The Evil God is Invincible

Chapter 341 Bitch, do you know who I am?

Siliya pushed open the door, and inside there were five or six men with filthy looks, different shapes, and sloppy clothes sitting around in the smoky hall, swearing loudly and drinking cheap spirits. Seeing the glamorous and heroic Siliya suddenly appear at the door, all the guys jumped up in panic!

Female, female hero... the tallest of these people, with a bushy beard and a scar on his cheek, stammered. He is that Antonio.

We, we haven't done anything bad recently! No, no robbing, no, no selling white powder, just, just... The tall Antonio was full of panic in front of the tall and fit Silia. And nervous, almost unable to speak. While speaking in a panic, he cast his sly eyes on the side door on the side of the hall.

Seeing Antonio's appearance, Silia knew that this guy wanted to slip away. Her slender figure flashed and she came in front of Antonio.

Antonio, why are you so panicked since you didn't do anything bad?! Silia said deliberately and coldly.

Woman... Antonio's legs softened immediately, and he knelt down in front of Silia.

Hmph, dog! You must have done something bad! Seeing Antonio's face sweating and his eyes rolling around, Silia understood everything in her heart. But the purpose of her coming here is not to deal with these little hooligans.

Antonio, don't panic! I have a small matter to ask for your help today!

What's the matter with the heroine? Just order! Antonio let out a sigh of relief, stood up quickly and said, patting his chest. I have a prisoner in the car outside the door, who will bring her in for me? Siliya raised her head and said.

I go!

I go……

The guys in the room immediately rushed towards the door, and in a blink of an eye, only Silia and Antonio were left in the room.

Soon, the hooligans carried the bound and unconscious baroness back to the hall.

Seeing a beautiful woman with a slender figure and fair skin tied hands and feet, her mouth closed with a rope like an animal, and her half-naked mature and attractive body was carried in like a dead dog, Antonio immediately looked straight at him! He opened his mouth wide, staring greedily at Madame Rosa's almost naked snow-white body inside the open robe, especially the baroness's naked lower body, and couldn't help swallowing.

Seeing Antonio's fascinated look, Silia immediately sneered.

Antonio immediately came to his senses, and he slapped himself hard, before he averted his gaze from the bewitching body of the baroness who was unconscious.

Female, female hero, I don't know, I don't can I help you?

This woman is my enemy. She knows a very important password. I want you to ask me that password from her mouth in the shortest possible time!

No problem!! Antonio simply roared in reply.

Okay, then this woman will stay with you. Give me your phone number!

One of Antonio's subordinates almost ran to bring a piece of paper and a pen, wrote down Antonio's phone number, and handed it to Silia.

Then I'm leaving! Remember, you must dig out the password from this woman's mouth! The sooner the better!! Siliya said, turning and walking towards the door.

When she reached the door, she suddenly turned back, glanced at the unconscious baroness and those guys with confused and excited faces: You can use any method to torture this woman, as long as you don't kill her! A vengeful smile appeared on the corner of Siliya's mouth, and she walked out after speaking emphatically.

Antonio stood there as if stupid, and after a while asked one of his subordinates: Is the heroine really gone? The guy ran to the door, looked out and shouted: Gone! Really gone !!

Scared me to death! It's like a dream!! Antonio let out a long breath, and sat heavily on the chair. He looked at the baroness, who was limp and unconscious on the ground, with greedy and excited eyes.

I didn't expect that I would have such good luck! I can have such a good thing delivered to my door to play with, and there is a powerful heroine backing me!!

Boss, since this woman is the enemy of the heroine, then, that, that is probably not a small role, right? A guy said with doubts on his face.

Hmph, what's so scary with the backing of a heroine?! Torture?! Hmph, torturing such a beautiful woman is my favorite job!! Hahaha!!!

A vicious and insidious woman like Rosa deserves this kind of punishment! Silia thought to herself while driving the car. She didn't tell Antonio the identity of the baroness, because Silia knew that even if she didn't say it, the domineering and arrogant Madame Rosa would say it once she woke up.

I don't think the baroness will even have the chance to speak, right? It's just, hehe, I'm afraid she will suffer even worse if she speaks out!! Silia deeply felt the joy of revenge.

There is an old saying in the East, that is, do unto others as you would have them do to you. I don't think you will understand the meaning of this sentence. Li Jun shook his head as he spoke, Going back to the castle, what do I want? Morrie must still be in the castle.

However, even if he is really hiding underground, we can't get in without the password. Siliya turned her head and said.

Li Jun smiled faintly: That's you, not 'us'.

Hmph, proud oriental man, let's see how you make a fool of yourself. Siliya stepped up the gas pedal while thinking.

In the center of the hall stood a large old-fashioned wooden chair, less than fifty centimeters high, with a large distance between the armrests and a backrest about one meter high.

After Silia left, Antonio immediately regained his prestige as the boss. The arrogant baroness is sticking out her fat white buttocks, tied to the chair in a state of embarrassment. Her clothes have been stripped off, only the ### stockings on her legs and the high heels on her feet are left on her body; her shoulders are resting on the back of the chair, her arms are hanging over the back of the chair, and her hands are firmly tied with rope On the back legs of the chair; her plump and straight legs were roughly separated, her two slender ankles were handcuffed to the armrests of the chair, and her round calves were tightly tied to the armrests with ropes. People are kneeling on the wide chair with their buttocks pouted like a dog!

Mrs. Rosa's head was drooping behind the backrest, her golden hair was messy, and her mouth, which was still tied by the rope, let out weak ### from time to time.

The domineering and arrogant Baroness has awakened, more precisely: Mrs. Rosa has awakened under the cruel coercion of Antonio and his gang!

At this time, a topless hooligan was standing in front of the wide chair, hugging the naked ### of the baroness who was bound and kneeling on the chair, struggling to move in her fat and tender body.

The arrogant baroness had obviously been brutally ###, her naked body lay limply on the backrest, twitching and trembling feebly as the man behind her contradicted her. As the rascal pumped, sticky white liquid dripped from her lower body, making the stockings on her legs and the seat wet.

The rascal bumped against the embarrassed baroness viciously, and at the same time touched the mucus from her lower body with his hands, spreading the sticky and hot liquid evenly on her round, white and tender buttocks.

Ah... The guy let out a long breath, and grabbed the baroness's snow-white buttocks with both hands, his body trembled, apparently satisfied with this beautiful and arrogant woman.

What a bitch! He cursed contentedly, and slapped the baroness's bare, white buttocks several times, then slowly withdrew from Rosa's hideous body, laughing, taking Walk away with a satisfied look on his face.

The body of the baroness, who was lying on the chair with her head drooping, trembled, and two dark red handprints immediately appeared on her round, white buttocks. There was an indistinct ### from her mouth, and she twisted her naked snow-white body weakly, as if she was struggling to get up.

Boss, shouldn't it be time to ask this bitch about the password? The guy who just jy the baroness walked up to Antonio and asked in a low voice.

Unhook that bitch's mouth.

A guy untied the rope tied behind the baroness's head, and Antonio went behind the chair, pulled the baroness's messy hair, and lifted her head up.

The baroness's beautiful face was full of pain and horror, the corners of her mouth were drooling, and her charming naked body was trembling with anger and fear, looking extremely embarrassed.

Bastard! You, how dare you treat me like this?! The baroness still didn't know the identity of these brutal ### guys, but she was obviously very angry at her situation and encounter, and glared at Antonio viciously scolded.

Bah! How dare you talk to me like that, you despicable bitch?! Antonio slapped Rosa severely twice, and blood immediately flowed from the corner of her mouth.

Ah! Bastard!!! You, do you know who I am? The baroness, who felt insulted, seemed to have forgotten the situation where she was being tied to a chair in embarrassment, and screamed. I'm Baroness Rosa!! Why don't you bastards let me go quickly?! The baroness shook her snow-white body desperately and yelled.

What?! Say it again, who are you?! Antonio's eyes suddenly showed a murderous look.

I, I'm Baroness Rosa... The baroness seemed to realize something, her voice immediately weakened, and a look of panic appeared on her face.

Hahaha, it turned out to be the honorable baroness! God has good eyesight, and let you, a bitch, fall into my hands!! Antonio slammed the baroness's head on the back of the chair, hurting the baroness You have to scream loudly!

You, you let me go quickly! Otherwise, otherwise, I will kill you!! The baroness felt panic and fear from Antonio's words, and she was still shouting with all her might.

Smelly ###, you dare to threaten me?! I must deal with you, bitch!!

As Antonio said, he rushed to the door of the hall as if mad, picked up a wooden plank from behind the door, and then slammed down on the pouting white and plump buttocks of the baroness who was tied to the chair! !

Ah!!... The baroness immediately screamed like a pig being slaughtered, and a blood-red bloodstain immediately appeared on her snow-white buttocks! !

Bitch!! I must smash your ### into pieces!! Antonio crazily swung the rough and hard board towards the baroness's naked, round, thick buttocks and white and delicate back Up and down non-stop! !

Ah! Bastard!... Oh, oh... Bastard! I, I'm going to kill you... The baroness's buttocks and back immediately burst into bloodstains, and the arrogant and vicious woman screamed in pain , but she kept yelling and threatening Antonio.

I, oh, don't!! I, I, spare me... Antonio ignored the baroness's yelling and threats, and kept beating the vicious and tyrannical woman, until finally the baroness screamed hoarsely. Weeping and begging.

Hmph, bitch!! The wooden plank that Antonio swung viciously kept beating the embarrassed Baroness, and the wooden plank almost as wide as his palm was broken! He angrily threw down the blood-stained board, looked at the blood-stained buttocks and back of the baroness kneeling on the chair and begging for mercy, with a ferocious smile on his face.

Do you dare to be fierce again?! Smelly ###!! Antonio asked the Baroness, pulling her face up by her hair.

I, I don't dare anymore! Let me go now, don't hit me again... The arrogance on the Baroness's face was gone, she raised her pretty face full of tears and sobbed.

It's not that cheap!! Antonio stared at the baroness's chubby ### that was scarred by the wooden board, with a cruel smile on his face.

He walked to the front of the chair, pressed the baroness's round and fat buttocks with his hands, and suddenly dipped a finger in the sticky liquid that was covered with the baroness's tortured lower body, and ### ruthlessly licked Rosa The light brown tight and round inside in the middle of the fat and tender buttocks! !

Ah!! What are you going to do?! Bastard... The baroness's buttocks that had just been brutally tortured by the plank swayed violently, and she felt Antonio's fingers roughly ### her back door, expanding it vigorously! A wave of terror and shame caused the baroness to scream again.

Bitch!! It seems that you don't use it often here, and it's still very tight. Has no one developed it? Antonio could feel Rosa's muscles twitch violently, and a burst of sadistic pleasure made him even more Fingering the baroness hard!, you bastard hurt me!! You bastard... The baroness had already sensed that a catastrophe was imminent, but she was still screaming and struggling in despair, making her last effort. This arrogant woman is now like a sow tied to a chopping block, shaking her plump and white body, crying loudly.

Antonio roughly put both fingers ### into her narrow and tight inside, expanding and turning vigorously, watching the bound baroness trembling violently under his ###, being firmly tied to the armrest of the chair The two plump and well-proportioned thighs on his body were shaking non-stop, and Antonio let out a triumphant laugh.

Haha, bitch, do you know who I am?

Woooo... who are you, I don't know when I offended you? Rosa cried and twisted her body. Hmph, two years ago, just because someone saw you drifting and said a few words to you at the ball held by Old Torvia's house, you were hunted down by you on the way back, don't you? Don't you remember?

Ah... you are... that person's subordinates? Rosa knew that she had suffered a bit this time after falling into the hands of these people.

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