The Evil God is Invincible

Chapter 25 Akari’s Mother-in-Law

Seeing the backs of her father and Li Jun walking towards the study, Liu Fei couldn't help saying in a sweet voice, Every day is full of mystery, I don't know what the hell is going on.

Seeing her daughter's resentful and charming appearance, Liu Fei's mother couldn't help but smile, and then said, If you can play tricks in front of your father, that's a talent. As she spoke, she pulled her daughter over and said in a low voice. She said in her ear: The current social atmosphere has changed. My mother is not an old feudalist. With Li Jun by my side to take care of you, we will be relieved when you go to college, but you are still young after all, so don't act like that. What's going on.

Liu Fei blushed when she heard the words, she plunged her head into her mother's arms shyly, her body twisted like a twist, and she said coquettishly: Mom, my daughter is ignoring you, what are you talking about?

Liu Fei's mother tapped Liu Fei's forehead with her hand, and said bitterly: Hmph, you think mom can't see it, or I would have kicked that kid out a long time ago. Daughter couldn't help sighing, and then said: Since you are already like that, there is no use for Mom to blame you, but what Mom said just now is for your own good, you must remember.

Seeing Liu Fei nodding silently in her arms, Liu Fei's mother patted her on the shoulder affectionately, and whispered something into Liu Fei's ear, but seeing Liu Fei's face getting more and more embarrassing, her mother didn't say anything yet. After that, he got up and ran back to his room.

Liu Fei's mother shook her head involuntarily, looked at Liu Fei's running back, and said to herself, What a silly girl. Then she got up and went to the kitchen to cook.

Hearing her father and Li Jun coming out of the study laughing, Liu Fei came out blushing, and saw that her father and Li Jun seemed to be chatting very speculatively. Sitting down on the sofa next to Li Jun, he stretched out his hand and secretly twisted Li Jun's thigh fiercely, and asked in a low voice, Quickly, what are you two talking about?

Li Jun yelled exaggeratedly, and said with a chuckle: You should not ask about topics between men. My mother couldn't help smiling when she heard the laughter.

Not long after dinner amid joyful laughter, Li Jun bid farewell and left.

When Li Jun went out, Liu Jianguo smiled and took the high-end cigarettes that Li Jun gave him, and opened them and said, How about trying my son-in-law's filial piety cigarettes? To be honest, I have never smoked such good cigarettes.

Liu Fei's mother rolled her eyes at her husband, feigned anger and said, A few good cigarettes are enough to coax you to give away your daughter?

Father Liu said with a smile: You are not the same. You were angry with a straight face, but you laughed when you saw the gift? You have brought out the highest level of food tonight. I haven't had it for several years. Looking at the shy Liu Fei with a smile, he said, Li Jun is really not easy, you have to catch him. He laughed and said to his wife, Su Wan, come here, I have something to do. Discuss with you. Said that he walked into the study first.

From today, Comrade Liu Jianguo, the deputy county magistrate in charge of the economy, has become a capable person and a political star in the county.

In a word, Lao Liu said that the color TVs, refrigerators, washing machines, and video recorders of the main leaders of several counties have been replaced with the latest and most fashionable styles. Farmers have a bumper harvest, which makes people happy and sad. Products that cannot be sold cannot be sold, and the price of sold products is too low. At the order of the secretary and the county magistrate, Lao Liu went to battle in person, and trucks and boats of native products were shipped out, and they were exchanged for a lot of colorful notes.

In one year, the pier in the north of the city has doubled in size and is still expanding. People in the old county suddenly realized that when walking on the street, the flow of people seemed to be thicker, and there were more cars of all kinds. The originally wide streets seemed to have become much narrower.

In the second year, several high-rise buildings were built in the bustling area of ​​the county town. After they were built, people knew that some rich people opened something called a supermarket or a big hotel. Only after I went in did I realize that the supermarket just doesn’t need to call the salesperson across the counter for a long time to give you what you want without answering. Get what you want when you go in, and don’t forget to give the money when you go out. Of course, you forget that even if you give money, you can't take away other people's things.

Speaking of big hotels, it’s nothing more than a combination of restaurants and hotels for eating and sleeping? However, the business of the family is booming like this, and it is no longer comparable to small restaurants and hotels.

In the third year, Comrade Liu Jianguo, who had already been promoted to the county magistrate, made great contributions to the economy, and happened to catch up with the experienced old man who was blowing the land of China in spring, so he was not very old, just forty-five or six-year-old County magistrate Yan directly became mayor again.

People in the county still remember it many years later, and talk about it with fondness. When County Mayor Liu left, it was an empty alley. Everyone gathered at the intersection leading to the city, weeping and blocking, holding hands and crying, unwilling to let the people who brought people happiness and prosperity The good magistrate leaves.

The common people will never forget that under his leadership, the people of the county have lived a prosperous life, and the small merchants will never forget that under his leadership, there are not only no gangsters extorting protection fees, but many small traders are still short-lived. In just three years, he became a big boss. Teachers and government officials will not forget that under his leadership, wages owed for several years have not only been repaid in full, but they have also been raised several grades in a row in the past few years.

As for those officials who have been promoted to take up major or important positions in other counties, they have already rushed to the city, thinking that the tricks they learned from the old leaders have long been exhausted. Competition is now under the leadership of the old leader. Is it not his responsibility for which county to develop poorly? It sounds grand to ask for advice, but I have to learn a few tricks quickly.

Of course, these are the results of the conversation between Li Jun and Liu Jianguo alone in the study, but how many people know all of this, and the mastermind behind the scenes is actually the precious son-in-law of the county magistrate? This is something I won't talk about any more.

At noon on the third day, Li Jun came to have dinner again, and what his uncle and aunt called was affectionate, which really caused Liu Fei to roll her eyes several times. After dinner, Liu Fei helped her mother clean up the dishes, and Liu Jianguo called Li Jun into the study.

After the two of them sat down, Liu Jianguo pondered for a while, and then said: The commercial building has been poorly managed, and now it has suffered serious losses. It is said that it is a good thing for the county if you want to buy it, but you have to take over all the employees, and there are still some problems that are not very serious. Big, I can help you to solve the problem. But what I’m worried about is that you and Mayfair will go to the capital to go to school, and there is no one to manage it. If such a big place loses money, you will get a lot of money, right?”

Li Jun hastily said that as long as it can be taken down, management is not a problem, and everything that should be considered has been considered.

Hearing Li Jun say that there is no problem, Liu Jianguo nodded in agreement, then looked at Li Jun and said with a smile: I have already let it out, saying that your aunt's relatives have channels to buy high-end household appliances at internal prices. You didn't come. I contacted your aunt and wanted to buy several. Today, Secretary Wang's family members also expressed their desire to buy. Has your product arrived? You can't let uncle sit on the wax, these people can't afford to offend of.

Li Jun said with a smile: Uncle Liu, don't worry, everything is on the pier, and you can get someone to pull it when you want it. Originally, I said it was free. If you think it's not good, then take it appropriately. The money is a symbolic expression, you can figure out how much you charge, and it will be regarded as my filial piety to you.

Liu Jianguo couldn't help laughing, Your boy is good at talking, and I only have one daughter, Liu Fei. Mine belongs to Liu Fei, and it will all be yours in the future? Li Jun felt embarrassed after saying a word.

There is another question, I think you should think about it. Originally, the county found a manufacturer in the south, and now you are building a paper mill in Wanfu Town, your hometown, but for some reason, the businessman came to me yesterday and said that in our county It’s not suitable to build a factory, so I don’t want to do anything. I advised him to think about it. How could he not find anyone today. It is said that the land is just north of your village, and most of the land has been leveled out now. It’s a waste What a pity, are you considering investing in some project? Liu Jianguo said, his eyes fixed on Li Jun, and there seemed to be something hidden in his eyes.

Li Jun immediately understood that it was Mayor Niu who had already told his old father-in-law about everything. The businessman was the one who let Tian Hai scare people away, and he knew the inside things best.

Li Jun scratched his head: I still have some funds here, but I don't have any idea about what project to do. How about, Uncle Liu, can you give me an idea?

Liu Jianguo secretly cursed for being cunning, but after thinking about it, he couldn't help but feel relieved for Li Jun's cunning. This kid has considered everything comprehensively.

Well, let's move your rice processing factory to that place, so that we can replace the established land to do something else. That land has more than 400 mu, and a rice processing factory can't use it. This time we go to During the inspection in the south, I brought back a set of information about the oil extraction plant, and I will show it to you later. If it is suitable, build another oil extraction plant there. Anyway, the surrounding towns and towns around your place are still rich in soybeans and peanuts, and the raw materials are also sufficient. very.

After the two of them finished talking, Liu Jianguo went out to work with his bag, and Ms. Su Wan packed up the house and went out on the pretext of having something to do. Li Jun watched the two walk out of the gate, opened his arms towards Liu Fei with a playful smile, and said, Honey, your husband's first step was successful, and I want to share the joy with you.

Liu Fei blushed, looked outside, and muttered softly: Big villain, share your size. Li Jun hugged her delicate body, stretched out his mouth to kiss her fiery little mouth , and touched her chest with one hand. With a groan, Liu Fei suddenly became ### weak and weak.

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