshan dividends according to the original agreement.

After the judgment of the second instance, He Zhanshan sued Guo Tao again, requesting withdrawal of capital and dissolution of the partnership. After an evaluation, Guo Tao's company has now been evaluated to a number that is close to the Arabian Nights. Guo Tao's company is worth 8 million. Now Guo Tao's value is that he wants to cry but has no tears. According to the ratio of 40% and the two broke up, Guo Tao should pay He Zhanshan 3.2 million yuan. After deducting the 800,000 that He Zhanshan had already taken away, Guo Tao owed He Zhanshan 2.4 million in half a year. Including the 400,000 yuan in dividends, Guo Tao should pay He Zhanshan 2.8 million yuan in total.

Even if he bought Guo Tao, he still couldn't afford the 2.8 million yuan? Can't afford it? Sorry, the court enforced it immediately and sold Guo Tao's assets, including the house, car, and mobile phone, for a total of 2.3 million yuan, and still owed 500,000 yuan but couldn't get it out.

If you don’t pay back the money owed, then pay it back? He Zhanshan led people to chase and intercept him every day. If he couldn't catch up with Guo Tao, he would chase Guo Tao's wife Yao Min. If he couldn't catch up with Guo Tao's wife, he would go to school to harass Guo Tao's daughter Guo Xiaorui. The family was so frightened that they dared not go out of work and did not dare to go to work, which eventually led to Yao Min being fired from the shoe industry group.

In the end, there was really no other way, so Guo Tao had to choose to move. The whole family has been hiding in Tibet for more than half a year. In the end, he couldn't go on anymore, and Guo Tao walked into the Public Security Bureau. Undoubtedly, He Zhanshan's act of stalking the tiger's mouth ushered in He Zhanshan's even more reluctance. Before he walked out of the gate of the police station, He Zhanshan led his men to beat Guo Tao up.

A family with no money to eat at all, because treating Guo Tao's injuries made things worse. In order to raise enough money, Yao Min gritted his teeth and walked into a newly established Dynasty song and dance hall. At the beginning, she thought she was already thirty years old. In this kind of place, she served tea and poured water. She could earn more than 30 yuan a night. With tips from some generous customers, she could earn more than 30 yuan a month. She can also earn one or two thousand yuan, which is more than what she earned in the shoe factory.

This amount of money may be considered a good income for a normal family, but for a family like Guo Tao, even doubling it is not enough. After curing Guo Tao's injury, her daughter Xiaorui fell ill again. Xiaorui, who was in school, fainted one day. When she took her to the hospital for a visit, the doctor's words were like a bolt from the blue: This child's Sick, if you have money to spend, go and pay a deposit of 20,000 yuan to be hospitalized first.

Doctor, what's wrong with my daughter?

Leukemia, do you know what leukemia is? It's just... Yao Min fell to the ground before listening to what the doctor said.

Although it is often said that blessings never come singly, misfortunes never come singly, but the hardships and tribulations that God imposed on this family were a little too much.

In order to save her daughter's life, Yao Min took a difficult step without any difficulty. When she got the first sum of money, the husband and wife hugged each other in the room and cried all night.

However, no matter how hard life is, you have to live on. Only by surviving can there be hope.

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