The Evil God is Invincible

Chapter 323 Take off your stockings

Hearing this sound, I was also excited in understanding. Could there be someone alive in the toilet?

Hanging the package made of blankets on a broken beam, Li Jun slowly approached the toilet, only to find that the door of the toilet had been seriously deformed.

Li Jun held the handle with one hand, and tugged hard twice, but the door was stuck tightly and remained motionless. Is there anyone in there, just say something if there is someone?

Following Li Jun's words, there was another sound from inside, as if someone was knocking with something inside. There are real people. Now Li Jun felt more at ease. Since the people inside could still respond to him, it meant that the injury was not serious. Li Jun moved forward, trying his best to gain strength. He put his feet on the bulkheads on both sides, pulled his hands hard, and then heard a whoosh, the doorknob was torn off by Li Jun, and Li Jun was also shaken so that he lost his center of gravity, and his body moved along the bulkhead. drop down.

With a loud shout, Li Jun stretched out his arm suddenly, clasped the hole exposed after the doorknob was torn off with one hand, and dragged himself up again forcefully.

This time, Li Jun kicked two deep pits on the bulkhead, grabbed the door panel with both hands, and Li Jun pulled down the toilet door, the door panel and the metal frame. As the door was pulled open by Li Jun, a tall, black-haired woman in a red sweater and jeans slid out of the door with her head down. If Li Jun hadn't grabbed one of her feet in time, the woman would have fallen half to death.

It took Li Jun a lot of effort to carry her down from the tree, but this woman was still able to thank Li Jun, she didn't seem to be injured, and her mind was still clear.

Li Jun climbed up again, took down the food and other cold-proof items he had collected, and led her to Minian and the stewardess. Very tactful and nice to hear. The loud cry of this woman means that her body is fine.

Hearing Li Jun's voice, Minian watched carefully in the dark with wide eyes, and finally figured out which one was Li Jun. She yelled loudly, stood up and threw herself into Li Jun's arms, kissing Li Jun's mouth with fiery lips. Cough cough. Minian, I'm almost out of breath, can you stop for a while?

Li Jun knew that this was her joy for the rest of her life after the catastrophe, her gratitude for the existence of life, and it had nothing to do with Fenghuaxueyue. Hot Minian, she is expressing her gratitude to Li Jun in her own unique way.

I brought food and water, and a few blankets. Eat something first, sit under the big tree here, and get close to each other to keep warm. I have to go back and put out the fire. If there is a forest fire, none of us will survive.

Seeing Li Jun hiding in the darkness, the stewardess said to Minian in French: He is a brave hero with extraordinary kung fu. Without him, the two of us would be dead. Back then, You really shouldn't have snatched his fish. The stewardess is also French, and she still remembers Minian snatching Li Jun's fish.

From jumping out of the porthole to being rescued on the ground, the stewardess was actually in a coma for a very short time. She saw most of Li Jun's actions. One person can do such unimaginable things. The excitement of the stewardess can be imagined. If she hadn't been sober enough to know that the man also liked fish nuggets, she would have worshiped him like an angel.

It is said that angels do not eat human fireworks.

After Li Jun left, the woman he rescued just now put on a blanket and leaned against the tree trunk and couldn't help ###.

What's wrong with you, are you injured? The stewardess walked up to her, bent down and asked. She was wearing the uniform of a flight attendant, a white shirt, a red vest and a tight skirt. She was already shivering from the cold in this air-conditioned dark night, but when she heard the woman's ### voice, she was the first to run over. . Regardless of whether the plane is in or not, these guests are still the objects of her service before they reach their destination.

Well, yes, my waist was bruised, it hurts so much! Although she couldn't see her face clearly in the darkness, she was a handsome woman, and she was not too old.

I'm Maria, the flight attendant. What's your name? Would you like me to give you a massage? I've learned professional massage techniques... The flight attendant's name turned out to be Maria. She bent down, resisting the cold to give the woman a massage, and the woman leaning on the tree endured the pain and smiled: Thank you, I don't need it anymore. My name is Ji Yuxuan, and I am a reporter from Taiwan Daily. I originally wanted to interview in Paris. From the clothing show, I didn’t expect to take this flight. You guys also put on blankets and sit here, let’s get closer to get warmer.”

Ji Yuxuan is a college student who has just been assigned to the Taiwan Daily. Her colleagues have already arrived in Paris a few days ago, and sent back a message saying that the Paris International Fashion Show is unprecedentedly grand, and they need to send more people to catch the news. Since Ji Yuxuan studied in France and has a good understanding of the social atmosphere in Paris, the agency sent her out. Unexpectedly, the first time she was sent abroad, she was involved in an air crash. It was a lucky fate, but she was injured in the waist , fate is preserved.

The three women huddled tightly together and ate something around the blanket. After waiting for a long time, they saw a bloated black figure walking over with dry leaves.

Li Jun was holding a little black boy in his arms, and on his back was a middle-aged white man of indeterminate age. The little boy was the child of the black couple who sat in front of Li Jun. When the little boy and his mother rushed out of the cabin with the chair they were sitting on by the strong airflow, the brave and great mother held tightly He held the child in his arms, and when he fell to the ground, the mother was smashed to pieces and died on the spot, but the little boy survived fortunately.

The middle-aged man behind Li Jun, Li Jun didn't see him sitting there on the plane at the time, but when he went back to put out the fire at the tail of the plane and was about to come back, he heard the little boy's terrified cry , followed the sound and rushed over, and found him unconscious on a pile of dead leaves not far from the little boy.

Maria helped Li Jun take the little boy over and carried him into the blanket. Li Jun then put the white man down. This life was obviously more serious, with many bones broken on his body. Fortunately, he was still alive. The boy called for help, and Li Jun happened to find him. Maybe he would die in the forest before dawn.

Even now, judging by his injuries, I don't know if he can survive. There is no doctor, no medicine, and it is really not an easy task to revive him.

Maria put the little boy by Ji Yuxuan's side, turned over and walked back to Li Jun, seeing his hands making crackling sounds on the bones of the caucasian man's body. He waited until Li Jun stopped before asking stupidly: Can you see the wound on his body clearly?

In fact, Li Jun knew that what he wanted to ask was can you see short things in the dark? Li Jun smiled wryly and nodded without any explanation.

When he was rescuing the little boy and the middle-aged man just now, he had already checked, only to find that they were on a small island, which was surrounded by water on all sides, and the island was full of towering trees. It doesn't look like it's inhabited.

According to the current climate, it is probably not far from the Arctic Circle, because Li Jun let go of his eyes, and he can still see the snow covered on the top of the mountain hundreds of miles away. At a glance, there are hundreds of small islands like this. , dotted like stars on the blue ocean, not a single ship was found nearby.

On his own, it is not very difficult to go out. But it was not easy to take these women and the wounded out.

It seems that one should be prepared to stick to this small island.

But the seriously wounded man couldn't wait to be rescued, and Li Jun could only straighten out the broken bones on his body, and quietly injected a chaotic true energy, hoping to save him. Life. Of course, it is his fate to be able to survive, and if he really can't survive, he can be regarded as having a clear conscience.

The six of them sat quietly under the big tree, covered with blankets, counting the stars and waiting for dawn.

This night is really long! At the moment when Minian lost her patience, the East finally saw the light of dawn...

There are six people, although three men and three women seem to be in a one-to-one ratio of men and women, but the only one who can play a role now is Li Jun, a big man. The moment they saw the sun rise, the eye circles of several people were moist.

Except for the wounded and children, Li Jun is the only man, so at this critical moment, it is natural to play a leading role. Now he turned around the island, checking the terrain while looking for other lucky survivors. It's a pity that Li Jun went all over the island, but he couldn't find a single figure. But there is a small hill in the southeast of the island, which is flat and relatively sunny. Li Jun came back and carried the white middle-aged man on his back, holding the black child in his arms, and brought three women to the hillside.

Along the way, the forest was deep and dense, lush and lush, and there was no path. Several people stumbled all the way, and finally found the relatively open place. There are not many weeds here, and most of them are stones. The clear spring water does not sing joyfully under the rock crevices, and there is more water in several places, forming a pool of clear water with a few small fish swimming in the water.

At the downstream gap, the clear lake water overflows the stone bank and flows to the ocean. In the upstream of the water source, there is a naturally formed cave, but it is not deep, only tens of square meters, and because it is in the sunny place, it is very dry. Li Jun asked everyone to sit down and rest, and fed the child some water. The wound on his leg was still bleeding. The place where Maria bandaged him last night was soaked with blood again, but there was nothing to bandage him.

There is no way to go on like this.

Li Jun looked around, and finally fixed his gaze on Minian. Minian, take off your stockings.

Ah? What are you doing, why are you taking off your stockings? After hearing Li Jun's words, Minian's smiling face suddenly turned red.

Maria's eyes lit up: You mean to bandage him with stockings? Why didn't I think of that, oh, it's a pity that flight attendants are not allowed to wear stockings, otherwise I would have thought of it.

It was only then that Minian realized that she had misunderstood what Li Jun meant, so she blushed and took off her stockings, and handed them to Maria.

As a result, a pair of healthy and straight long legs were exposed under her short skirt, and ten toes with red toenails on her white and tender feet were as bright as jade. Quickly shrank under the blanket.

Today's May Day is a holiday for the working people. We work every day, so it is also our own holiday. Hehe, happy holidays to all our selves! ! !

At the beginning of a month, all the rankings have been recalculated, everyone supports it, don't let our invincibility sink. Flowers, tickets were smashed, You Long was full of motivation...

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