The Evil God is Invincible

Chapter 314 Kidnapping Yang Guoguo

The night was already quiet, and the cold stars in the night sky seemed to be the bright and big eyes of a little girl, flickering and flickering.

A curved moon playfully hangs in the sky, and the bright moonlight pours on the beautiful earth, adding a touch of charm to the tranquil night sky.

People who have been tired all day finally have their own time, and those night owls who are used to nightlife are still immersed in the corrupt atmosphere of luxury and money. It seems that only this beautiful night can let their inner enthusiasm be fully released.

Lin Sen will be discharged from the hospital tomorrow, and Yang Guoguo is in a good mood today. After more than ten days of intimate contact, the two of them have long since lost the youthfulness they had when they first started dating. When no one was around, Yang Guoguo let Lin Sen kiss her little mouth and touch her little hands. When she couldn't sleep on the other bed at night, she also sneaked into Lin Sen's bed. The two hugged each other to enjoy the passion and sweetness. .

It's just that they haven't broken through the final barrier, and the two of them have a tacit understanding like husband and wife.

Just now Yang Guoguo said that he went out to buy something, but no matter what he said, his face was blushing and he refused to let him accompany him. It's been almost an hour since I went out, and I haven't come back yet, and I don't know what fun things have tripped me up again.

What a playful little girl.

Bored, Lin Sen turned on the TV. At this moment, his mobile phone on the bed suddenly rang. Whose call? Could it be that Guoguo wants to call himself out again?

Picking up the phone, the name displayed on it was Yang Guoguo. Lin Sen smiled and answered the phone: Hello, Guoguo? I'm... what, you...

Lin Sen was completely dumbfounded, he was stunned by the voice on the phone.

Lin Sen, right? Your beautiful girlfriend is in the hands of our brother. If you don't want her to have any accidents, you can do as I want. An extremely strange voice came from the other end of the phone, but It feels bad. Lin Sen's face became serious, and he listened carefully to what the other party said.

What happened to Guoguo? What's going on? Lin Sen asked anxiously.

I don't have time to chat with you. If you want your girlfriend's life, just do as I say... The other party hung up the phone with a snap. Lin Sen's expression changed, and he reached out and pressed Li Jun's number again.

After briefing Li Jun about the situation, Lin Sen continued to call Lin Lin's cell phone, but the voice from Lin Lin's side indicated that the cell phone had been turned off. Said: This guy, he lost the chain at a critical time, how can he turn off the phone at this time? While talking, he had already ran out like an unusual one.

Twenty minutes later, Lin Sen had disappeared into the night in a red Ferrari. After 40 minutes, Lin Sen had already arrived at Waihuan Road Street, Danshui County, but this was a bustling industrial park, and there was no one he wanted to see.

Ge Laozi, are you playing with me? A sharp murderous intent flashed in Lin Sen's eyes, he took out his phone and called back: Hi, I'm Lin Sen, I've arrived now, but I can't find where you are, where do you say you are now? Now it’s not far from the time you said.” After finishing speaking in one breath, he put the phone on his ears firmly: “Well, I got it, okay, I’ll come right over. Of course, I’m just Lin Sen I hope you don't play tricks on me this time.

Taking a deep breath, he accelerated the speed of the car. The farther the car goes, the more remote it becomes, and the population gradually becomes scarcer. Lin Sen kept his eyes fixed on the front, but he was full of vigilance to everything outside. The other party kidnapped Yang Guoguo and threatened Guoguo's life to hand him over to Hou Heting. This already shows that the other party is a member of the Four Seas Gang.

Although the Four Seas Gang had been wiped out at the three largest halls in the urban area, the centipede was dead but not stiff, not to mention that there were 30,000 people on the other side who were neatly unharmed. If the Sanyi Gang and the Four Seas Gang hadn't been uprooted one after another in downtown Taipei, the police had stepped up security patrols in the city, and the other party hadn't ascertained their true strength and dared not act rashly, otherwise, there should have been All action.

After passing through the ruins, the dilapidated iron and steel factory warehouse gradually came into view. At this moment, Lin Sen received another call from the other party, asking him to get off the car and walk over. According to the other party's instructions, Lin Sen leaned the car to the side, got out of the car and walked towards the scrap steel factory that was already clearly in sight. The more he walked forward, the calmer his heart became. To him, such a scene was really too childish! I think that when I was in the army, I often performed such tasks, not to mention the special training I experienced later.

arrive. In the dim light, the abandoned warehouse stood in front of him impressively. After a slight pause, Lin Sen strode in without hesitation.

With a few pops, the warehouse that has been abandoned for many years is actually brightly lit. It seems that it is really not easy for people to come.

Lin Sen looked around blindly. This house was probably a finished steel warehouse in the past. Rusty scrap steel can be seen everywhere in the house. There are two broken water tanks on the left. There are two dilapidated houses. There is a small building next to the house. A small wooden ladder is erected there. Next to the small wooden ladder is a steel cable hanging from the roof. The steel cable is about two or three meters away from the small wooden building. They are also incomplete.

With a confident face, Lin Sen took a leisurely glance around the warehouse, and then stared coldly ahead.

Haha... A burst of rough laughter suddenly sounded, and two men dressed in black and wearing black scarves appeared in Lin Sen's eyes. The height of the two is almost the same, except that one is fatter and the other is thinner.

The beast-like gazes of the two kept scanning Lin Sen's body, as if they wished to pierce Lin Sen all at once.

You are Lin Sen? One of the guys stared at Lin Sen suspiciously, his eyes full of disbelief. I thought you had three heads and six arms, but it turns out it's just a nose and two ears.

Lin Sen didn't bother to pay attention to the guy's teasing, and said calmly: Stop talking nonsense, I'm here, where is Guoguo? Since you are looking for someone from me, Lin, why bother with a girl?

Hey, I can't see that you still have a heart of pity and tenderness! I really admire you. You still have such a sentiment at this time!... Before the guy from Lingwai finished speaking, let the guy speak first The man interrupted with a cough. Cough... What are you talking about? Don't forget the business.

Ge Laozi, what trick are they playing? Hearing that the tone of these two people seemed to be a bit wrong, Lin Sen was secretly startled, and immediately shouted: Stop talking nonsense, what about people? I hope she is fine, otherwise you will definitely regret it!

Looking at Lin Sen's awe-inspiring face, the two guys froze for a while, not knowing what they were thinking, and looked at each other. The fat man raised his hands, Crack! Crack! Crack! There were three crisp applauses, and a dozen people suddenly appeared from around, all of them wearing black scarves, and their eyes were naked.

Three people came out of the dilapidated small building. The man in the center was tall and tall, and his face was also covered. His eagle-like eyes shone with a cold light. The people around him also looked at him like wolves. Lin Sen. The man in the center suddenly snorted coldly, his eagle-like eyes fell on Lin Sen's face, and he said gloomyly, You are Lin Sen! Hehe, it's really better to meet you than to be famous! Nice to meet you, nice to meet you!

Lin Sen ignored that guy at all, turned his vigilant eyes, and found no figure of Yang Guoguo in the crowd, frowned slightly, and said in a cold voice: I don't have time to talk nonsense with you, who? I want to see she!

Don't worry, she's fine! The guy suddenly smiled strangely: Lin Sen, are you really not afraid that I will kill you now? Are you really so confident in yourself? Don't forget, two fists are hard to beat. With four hands, a hungry tiger can't beat a pack of wolves! Although you are very powerful, you are only one person after all, let alone I have hostages in hand!

As soon as this guy finished speaking, the men around him and those around Lin Sen laughed disdainfully. From their point of view, Lin Sen was the meat on their chopping board at this moment, and he was left to be slaughtered.

Ge Laozi, judging from his tone, does he have other purposes besides saving the boss? Thinking of this, Lin Sen actually laughed: If you have anything to say, just say it, don't talk and fart.

Hehe, you speak very against my temper. The man smiled and said darkly, Who are you and why did you come to Taiwan?

Lin Sen asked with a smile, What does this have to do with you?

The man nodded and said unabashedly: As the saying goes, it's not that a raptor crosses the river. Your Excellency has also proved that you are indeed a raptor with your own actions. My subordinates said that you are very good at fighting. I'm very interested in competing with you. But, that will have to wait until the business between us is done. He looked down at Lin Sen, and then said: The relationship between you and Gu Xiaodao is only because of that The girl had a little misunderstanding, but you shouldn't kill She Biao, let alone grab our leader. Do you really think that there is no one in the Four Seas Gang? If you are passing by and taking your woman away, then I I don’t need to tell you more, but your injury is already healed, why are you still clinging to my territory? If you were, would you let a tiger wander around the door of the house all the time?”

Lin Sen straightened his face, and said with a sneer, Since you are here for someone from me, Lin, let the girl go, and we can settle our men's affairs by ourselves. I think you should have that kind of loyalty.

Hehe, it's easy to say. Although that girl is very beautiful, it's a pity that I don't have that interest. He is still very safe now. What about Boss Hou, didn't I ask you to exchange someone? The man also said with a sneer.

Do you think I'm that stupid? If I can't see the person I want to see, I won't let Hou Heting go! Lin Sen smiled noncommittally: If you want me to chat with you, then let's take a moment Find a better tea house and chat while drinking tea. Now you better let that girl out. Of course, I don’t want to see what I don’t want to see, so I hope she can stand unscathed. In front of me! Lin Sen was becoming more and more unrestrained at the moment.

Looking at Lin Sen's confident smile, those guys froze there for a moment...

Haha! Suddenly, the burly guy raised his head and laughed wildly, and the people around him also laughed with him, as if they heard a big joke. But Lin Sen was unmoved, and just watched those men quietly without saying a word.

Seeing that Lin Sen remained motionless, those guys couldn't help secretly admiring his courage and composure. The leader waved his hands and said with a strange smile: Lin Sen, you are so brave! I admire you! After he finished speaking, the people around him moved away. Yang Guo, whose hands were bound and whose mouth was gagged, After being pushed out, Lin Sen was surprised that there were actually two other men, but the two of them had already been beaten into pig heads, and they couldn't even see their appearance clearly.

However, there were no obvious scars on Yang Guoguo's body, which made Lin Sen heave a sigh of relief.

Although he couldn't speak or move his body, when Yang Guoguo saw Lin Sen downstairs, his face was full of surprise. But just after the joy, there was a trace of worry. Yang Guoguo and those two people walked around Lin Sen with extremely complicated eyes.

Suddenly, Yang Guoguo shook his head vigorously at Lin Sen, signaling Lin Sen to leave this place quickly.

Looking at Yang Guoguo's caring expression, Lin Sen's heart surged, he gave her an extremely firm look, and then said in a very indifferent tone: Hurry up and send them to me. Come here, and then I will tell you where Hou Heting is, I will stay here now, there are so many of you, right? If you can’t take over your leading leader safely, you can just ask me.”

Hehe, it looks like a good idea, but I think it's very strange. You're the only one who came here with one car, but you're so sure. Could it be that Boss Hou was put in the trunk by you? The guy suddenly said viciously: Second ruffian, go and check Mr. Lin's car to see if there is our chief executive in it.

Ge Laozi, it's really fucking stupid to think of such a simple question until now. If these people can't guess again, they have to trouble themselves to open the trunk.

Following the man's words, seven or eight people ran out immediately. Hey, in a hurry to reincarnate?

Looking at the seven or eight dead people who ran out, Lin Sen couldn't help shaking his head. These people have become dead in his mind. Because, there is no such thing as their chief scoop in his trunk, but his own boss, Li Jun, is lying there.

Asking for flowers, votes, and support, Lin Sen showed his power, and everyone voted harder...

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