The Evil God is Invincible

Chapter 336 The Majestic Madame Rosa

Found it!! Silia cheered softly, and moved the little shutter! Quack... A deep voice came from the wall behind Siliya! The huge oil painting hanging on the wall actually moved! Siliya stared at the moving oil painting happily and vigilantly, and there was a metal door behind the huge palace oil painting! !

The heavy and thick metal door opened slowly, revealing a dark secret passage! !

Open Sesame! Open Sesame, haha!! Siliya smiled and muttered, walking to the secret passage.

The secret passage was deep and dark, and Siliya did not know where to find out a pair of night vision glasses and put it on, but found that the inside was so winding that there was no end in sight. She hesitated for a while, but she went in firmly!

God bless! I hope there are no snakes inside!! Siliya's slender and beautiful figure disappeared into the dark and gloomy tunnel on the wall.

Why is it so deep here? Siliya walked in the winding and deep tunnel, and the surrounding walls were made of hard and huge stones, which looked ancient and terrifying.

It's here! Siliya cheered, and she finally reached the end of the dark passage, and saw a one-meter-square metal door in front of her.

There must be something here! Arya pouted, staring at the thick metal door, in the center of which was a number pad. The entire metal door is a complete piece, tightly embedded in the stone wall at the end of the dark passage, not even a single hair gap is left.

Playing numbers games? It's not my strong point, but... Siliya bit her lip and thought about it, then walked to the metal door and squatted down.

Siliya pressed her ears against the metal door, so that even the slightest sound inside could not escape her ears. She let out a long breath, and pressed her slender fingers on the keyboard with black insulating gloves.

9... Siliya tried to start from the largest number, listening nervously to the tiny sound from the metal door.

But just as Silia pressed the first button, there was a piercing quack sound from behind her! Siliya felt as if the whole secret passage was shaking! !

Damn it! You didn't even give me a chance!!! Silia cursed the damn baroness, and immediately turned around from the metal door and stood up! Didn't she know that she really wronged that woman, Rosa. Although Rosa had walked in through the secret channel, all kinds of traps were not set up by Rosa.

As soon as Siliya turned her head, she immediately found that at the last corner of the tunnel, a thick iron door was falling slowly and heavily from the top of the tunnel! !

No!!! Damn it! Don't close it!!! Siliya screamed, and her slender body jumped towards the place where the iron gate was slowly falling like a bird!

Before the iron gate fell completely, Siliya quickly slid out along the gap of less than half a meter between the iron gate and the ground, her body clinging to the ground of the tunnel!

Siliya just slid through the iron gate, and was immediately shocked by the scene in the dark passage in front of her and screamed! !

At a bend in front of the secret passage in front of Siliya, an iron gate that was the same as behind her was slowly falling down! !

Siliya watched the iron gate five or six meters ahead fall inch by inch, and finally landed on the ground with a jingle, completely blocking the secret passage in front of Siliya! ! She no longer had the chance to go back the same way.

No!!! Blocked by two iron gates at the front and back in a dark passage less than six meters long, Silia let out a desperate cry. She rushed to the ruthless iron door in front of her in anger and annoyance, and beat on the cold iron door fiercely.

Oh, what a solid iron gate! Siliya felt a pain in her fist, and she ### sat down on the ground in frustration. Siliya looked desperately at the two thick iron gates at the front and back of the secret passage, and sighed, was she being too careless?

Oh... I didn't expect that I became a sardine in a can! I didn't expect that there is such a mechanism that does not use electricity in the secret passage of this old castle! It's really disgusting!! No, I have to find a way! Siliya was on the ground. After sitting for a while, he stood up and walked to the iron gate, climbing up the heavy iron gate like a gecko.

Why is it so hateful?! There is no gap at all!! Siliya's fingers carefully groped along the joint between the top of the iron gate and the top of the secret passage.

However, Siliya searched all over the iron gate and couldn't find any place where she could use her means. The thick iron gate seemed to be integrated with the secret passage, and there was no way to open it; and the stone walls around the secret passage were also very Siliya tried to hit it with her fist for a long time, but it had no effect except to hurt her hands.

It's over! Could it be that I became the baroness's captive so easily?! Silia immediately felt a burst of despair and panic, and she could imagine what would happen if she fell into the hands of those criminals! !

They will definitely rape me first, and then kill me! Maybe those guys will soak my body in the potion to make a specimen!? Siliya was terrified by her own imagination, and couldn't bear it. I was shaking all over.

By the way! I still have a chance!! The baroness will definitely find out that I have entered the secret passage, and when they open the secret passage door and come in to arrest me, I can escape!! Siliya suddenly felt hopeful. Damn baroness! Come and catch me!! Siliya kept muttering in her heart, sitting on the ground and began to wait quietly.

Siliya didn't know how long she had been locked in the secret passage, but there was no movement from the other end of the iron gate. She began to get anxious, this extremely slow and borderline loneliness was so unbearable, no wonder her father always put him in confinement when punishing those disobedient guys! !

Born to love excitement and can't bear loneliness, this is the weakness that Alia can't overcome! ! Especially in the current situation, this kind of weakness is simply terrible!

Maybe I shouldn't have knocked out all the baroness's men, at least I should have left one messenger. Now... Silia silently prayed for those guys to wake up soon.

Si Liya sat in the dark tunnel, and began to feel lonely and unbearable, and her heart had reached the point where she could not bear it. No! Don't do this... God! Let me hold on for a while longer!! Siliya muttered, and began to feel sweating all over her body, and even her eyelids became extremely heavy, and she almost lost consciousness.

In the large living room of the old castle, Mrs. Rosa was sitting leisurely beside Morrie and Johnson, listening to the two brothers discussing the funeral affairs of their father and mother. Qiao Sen meant to wait for his elder brother Moxiti to come back to preside over his parents' funeral, but Mori said that it would take a long time for Moxiti to come back. Now that the weather is getting hotter every day, the parents can't wait until the elder son comes back to bury the funeral. Can be hosted by him. Besides, it's the same if the elder brother is not at home, and the elder sister-in-law is at home.

As the two spoke, they both looked at Rosa. Now both parents have passed away, and the eldest brother is not at home. According to the family rules, it seems that this young sister-in-law is the most powerful person in charge of the family.

So, Morrie and Qiao Sen looked at Rosa, as if they were waiting for her to make a final decision.

Rosa glanced at Morrie inadvertently, and saw Morrie nodded slightly to her. Rosa was about to speak, at this moment, a muscular man in a black suit hurried down the stairs , walked to the baroness's ear and whispered a few words. The baroness's pretty and round face immediately changed color, and her carefully drawn thin eyebrows immediately frowned, but soon restored that noble and charming smile.

I'm sorry! Two brothers, please continue to negotiate first. I have something to deal with first, and I will be back soon! In front of everyone, Mrs. Rosa said to Mori and Qiao Sen very politely. After finishing, he nodded to Li Jun, and hurried up the stairs with the man.

A bunch of idiots!! How did you let thieves sneak in?! Is it for nothing to raise a bunch of trash like you at home?! Mrs. Rosa walked up the stairs and came straight to her bedroom at the back of the castle. Regardless of that elegant reserve and demeanor, he angrily yelled at the bodyguard as he walked. The bodyguard hung his head and followed behind the baroness without daring to make a sound.

What's going on? The baroness asked sharply when she saw that some of the bodyguards standing in front of her bedroom had black eyes, and some had gauze wrapped around their foreheads.

I was hurt by that female thief... a guy muttered.

Female thief?!? Madam Rosa's eyes immediately filled with murderous intent.

What does that female thief look like?! The image of Silia immediately appeared in Rosa's mind.

have no idea……

Trash!!! You can't even deal with a woman! The baroness scolded her bodyguard angrily, walked to her dressing table, opened the drawer and moved the switch.

Looking at the deep secret passage behind the oil painting, all the bodyguards became nervous.

Get in, all of you!! the baroness called to the bodyguards. A group of burly bodyguards hilariously sneaked in along the secret passage, while the baroness stood in the bedroom with a puzzled and sinister face, her plump chest heaving violently, quietly like a fox guarding in front of a rabbit hole. waiting.

Soon, the baroness heard a man's chaotic roar, a woman's panic scream, and the bang bang sound of the body hitting the wall from the secret passage. Madame Rosa felt that her palms were covered with sweat.

Smelly###!! Not being honest?! The man's angry curse came from the secret passage, followed by a slap sound of severe slaps.

Madam Rosa knew that the mysterious female thief had been subdued, and a vicious smile immediately appeared on her pretty face.

It won't be so lucky, is it really Silia?! Mrs. Rosa smiled sinisterly and whispered to herself. Ma'am! That female thief has been caught by us!!

Two burly bodyguards squeezed out from the narrow exit of the tunnel with difficulty. Behind them, a slender blonde was dragged out rudely by the two of them grabbing her hands!

Immediately the baroness stepped forward excitedly, and looked carefully at her captive.

This blonde is tall and tall, wearing a blue wool dress, the skirt has been scratched a few times, revealing the white skin inside; she looks very weak, with blonde hair messily scattered on her pale and beautiful face, with a big mouth He was panting heavily, with a trace of blood on the corner of his mouth.

The two bodyguards grabbed the female prisoner's hands and dragged her up from the ground. The woman's slender and straight legs in black pantyhose struggled and kicked tenaciously, and the dark blue half-heeled shoes on one foot fell to the ground. .

What a bold female thief! You actually stole from me?! The baroness stared viciously at the beautiful female prisoner in front of her and said, the smile on her face disappeared. Obviously, this woman is Silia who followed Qiao Sen into the door. Seeing Silia in a panic, Madam Rosa's tone was full of excitement.

Silia looked at the gloomy baroness in front of her, her eyes were full of panic and fear, her plump and huge chest heaved violently, and she kept panting heavily. she does not know. Falling into Rosa's hands, what kind of fate awaits.

Put this female thief in the dungeon for me first! You have to watch carefully, and don't make any mistakes! Rosa yelled majesticly, and at this moment, there was no such submissive and cautious look in front of Mori. ?

I have to deal with another important person today, and I'll take care of this daring little bitch later!! The baroness stared at the female prisoner's huge bulging chest under her dress, and said with a sinister smile.

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