The Evil God is Invincible

Chapter 23 Killing a Chicken to Congratulate (2)

Uncle Niu, are you alright? Liu Fei didn't know when she walked into the crowd. It seemed that she knew the short and fat mayor, and she couldn't help being concerned when she saw him coughing persistently when Li Jun was horrified. I stepped forward and asked.

Cough cough Xiao Fei, why did you come here? I cough cough I'm fine, is your father back yet? Fatty Niu asked while pulling Liu Fei while coughing.

They came back the day after tomorrow. The one who talked to you just now was my boyfriend. I went home with him to take a look. Uncle Niu, are you sure you're really all right? Do you want to go to the hospital together? Liu Fei pointed Pointing to Liang Liang who was helping Miao Jianchao into the car, he shouted, Brother Liang, wait a moment and take Mayor Niu along with you.

Her call Brother Liang made Liang Liang tremble all over, and he said to himself, big sister, don't hurt me, okay? Which one of you is my boss's boss, if you call him that, if he gets angry, how can I be better?

No, I really don't need Xiaofei. Mayor Niu said, pointing at Li Jun: This guy is you or your boyfriend? Is it true or not? Don't you lie to uncle? Your father Do you know?

Liu Fei blushed, glanced at Li Jun, then looked away and said to Mayor Niu in a low voice: How could I lie to Uncle Niu? Of course my father knows. He got the first place in the provincial exam. Yes, we have all been admitted to Capital University, and then Uncle Niu will give me a gift.

Oh? Of course I will give it away. Uncle will buy you whatever you want. I still have something to do. I'm going back to town first. Mayor Niu said, and shouted to the policeman with an empty gun: Little Li, pull Director Qin out to see if there is nothing wrong. Your motorcycle should have been replaced a long time ago. I told this old Qin to report to him to change it, but he refused to listen. He insisted on frugality. Could it be a frugal thing?

Li Jun smiled, raised his hand and threw the empty magazine back to him. Police officer Li reached out fairly nimbly, and grabbed the clip in his hand without moving his arm. He took a deep look at Li Jun, and said to his mother, even if he tried his best not to be a policeman—don't let me meet him again in the future.

Mayor Niu, my injury is nothing serious, but look... Chief Qin is not a big deal, but he is an idiot. After police officer Li pulled out from under the car, he didn't say anything more, he just pointed to the scattered parts all over the place and asked in a low voice.

Ahem, that old Li, can you find a taxi to help send these back to the town? While talking, he stretched out his hand to pull Li Hanxiang, walked a few steps away from the crowd, and then said in a low voice: You Old Li, you still have that bad temper. Your son found the daughter of County Magistrate Liu, but you kept it a secret, are you afraid that I will drink with you?

What county party secretary and county magistrate? Mayor Niu, what are you talking about? Li Hanxiang was really confused by what he said.

Your son and Secretary Liu's daughter in our town, do you dare to say that you don't know? You stubborn Li, I have convinced you. However, the land acquisition is also a task assigned by the county. Your son kicked it out. I don’t need to pursue the motorcycle incident at the police station, but I still have to deal with the land acquisition, so think about it carefully.”

Hey. Seeing Mayor Niu's chunky back, old man Li swallowed hard. What's so great about the county magistrate? If you hum, it's been 800 years, I don't care?

When he returned to the crowd, he happened to see his son and two cousins ​​busy loading rubbish onto the truck. He couldn't help but give Li Jun a hard look, then turned around and walked into the house with his hands behind his back: This kid, you have courage and courage. If you don't want to die, you need face, and you will definitely be more promising than me in the future.

After arguing with Mayor Niu for a long time, the old man Hanxiang was a little thirsty. Back at home, under the crooked old jujube tree in the yard, drank a pot of tea and saw his son and daughter coming in with a handsome girl. Old man Li snorted and asked, How can you two lazy bastards, Li San and Li Si? Do things for you?

Hey, it's not easy? Give them a hundred yuan each, and the two of them can run faster than rabbits. Old man Li stared and asked you where you got so much money, but looked down. Liu Fei, who was following behind her son with a red head and a small face, immediately turned a smile and asked, Who is this girl? Sit down and have a rest. You bastard, I poured it out. There is nothing in the pot. I want to drink it. Lift that jug out of the house.

I'm going to carry the tea bottle, you let Liu Fei sit first. Li Yaqi saw her father's face turned cloudy, and hurriedly ran into the house with a smile.

Hello, Uncle. Liu Fei blushed and called out, and sat on the maza opposite Li Hanxiang under Li Jun's. Li Jun Xianbao seemed to take out two notices and they were still on the wooden table in front of his father: Dad, my sister and I both passed the exam. Your son got the first place in the province this time. How is it? It's amazing. Great? Do you want to give me some rewards?

Really passed the exam? The Capital University you mentioned? Li Hanxiang picked up the notification letter on the table with trembling hands, opened it, read it, and slapped it on the table: Wait for your mother to come back and kill the chicken.

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