The Evil God is Invincible

Chapter 308 Lin Lin Was Arrested

After hearing the sound of rushing water coming from inside, Li Jun swayed out of bed, walked to the door of the bathroom, and pushed it casually, as expected, the bathroom door was not closed.

Hmph, I knew you would be dishonest. In the bathroom, the shower was spraying steaming hot water, and Shui Ling'er was standing in front of the bath, wrapped in a snow-white towel and covered with black hair. Floating on the snow-white shoulders, the chest wrapped in the bath towel is plump and attractive, two slender snow-white ### beautiful legs complement the bath towel, and the ten crystal-like jade-like toes are shining brightly from the light purple plastic slippers. brilliant. The beauty hadn't entered the bath yet, her aura was already enough to sway people's hearts and souls.

Don't think I'll let you off easily, tell me, how many women do you have now, and how many other confidante? What do you want me to be? Is it your wife or the lover you need when you're lonely? The sudden sharp question pierced Li Jun's heart, Li Jun was suffocated for a while, he opened his mouth to say something but couldn't make a sound. Darling, at this time of surprise interrogation, isn't this trying to kill me?

Don't want to say it? It's okay, I don't mind, I'll just treat it as a beautiful mistake last night, since it was a mistake, it shouldn't happen again, right? Shui Linger smiled lightly, stretched out her hand to hold her The edge of the bath towel: Mr. Li Jun, now you can go...get out...

Honey, I didn't tell you, I didn't tell you, what are you doing with such a big temper? Be careful... Li Jun smiled intently and said to Shui Ling'er, and slowly approached Shui Ling'er and stretched out his arms : According to the international practice of lenient confession, I decided to tell you everything frankly...

Hmph, you men really don't have a good thing. Sitting in the bathing pool hugged by Li Jun, feeling the gentleness of Li Jun's fingers, Shui Ling'er was relieved. She didn't expect this man to deal with emotional matters. It's a long way to think, but it's too hard to bear.

However, during the one or two years of being separated from him, I thought in my heart that the suffering he suffered was something that outsiders had never experienced, so what can I do if I can't bear it? Just now this man has told himself very sincerely that he is definitely not playing with his feelings on a whim, in his heart, he is sincere to every woman of his. No matter who was hurt, he would fight with his life to ensure the safety of his woman.

When he said these words, although Shui Ling'er still felt sour in her heart, she also knew that it was obviously unrealistic for Li Jun to leave other people behind. His kindness to himself is not hypocritical. Judging from the scene that he was able to block that bullet for himself yesterday regardless of his personal safety, this man still has his own in his heart.

It's not easy for a man to do this, at least it's much more honest than those who pretend to be docile and docile in front of their wives but secretly have a belly full of gossip. At the very least, I know what kind of person my man is, much better than those women who have been fooled by their men all their lives.

Isn't there such a word now? If you want a man to be reliable, unless the sow can climb a tree. The more capable a man is, the more women he will have behind him. This has become an indisputable fact. Originally, I was worried that this man was only out of playfulness and could not be relied on for the rest of my life. It seemed that the big stone I was worried about was finally let go.

I'm really... Wanting to say something but feeling unable to say anything, Shui Ling'er let go of her mood and closed her eyes and lay in Li Jun's arms, enjoying the passionate enjoyment brought by the touch of Li Jun's big hand.

You don't need to say anything, I know it all, I know the grievance in your heart, I will love you well, wife! What an enemy who coaxes people to death.

Li Jun stretched out his right hand, slowly but firmly embraced Shui Ling'er by the waist, and kissed her on the left cheek. Shui Ling'er didn't intend to resist, she just took advantage of the situation and snuggled into his arms.

Without being hindered, Li Jun further adjusted her posture, let her sit on her body with her thighs separated ###, the hardness below was aligned with the softness between Shui Linger's legs, supporting her slender Sitting down slowly.

Ah, uh... so embarrassing... Li Jun patted her buttocks: Move yourself baby, this time I will let you bully me on top... This guy obviously wanted to free himself hands so that he can walk between the hair and the ravine on Shui Ling'er's upper body.

Shui Ling'er curled up like a cat and sat on the man's lap, with her eyes closed, slowly shaking her waist. Feeling the stimulation and trembling caused by the hot and thick coming from below, and smelling the man's body odor in her nose, she felt an unprecedented dizziness and comfort.

If she had been beaten to death by such actions before last night, she would not have done it. Now that the two parties have let go, Shui Linger's heart is full of deep love, let alone taking such a shameful posture to please her lover, just Shui Ling'er would not hesitate to give her life for him, since this man likes this, let him enjoy it to the fullest!

When he patted her buttocks and reminded her to change her position, Shui Ling'er realized that at some point, she had fallen into a coma.

It has been a month since I came to Taiwan. Zhang Yanan called yesterday. She has already started to go to France to participate in the International Fashion Fair. According to her voice, she wants to go with her. However, now Li Jun knew that he could not leave.

This is not only because of the tenderness of being with Shui Ling'er, but also because the two bosses of the Sanyi Gang and the Sihai Gang are still in his hands, and Li Jun hasn't figured out how to make good use of them.

Besides, besides Shui Ling'er, there are Tang Yun, Chen Ailing and An Rou's problems that have not been resolved, so how could Li Jun leave without hesitation?

When Li Jun was worrying about these matters, he received a call from Lei Xiao, and Lin Lin was arrested by the criminal police team of the Taipei City Police Department.

There were three people sitting opposite Lin Lin, the beautiful female criminal investigation captain was in the middle, and beside her were the two policemen who chased Lin Lin that night, Old Li and the young policeman.

With a swipe, the beautiful captain turned the desk lamp and pointed it at Lin Lin's eyes. For a while, she really couldn't get used to the light, Lin Lin unconsciously raised her hand to block the dazzling light.

Put your hands down and answer my question honestly. The beautiful captain said coldly.

Be honest and be lenient!

Strictly resist!

Ah! The old and the young next to the beautiful captain sang the oboe.

Name? The beautiful captain spoke again, and the sharp blade-like light in his eyes shot straight at Lin Lin.

Lin Lin.

make it clear!

My surname is Shuangmulin, and my first name is also Shuangmulin.

Who are you lying to? Boy. How can there be someone with this name? If you are not honest, you can wait to wash your ass and go to jail! The young and handsome policeman sneered sarcastically, and at the same time recorded the beautiful captain The content of the conversation with Lin Lin.


It's over 20, and it's less than 21. He's so young, three or four years younger than himself. For some reason, the beauty captain suddenly thought of such a sentence. Fortunately, this sentence was said in my heart, and the two people around me did not listen to it. Otherwise, I will be ashamed to see others in the future.

Therefore, the beautiful captain couldn't help but increase his tone: How much?



Han nationality.

Where do you live?


Hearing the place he mentioned, the beautiful captain's eyes couldn't help narrowing into a narrow slit, you idiot, aren't you just courting death by saying that? Taiwan and the mainland are deadly rivals. What are you doing in Taiwan by a mainlander? How did you get here again? This... If it is not done well, it will be invited in by the military intelligence agency to eat rice!

Be more detailed! Can't you finish it all at once? The beautiful captain seemed extremely dissatisfied with Lin Lin's attitude.

The 16th Team of the 2nd Squad of the 9th Brigade of Linjiahe, the 9th Brigade of Linjiahe, R Township, t Township, Yu Village, Yu Village, Q City, E County, R Town, Chuanbian Province, Mainland China. Lin Lin was like a machine gun. Did not hear clearly.

The beautiful captain was taken aback when he heard that, isn't the place name too long? He couldn't help but look at the young policeman who was taking notes beside him, only to realize that he hadn't been able to fully record it, and he was looking at himself in embarrassment at the moment.

Say it again! Slow down, no one is chasing you.

Ge Laozi's! What do you eat? If I change Lao Tzu, I can repeat it immediately. Although Lin Lin thought so in his heart, he said it again.

You are from the mainland, why did you come to Taiwan, and how did you come here? As far as I know, Taiwan and the mainland are still pursuing the 'three noes' policy. The three no's policy, that is, no contact, no negotiation, and no compromise .

On May 3, 1986, a Taiwan China Airlines pilot subdued other crew members in the air and hijacked a cargo plane to Baiyun Airport in the mainland, forcing Chiang Ching-kuo to send representatives to Hong Kong to negotiate with mainland representatives on the repatriation of the pilot and the cargo plane. This was the first contact between officials from both sides since the civil war between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party.

At the same time, the ROC government was under increasing pressure from the people to improve cross-strait relations. Finally, in 1987, Chiang Ching-kuo authorized the Red Cross Society of the Republic of China to contact the Red Cross Society of China on the mainland on behalf of the government, serving as a window for cross-strait communication. After negotiation between the Red Cross Societies on both sides of the strait, Chiang Ching-kuo allowed Taiwan residents to visit relatives in the mainland. So far, the Three No's policy is no longer applicable in fact, but it has not been expressly abolished.

Taiwanese can go to the mainland to visit relatives, but mainlanders who want to enter Taiwan must be subject to many restrictions, and they have to go through a third place such as Hong Kong, Macau and other regions before they can conditionally enter Taiwan. Because of this, the beautiful captain asked this question.

It's too bad, today's flowers and ticket prices are very low, shout out, it's evening, whoever still has some in their hands will throw it back.

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