The Evil God is Invincible

Chapter 318 This is more flavorful

Oh, that's it. She is the manager's daughter, no wonder she is so caring and fearless. Li Jun didn't intend to give him face at all: I've already said that if he doesn't apologize to this lady, it will be half-hearted. In an hour's time, I guarantee you this restaurant will be out of luck.

Quick, Minian, quickly apologize to Ms. Tang, you have been causing me trouble all day long. Fortunately, your vacation is coming to an end soon, and you can go back to your mother in two days, and I can be free It's gone. The French manager yelled at his daughter.

Although the manager didn't know who Li Jun was, he knew Tang Yun. Baodao Group had a lot of reception and consumption with him every year, and he didn't know how she would offend his God of Wealth.

Oh. The French girl named Minian flicked her long golden hair, shrugged helplessly, and then walked towards Li Jun. As she got closer, Li Jun could already smell the charming perfume on her body taste. Her tall and full breasts are about to hit Li Jun's chest, Minian is still slowly approaching...

Stop! Li Jun took a step back in fright, is she really apologizing? This is seduction, Chill's seduction.

What's the matter? Didn't I tell you that kissing you is an apology? Minian asked, blinking her long eyelashes.

I don't need it, you can just apologize to this lady. Li Jun hurriedly took another step back, and pulled out Tang Yun who was already at a loss.

Forget it, forget it. Tang Yun quickly waved her hand, if the French girl wants to give her a kiss and apologize, then she can't use up a bucket of toothpaste when she goes back?

Minian shrugged provocatively and triumphantly at Li Jun, and made a helpless expression. Looking at her, she looked as proud as if she had won a war.

She said no. Minian then turned her head and walked away. She did not forget to pick up her long blond hair when she turned around, and then winked at Li Jun with her big blue eyes coquettishly. Li Jun couldn't help muttering in his heart, this French girl is really hot, charming, sexy, and alluring...

I'm sorry, she was spoiled by me since she was a child... This way please. The French manager was talking, just about to lead Li Jun and Tang Yun into the restaurant on the side.

Boom... Sitting not far away, a tall white old man slapped the table vigorously and stood up with a big belly: Damn yellow-skinned monkey, talking too arrogantly, bullying such a What is a beautiful little girl?

Huh... what the hell is this? This old guy also wants to be a hero to save the beauty? But, the matter has obviously subsided, why is this old man standing up now? Li Jun swallowed hard and looked at it carefully. Look, only then did I realize that the old white man's eyes were fixed on Tang Yun beside him.

At this time, Tang Yun's face looked extremely unnatural, and she reached out to hold Li Jun tightly, and the softness of her chest could clearly feel the trembling.

Damn, it turns out that the drunkard doesn't care about drinking, but cares about the people around him.

Soon Li Jun understood that the old man must have been eavesdropping on the conversation between himself, Minian and the restaurant manager just now. Tang Yun had been standing behind him just now, and the old man's sight was blocked by the pillar. By the way, under the guidance of the manager, Tang Yun himself took two steps forward, and Tang Yun's peerless demeanor was displayed in front of this old guy. The old guy has lost his mind.

No, why is Tang Yun's face so ugly? Could it be that the old man knew her from the beginning, or was this guy actually an old lover of the lovely Xiao Yunyun?

But this old lover is not very good, he is actually a half-dead old man in his fifties. Looking at the old guy's belly, he lowered his head and definitely couldn't see his own thing. Half of one head of yellow hair had turned white, and the other half was sparse enough to barely cover the scalp. The corners of his eyes are full of crow's feet. At first glance, he is more than five years old, but at a closer look, he is nearly seventy. Even if Li Jun was beaten to death, he didn't believe that his sweet and charming little Yunyun would have an affair with this old guy.

Beautiful Assistant Tang, it's a great honor to meet you here by chance. I didn't expect you to date here. It's a pity that the yellow-skinned monkey next to you is a bit too arrogant. I think if you are with him, you will definitely Affect the intimacy between us. The old man said with a strong American English accent. The front is fine, but the last sentence feels domineering, which makes Li Jun feel very uncomfortable. Damn, what does this old bastard do? How dare you threaten Tang Yun? And fucking intimacy? I think you are just looking for death, old boy.

Mr. Johnson, please don't bring your personal emotions to work. What kind of people I eat with doesn't seem to have anything to do with our cooperation. You and I are just purely business relations. There has never been a relationship between us. There is no other friendship, please be careful with your words. Although Tang Yun looked calm, Li Jun still saw the signs from the way she hugged his arm vigorously again.

She seemed to be really a little afraid of this Johnson. Is it necessary to be so afraid of a person in a business relationship?

Oh, your boyfriend is very... young. The old man continued to laugh, but his tone was full of ridicule. He only looked at Li Jun out of the corner of his eyes very disrespectfully. By young, he meant that Li Jun was immature like a kid.

Haha. Li Jun also laughed. He felt furious, when is it your turn, an American hillbilly, to laugh at me? Then he said tit for tat in standard American English: Sir, you look very young, you are not yet ninety years old, right?

A fool can understand the meaning of being young and looking young, so how can the old man not understand Li Jun's irony? What's more, Li Jun added a sentence after he looked young. Johnson's face changed color slightly, but returned to normal in an instant. With a look of disdain, he smiled at Li Jun again, Miss Tang, your boyfriend is very interesting, and his spoken American English is also very standard, why don't we sit down together? Let's have a good chat?

The French manager standing next to him was wondering where to arrange Li Jun and the others. The seats in the restaurant were all reserved in advance, and they were already fully booked today. Hearing what the old man said, he hurriedly said in English: Since that's the case, I think you might as well sit together, Miss Tang. It's more lively with acquaintances.

Tang Yun really didn't want to sit at the same table with that old man, and her mood had already been ruined by the French girl at the door. So, she raised her head and said to Li Jun, Li Jun, why don't we change to another one.

But Li Jun didn't think so. He never took the initiative to cause trouble, but if someone bullied him, he would never let him go. What's more, this old white man not only bullied himself next week, but also bullied his wife together. How could Li Jun swallow this breath in vain? He wanted to see what was so great about this old guy, that he could scare Tang Yun, who had never shown timidity in front of him?

What are you doing at another house? I haven't had a French meal for a long time, so let's sit together. Li Jun walked over while talking.

In fact, Li Jun is telling the truth. He has been tasting Taiwanese snacks recently, and he really has never had a serious meal in a restaurant. However, his words sounded different to the old white man's ears.

Hmph, hehe...he really is a poor boy. I haven't eaten for a long time. Is it a year or two or ten or eight years? I really doubt if you have ever eaten French food. The old man's contempt for Li Jun increased a little. .

Young man, you are right. Since you are here, let's have a big meal. I just got off the plane today. I originally wanted to invite Miss Shui or Miss Tang to dinner, but I didn't expect to meet here. This meal will be treated as I invite you, and you can order whatever you want. The old white man made a gesture of invitation, men are always very generous in front of women, but if he meets Li Jun today, he will soon regret it.

Hearing that he wanted to entertain guests, Li Jun cursed inwardly, but his face was full of joy. He approached the old white man's ear, and lowered his voice, Then it's not respectful. In fact, we come to this kind of place for dinner. It's the first time I'm worried that I don't have enough money in my pocket. I don't eat much, but I'm afraid that Xiao Yun will eat too much, but my girlfriend said that I want to come here. I can't help it. Fortunately, I met you , now I can finally eat with peace of mind.

Haha. The white old man smiled but thought in his heart: This earth leopard is still concerned about the size of his food, so he is clearly still in the stage of not having enough to eat? He came here to taste and not to be full.

In fact, this old man didn't really want to run on Li Jun, his original intention was to draw Tang Yun's attention to him by scolding Li Jun for being arrogant and unreasonable. Unexpectedly, Tang Yun hugged Li Jun tightly after seeing him, which made Johnson feel a little unhappy.

This Johnson is the director of the marketing department of Martin Locke Electronics Company in the United States, and Martin Locke Electronics Company is the main supplier and technical supporter of Formosa Group. Some electronic core components of the Formosa Group are obtained directly from Johnson's company, and the cutting-edge technology for producing other accessories is also exclusively transferred by Martin Locke, which authorizes the Formosa Group to manufacture in Taiwan.

Therefore, it is not an exaggeration to say that Martin Locke is the God of Wealth of the Formosa Group, and it is not an exaggeration to say that Martin Locke is the technical pillar of the Formosa Group. The degree of technology transfer from Martin Locke to Baodao Group is now firmly in Johnson's hands.

The construction site where Li Jun rescued Tang Yun upstairs last time was the high-tech electronic product technology park newly built by Baodao Group in accordance with the agreement with Martin Rock Company. The Baodao Group has already invested a huge amount of tens of billions of yuan in that project, but it is because of Johnson's deliberate obstruction that the high-tech electronic product technology park has not been able to be built smoothly. Hou Heting's disturbance only played a very small part in it.

So, why did the old Johnson make things difficult for the two parties who had already signed an agreement? This is still an old clichéd story, and the reason is that this Johnson is an out-and-out old ghost. This guy not only wants to play Tang Yun's idea, even Shui Ling'er is also in his hunting plan.

This old boy doesn't care too much about whether a woman is a virgin or not, what he likes most is having an affair with a woman. It doesn't matter if Tang Yun has a boyfriend, the key is to make Tang Yun feel that he is better than the little boy next to him, so that he can poach the corner of that kid, which will be more interesting.

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