Waking up in the morning, Li Jun put on the brand-name suit that Tang Yun bought. In the small room where I lived, I looked in the mirror at least seven or eight times. Looking at the handsome man in the mirror, Li Jun nodded in satisfaction, then opened the door and walked out of the room.

Ever since Tang Yun said yesterday afternoon that she would lend herself to Shui Ling'er as a bodyguard for a day, Li Jun felt as if he had knocked over the five-flavored bottle. I know what kind of scene it will be when I see Shui Ling'er.

The servants of the Tang family, gardeners, drivers, security guards and other personnel are not allowed to eat in the small restaurant, but since Li Jun entered the Tang family, he has enjoyed the same treatment as the Tang family. Among the master's people, Li Jun is the only one.

At this time in the past, Shui Xinlian and her husband had already finished their breakfast. But today, when Li Jun walked into the small restaurant, the old couple finished their breakfast but did not leave. Tang Jieming and Shui Xinlian were sitting on the chairs in the small restaurant, lovingly watching Tang Yun take a fried bun dangling from oil and put it into her small purple mouth.

Morning uncle and aunt. Li Jun came over and sat at the dining table, greeting the old couple with a smile. Shui Xinlian responded with a smile, reached out to pick up the bowl and personally served Li Jun with millet porridge. Tang Jieming looked at Li Jun and nodded involuntarily. This young man looked more energetic in a light gray suit.

Why are you getting up so late, eat quickly, and I have to pick up Miss Ling'er later. Tang Yun muttered vaguely when she saw Li Jun sitting down with a fried bun in her mouth.

Yun'er, are you and Ling'er really going to see that Hou Heting? That's not a good person, you better not go. Shui Xinlian asked with concern as she handed the rice bowl to Li Jun.

Tang Jieming frowned and said in a low voice, It's all your fault...

Shui Xinlian turned around and stared at him and asked, It's all my fault, and you didn't cause it yourself? If you didn't think you were carrying a gun at that time, would you have offended someone like him?

That man came to propose to his son, if you didn't scold him first, how could I confront him? Tang Jieming replied not to be outdone.

Heh, you're obviously blaming me for saying that? You don't even look at the virtues of his son, which is comparable to Xiao Xie? The old lady realized that she had revealed her mouth when she saw Li Jun. With one glance, he immediately shut up.

What are you arguing about? At worst, just contract the project to him. What else can he do? Tang Yun glanced at her parents while eating.

Tang Jieming shook his head: I'm afraid it's not that easy. I know very well about that person, that is, he bullied me to the door after I retired. Li Jun, tell me the truth today, you How sure are you?

What? Li Jun had heard the three members of the Tang family arguing endlessly like a charade, and had no idea what they were talking about. Now that he was suddenly asked about it, Li Jun couldn't help but shook his head and asked. One sentence.

Why, you didn't tell Xiao Li about such a big thing? As the saying goes, if you know yourself and the enemy, you will never lose a hundred battles, and you dare to do things you are not sure about? Tang Jieming looked at his daughter in surprise, and said with a hint of worry on his face.

Father, don't worry. With Li Jun here, he will be fine. I believe in his ability. Tang Yun said while drinking the soup.

What's the matter, miss, you just believe in my ability?

Li Jun, today Hou Heting, the leader of the Four Seas Gang, invited Ling'er and Xiaoyun to negotiate. I'm afraid he's a weasel giving chickens New Year's greetings. I think you should be more prepared. Tang Jieming said worriedly.

Only then did Li Jun suddenly realize that this was what the members of the Tang family were talking about? Shui Ling'er wants to meet Hou Heting? Isn't that what Hongmen Banquet is?

Uncle Tang, to be honest, I'm not sure. Chairman Shui and Assistant Tang are both women, and they don't know a little bit of kung fu. I'm afraid I can't handle it alone. This is not because Li Jun is modest, the Four Seas Gang is a gangster , Hou Heting is a hooligan in the cloak of a legislator, and such an organization cannot be measured by credit. Who knows how many people Hou Heting will bring to the negotiations with guns? I was fearless by myself, but with two women who were powerless, I really didn't dare to say big things and make sure I was fine.

Xiaoyun, look at what Xiaojun said, you don't want to go. After all, Shui Xinlian was a woman, she cared about the safety of her daughter and niece, she just said she didn't want to participate.

Tang Jieming shook his head, and glared at Shui Xinlian: Women's opinion. If they don't go, they're just giving Hou Heting an excuse. What will happen when Hou Heting comes to the door with people and guns? Baodao Group won't open Closed? Then how can you be worthy of the old man's hard work?

When he said this, Shui Xinlian immediately lost her mind: Then, I can't go, and I can't go, so what should I do?

Tang Yun silently glanced at her parents, and said in a low voice, It happened because of me, I can't let my cousin go alone. Otherwise, I will go to see that Hou Heting by myself.

Li Jun nodded involuntarily, and said that despite Tang Yun's weak appearance, she was still very firm in her heart, and if she could think like this in the face of danger, she was worth a friend. So, without waiting for Tang Jieming and Shui Xinlian to say anything, Li Jun said to her: It's just nonsense, there is no danger if you go? Why don't you tell me the matter earlier, so I can prepare for it.

I understand that I have already regarded Tang Yun as my friend at this time, so I spoke very directly, almost scolding Tang Yun.

Tang Jieming and Shui Xinlian looked at each other with a strange expression, and they both looked at Li Jun with smiling eyes. Well, this young man is really good. To be able to say that about Yun'er, it must be an expression of concern and anxiety, showing his true feelings.

Tang Yun also blushed and looked at Li Jun, but found that there was no tenderness at all in Li Jun's body at this moment, but only an indestructible aura. Under this momentum, there is almost nothing suspicious looking into his eyes.

Ah, this person, I have known him for such a long time, why is it so unpredictable? From the day I met him, when he was a handyman, he had a low-browed, submissive servility. At that time, even looking at him felt superfluous. When he tried to humiliate him by asking him to wash the toilet bowl with a thousand dollars, this man flatly refused because it was not part of his job. At that time, this person makes people feel different.

Waiting for him to show his powerful ability to save herself and Zhou Lu on the construction site, and officially follow her as a bodyguard, Tang Yun discovered that Li Jun was completely different from other bodyguards and drivers. The other bodyguards and drivers usually look at their faces and act diligently, doing a lot of work that is not their duty to please themselves. But this person is still just a little calm. Apart from driving him to and from get off work, he never does almost any extra-topic things for him, and he will not say nice things to please himself while driving him to and from get off work.

Now, this guy actually scolded him like a child or a subordinate who did something wrong. This, is this still the Li Jun who has been by his side all the time? What is his heart like?

Being reprimanded by a man in front of her parents, Tang Yun's haughty little temper came up again: Tell you earlier, what's the use of telling you earlier, do you mean that after telling you earlier, you can guarantee me and Ling'er? Sister's safety, or can you destroy the Four Seas Gang? Cut!

Why do these words sound like a little daughter-in-law who is acting like a baby with her own man? As soon as Tang Yun finished speaking, not only did she feel feverish on her face, but Tang Jieming and Shui Xinlian smiled even more ambiguously.

Dad, Mom, you, what are you laughing at? Tang Yun's little feet paused under the table, and she unconsciously twisted her waist. Tang Jieming and Shui Xinlian had already burst into laughter. It seems that since this child was in junior high school, he hasn't acted like a baby in front of him, has he?

It's all about you, are you full? If we are full, let's go quickly. Unable to do anything to her parents, Tang Yun vented her anger on Li Jun again.

Shui Xinlian's smile stopped suddenly, she looked at Tang Yun and asked, What's the matter, I haven't come up with a safe idea after talking for a long time, do you still want to go?

Li Jun smiled faintly, stared at Tang Yun and asked, When and where did you and Hou Heting meet? Tang Yun stared at Li Jun and hummed, Today at twelve o'clock at noon, at Shangdao Cafe... ...Sister Linger has already made arrangements, and her people have already started to arrange them three days ago, and you are not the only one fighting alone, so you should feel at ease now, right?

Li Jun ignored what Tang Yun said at all, but took out the phone from his body: Lei Xiao, take your people to the Shangdao Cafe... Well, except for the people who guard Lin Sen, the rest of the people Go, no matter what method you use, you must control a safe passage, and when the time comes, take your own people out.

Who is Lei Xiao? Why have you never heard of this name? Tang Yun asked curiously. Tang Jieming and Shui Xinlian also had doubts on their faces.

While continuing to make phone calls, Li Jun replied, He belongs to me, he is the captain of the security team of the Tianwaitian branch here in Taiwan...

Cut, it's just a security captain. Let's see what you can do... huh? The security captain of Tianwaitian Hotel is yours? Tang Yun looked at Li Jun in disbelief.

This man really made her less and less able to see the true face of Mount Lu.

However, the next call from Li Jun really surprised Tang Yun, Tang Jieming and Shui Xinlian.

Tian Hai, you can move now... Well, right now, let's take over the three halls of the Four Seas Gang in Taipei City...

Tang Yun and Shui Xinlian just looked at Li Jun in surprise, not knowing who he was talking to, let alone whether he was bragging or playing tricks.

However, Tang Jieming's brows were tightly knit together, and the two thick eyebrows almost twisted into a Sichuan character. Now, the Four Seas Gang is serving it together at the three halls in Taipei City? How brave does it have to be to say that? Not to mention any association in Taiwan, even the government, I am afraid that they dare not make rash assertions, saying that they can get rid of the Four Seas Gang if they take over.

However, looking at the calm expression on Li Jun's face, he knew that this man was not talking big to show off in front of his family? Could it be that he really has this ability?

Let's go, take me to meet that Chairman Shui, hehe, it's time to meet her too. Li Jun put away the phone and stood up with a smile.

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