The Evil God is Invincible

Chapter 352 Playing with me alone

Well, now, I finally know who betrayed my secret. So it was you, Maria, and the others who leaked it to Millie? Don't cry and beg me when there is danger again. Li Jun said, Turning his head away, he ignored the triumphant Siliya.

Hmph, stingy man. Siliya sat inside and closed her eyes gently. It will take three hours for the plane to reach Bermuda. I'll squint for a while. I'm exhausted these two days.

In the blue embrace of the Atlantic Ocean, there is a small island with beautiful scenery. It was discovered by the Spanish navigator Juan de Bermudas in 1515 and named Bermuda Islands.

Bermuda is a British colony with an autonomous government; the Governor represents the Queen of England and is in charge of foreign affairs, defense and internal security through the Governor's Committee; the Prime Minister is appointed by the leader of the majority party in the Parliament and appointed by the Governor; other ministers are appointed by the Prime Minister; the cabinet is responsible to the Parliament.

There is a naval base on the island with 3,214 British soldiers stationed there. After the plane landed at the Bermuda airport, officers who had received the news were waiting at the airport. Two large trucks carrying Silia, Li Jun and 20 elites from the Military Intelligence Bureau drove back to the base from the airport like lightning. A luxurious medium-sized cruise ship with hidden motorboats has been quietly waiting for the arrival of Li Jun and others at the pier.

After negotiating the necessary matters with the local garrison, Li Jun and Siliya put on the casual clothes they had prepared long ago, and boarded the yacht pretending to be a couple of tourists on vacation.

Bermuda has a mild climate and is like spring all year round. The island is evergreen and white gulls fly. However, it is like a beautiful poppy flower, but there is a terrible nightmare hidden under the beautiful appearance. Here is the terrible black hole of civilization on the earth. Ships and planes sailing from here often disappear inexplicably, and there is not even a clue afterwards. Because not even a tiny bit of wreckage from ships and planes could be found.

Bermuda has brought many disasters to mankind, and the disaster itself has a mysterious color. Around Bermuda, many scientists in the world are not afraid of hardships and overcome all difficulties, and have carried out a large number of investigations and field investigations. But until now, the magical Bermuda is still an unknown mystery in the eyes of mankind.

However, none of these can resist the beauty of Bermuda. The waters of Bermuda are clear, blue, vast and deep. ### Tempting with the right climate. Li Jun was wearing a red sun hat, black glasses, a blue T-shirt, and brown baggy shorts. She was barefoot in a pair of loose slippers.

Siliya is also wearing a red sun hat, black glasses, and a white towel with a blue bikini inside. She is lying on the front deck of the yacht, with her slender white thighs bent and her slender feet curled up , Facing the humid sea breeze, her curvaceous figure makes people dare not look directly at her.

Seeing her alluring appearance, Li Jun curled his lips and cursed secretly: Fairy, it would be better if there were aliens or some mysterious creature who took this girl captive to be Mrs. Yazhai. .”

Hmph, don't think you're the only one with superpowers. What are you thinking? Look at me like that again. When I get back, I'll tell Sister Millie about how you saw me wearing a bikini. Li Jun, according to you Orientals I should be your brother-in-law and daughter-in-law, right?...

Li Jun turned his head in fright.

Princess Winnes didn't feel the case being lifted onto the plane at all, and the little princess of the British royal family didn't wake up once during the flight.

When she finally woke up, what came into view was the grinning face of her captor, and Winnis could clearly see the sinister look in his eyes.

Oh! I've been waiting for this moment for a long time. Dr. Yohman looked at her and said with a smile.

Princess Winnes tried to avoid his approach, but she couldn't move. She knew she was bound by some kind of metal instrument. She was lying on a chair supported by two gold hoops. Her hands were handcuffed. She was shackled by iron shackles on the crossbar, her legs were widely separated, and two belts went around the iron rings to wrap tightly around her knees. This little blonde girl clearly saw how embarrassing she looked, and the tongs The mouthball was still firmly in her mouth.

Hmm... When Princess Winnis knew that her buttocks were naked, she couldn't help sobbing again.

Dr. Yohman held a camera in his hand. He looked at this naked beauty and couldn't help pressing the shutter again and again. Her breasts are so perfect, big and round, her firm and white buttocks are even more surprising, and her slender feet, ten petals dyed with red cardamom are delicately displayed in Dr. Yohman In front of her eyes, it was so exciting.

Looking at this moving and wonderful body, Dr. Yohman couldn't help stretching out his hand. Ah... When her soft body was being played with like a toy, she yelled, she struggled hard, but her body was firmly fixed on the iron frame, she couldn't move an inch, she couldn't do anything.

Oh! My dear little slave! He laughed and raised the camera again: Cry, cry as much as you want, your grandmother and queen will be able to see your wonderful photos tomorrow night, you still have a lot You are my talisman, and I will not let you suffer a little bit. Yohaman laughed triumphantly.

She could only stare at him when his fingers were hard on ###her peaks, which was humiliating, but worse, these skilled hands pumped bursts of unexpected pleasure into her In her body, no man has ever touched her body like this. She is still a virgin, and she is still ignorant of this wonderful feeling.

Well... When his hand was rubbing hard on her soft body, she couldn't help ###, and Princess Winnis shouted in her heart: This can't happen, I'm Princess Winnis, I don't May be the bastard's plaything,

I can never get pleasure from these.

But she screamed in terror as his wet, hot mouth wrapped around her fullness.

He took her sharp mouth full, and bit it lightly with his teeth from time to time, Princess Winnis looked full of pain. Dr. Yohman's warm and delicate fingers caressed her sensitive plumpness, enjoying the touch from her delicate skin.

She could only shake her head as Yohaman sucked the sharp, tender ### and caress of the bound little princess

And let out a sobbing sound, the protrusion on her plump body was hard as a pebble under the stimulation, sending bursts of pleasure into her young body


No, let me bastard... Winnis murmured in a low voice, her mouth was sealed by the ball of jaws, and her voice made it impossible to understand what she was trying to express.

No... Princess Winnis could only shake her head under his molestation and let out a vague and angry cry. Dr. Yohmann stopped kissing and had already started to undress himself.

Okay, the foreplay is over, it's time for you to change from a girl to a woman. Looking at the terrified Winnis, the old guy Yoharman said with a laugh.

He... no... woo... Princess Winnis shook her head violently while sobbing and twisting her body in protest.

Okay, I want to hear your request! That would be interesting, don't worry, I will treat you very gently. He smiled and untied her jaw ball.

No! Bastard, stop! I am Princess Winnis, not a tool for you to play with. She cried and cursed: My father will definitely find me and come to save me. And you will regret it, and you will pay the price Yes, justice will prevail, you villain!

Haha, very good, I'll wait! My little beauty! I really want to see if your so-called justice can save you now?

While speaking, Yohaman had already taken off his shorts. Princess Winnes watched him take off his trousers, revealing a long and thick thing. Seeing such a huge ugliness, she gasped in shock. Princess Winnes twisted her body crazily, trying to tear off the bundled body. bondage on oneself. No! No! You stop, it's too big and it's going to tear me in two.

Yohaman laughed loudly: You are the omnipotent Princess Winnes, you can accept it. You will know how wonderful it is after a while, and I'm afraid you will take the initiative to ask for it when the time comes, and you will always ask for it in the future. Let me give it to you.

Dr. Yohman carefully adjusted Winnis's body as if he was researching an exquisite and wonderful work. He carefully moved the distance between her thighs, and then he went around the iron ring and tightly wrapped the two legs around her knees. A belt firmly fixed Winnis' snow-white legs.

Dr. Yohman watched happily and enthusiastically the helpless little royal princess who was still struggling. He straightened his waist and slowly approached Winnis.

Princess Winnis felt that the old guy Yohamman would not let her go no matter what, she yelled and spat at the old Yohamman who was close at hand, her jaws were hard, and she was about to bite herself off tongue.

She would rather bite her tongue and kill herself than bear this kind of humiliation. Even if he died, he couldn't let the dignity of the royal family be swept away.

Hmph, you are very staunch? In my place, even if you want to die, you have to get my consent... Dr. Yohman squeezed Winnis's lips, and casually took a green The pill was stuffed into Winnis's mouth: Don't blame me, I originally wanted you to experience the beauty and ecstasy of the process from a girl to a woman, but unfortunately, after swallowing this pill, you will become It's crazy, and you can't enjoy that kind of wonderful taste.'s not good, master... At this moment, two naked young women ran in, shouting anxiously at Dr. Yohman.

Dr. Yohman turned around and stared angrily: What happened, you dare to come in and disturb me? The two women pointed to the outside of the room and shouted anxiously: There is a luxurious cruise ship that broke down. We left our pier, and when our people found out, we found that there was no one on the cruise ship...

Oh, is there such a thing? Dr. Yohman turned around and pressed a button not far from him. On the big screen in front of him, a full-scale electronic monitoring picture of the island suddenly appeared.

Back to an hour ago, Li Jun and Siliya's cruise ship was sailing peacefully on the blue sea. Li Jun sat behind and closed his eyes to rest, but Siliya suddenly came back to his senses and shouted: Hey, Li Jun, have you found that island yet?

Ah... didn't you explain the navigation chart clearly just now? Otherwise, where is this ship going?

You are so stupid. This is the automatic cruise mode I turned on. There is no one else on this boat except the two of us.

Then, what did the twenty or so people you brought do for food? Where did they go? Li Jun asked in surprise.

They are just the second echelon to support the two of us. They will only follow us far away. If we succeed, they will pick us up. If we fail, I'm sorry, they will forgive us. The way back... Siliya said seriously with wide eyes.

Damn it, what is it if it's not murder? Is this how your military intelligence bureau works? Li Jun asked angrily.

Siliya shook her shoulders: Those people are all elites who have been trained by the country at a high price, so of course they wouldn't make unnecessary sacrifices for nothing? In fact, the success or failure of this mission depends entirely on you. If you want me to accompany you to die, of course I will be obliged. After all, the hostage to be rescued is our honorable little royal princess.

Now, Li Jun was really angry: What are you talking about, you don't come to the island with me?

I'm not sure I can handle that kind of poisonous bug. Of course I won't go. As I said, if you ask me to go, I will be obliged to accompany you there.

Bastard, after all, I'm playing tricks on me alone. Then why did you leave? Li Jun looked at Siliya's bright smiling face angrily, with indescribable disgust.

Hey, I just said that according to your relationship, I'm your brother-in-law and daughter-in-law... Siliya smiled sweetly at Li Jun, and blinked her big charming eyes charmingly. Before she could finish speaking, Li Jun yelled: Fucking brother-in-law and daughter-in-law, if you want to get out, hurry up, otherwise I will throw you into the sea.

So you have found that island? Silia asked in surprise. Does this man really have such magical power? In her heart, even though she was using Li Jun to do things for herself, she still didn't want to admit that there really were some shitty superpowers in the world.

Hmph, isn't it easy? That Dr. Yohamman thought he was doing it perfectly, but now I can't see what's going on, so it means something is weird. What's so strange about it? Li Jun said lightly. After saying a word, he had already started to get out of the cab.

Damn, fortunately I have also experienced spy training, and fortunately I also drove a ship and plane during the training...

Asking for flowers and tickets...

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