A red light on the window sill gave off a hazy halo. Sima Tianhao sat quietly on the sofa, waiting for the person who wanted to connect with him.

Huang Jingjing was wearing a milky white pajamas, her bare feet were snow-white ###, and she was pulling a pair of light purple engraved slippers on her feet. Her ten slender toes were as captivating as crystal jade shoots. Under the thin pajamas, the bulging figure is even more exquisite.

If I had known that the boss would not tell me to go back after I took the lamp, I should have changed clothes before coming out. Standing in front of him at this time, neither of the two of them spoke, and the whole room was silent, standing or sitting, slightly It seemed a bit awkward.

Just when Huang Jingjing felt dull, there was a sudden noise outside the door, as if someone was preventing something outside the door. But no one knocked on the door.

Before Huang Jingjing could move, Sima Tianhao's figure had already arrived at the door. Huang Jingjing, who was behind her, couldn't help sticking out her tongue, this movement was so weird and fast!

Sima Tianhao stretched out his hand and opened the door, and there was a big yellow envelope on the ground at the door. Sima Tianhao couldn't help snorting, he had heard the sound of the man putting down his things and leaving just now, without any hesitation at all, he stretched out his hand and grabbed the big envelope on the ground outside the door.

However, at the moment when his hand touched the envelope, Sima Tianhao's body suddenly bounced up. Huang Jingjing listened, and with a sound of oops from outside the door, Sima Tianhao's body stepped back, and followed closely behind. Behind him are two stout and mighty men. The clothes of these two people are no different from ordinary people, but from the appearance and appearance of these two people, it can be seen at a glance that they are not from China.

In Sima Tianhao's hand, he held a pistol emitting a faint blue light, but the muzzle of the gun hadn't turned around yet. The man who came in after him was holding two guns, one pointed at his forehead, and the black muzzle of the other pressed tightly against Sima Tianhao's chest.

The man following them was still chewing gum, holding the big yellow envelope that Sima Tianhao hadn't picked up just now, wearing a dark suit on him looked very funny.

Sima Tianhao stepped back and asked, Mr. Sangji, what do you mean?

Mr. Ma, you are not enough friends. The thick fat man holding the envelope is the Sanji he was talking about, and he spit out the chewing gum in his mouth with a bang, as if he had entered his own home. Sitting on the sofa that Sima Tianhao just made, as he ### pressed down, the sofa under his buttocks let out a creaking howl.

Why did Mr. Sangji say that? Sima Tianhao asked without changing his expression.

Sangji put his two thick thighs on the tea table, picked up the coffee cup on the tea table and sniffed it vigorously, then turned his head and shouted to the panic-stricken Huang Jingjing: Pretty girl, bring me a cup of Blue Mountain coffee too. The ones bought in Thailand are all fake, but Mr. Ma knows it’s authentic as soon as he smells it.”

Mr. Ma, I have already prepared all my money. Why is it so late for your goods to arrive? I have already found my next home. Do you know that you make me feel very embarrassed by doing business like this? Sangji shook his head. Tiptoe to Sima Tianhao said.

Sima Tianhao shook his head and smiled wryly: I thought it was something, so it was because of that batch of goods. Something happened to me, and the goods were confiscated by the police. The Mr. Liu who contacted you is also now It's not that I'm dishonest to be thrown in jail.

Then I don't care, we agreed at the beginning. I don't have to worry about the goods, just take the money to pick up the goods. But this time my people waited at sea for a week with the money, and none of your people This is your problem. Sangji's words were not unreasonable, the two parties had agreed in this way at that time, in order to fear that Sangji's payment would not be timely, Sima Tianhao boasted at the time, saying that as long as he has money, he will never It will cut off its supply.

However, this time, because of Liu Peng's accident, the cargo ship Sangji that was supposed to arrive has been waiting for a week and has not been seen. in a hurry?

Anyone who bought these weapons could not be offended by Sanji, and some of them were originally local government forces. Sangchi, who was forced to pay for the bill in Thailand, ran to the mainland to find the door in a rage.

Huang Jingjing brought the coffee to Sangji. Seeing that his two elephant legs had occupied the entire coffee table, she hesitated a little and put the coffee on the armrest of the sofa next to Sangji.

Sangji stretched out his big palm-like hand and grabbed the woman who wanted to leave, wiped her face with the other hand, and said with a chuckle, Brother Ma's house is good, and the girl is also good.

Huang Jingjing exclaimed: What are you doing? Her slender body retreated slightly, trying to break free from Sangji's pull. Sangji chuckled, and turned his big hand to her breast enlargement again. Huang Jingjing's face turned red immediately, and she scolded in a low voice: Take your hand away.

Sangji was stunned, and said with a quack smile: Brother, your girl has a lot of personality, I like that, a little bit of wild taste is enough, you just give her to me as an apology.

Sima Tianhao shook his head: Sangji, let's talk about something, don't you just want the goods? I have a lot of goods, and I will definitely send them to you as soon as I have been busy for a few days. But your I can't agree to the request, because he is only my employee, not my servant, if he doesn't agree, I have no right to decide her affairs.

Oh, beautiful chick, you have the final say on this door? Tell me, do you want to follow me to Thailand to enjoy happiness? I have countless properties and my body is also very good. I will definitely satisfy you Hehe... Sangji said while pulling Huang Jingjing's body towards her.

Huang Jingjing struggled a few times without breaking free from Sangji's pull, and suddenly smiled at Sangji: Why are you so rude, not gentle at all? Boss, look at your friend... Huang Jingjing turned her head and gave Sima Tianhao a wink. Sima Tianhao's heart twitched slightly. Before she was sure what the wink meant, a dagger suddenly appeared in Huang Jingjing's hand, and it struck like lightning. Sanji's throat: Tell him to put the gun down, or I'll kill you.

At this time, where is Huang Jingjing still the delicate and weak woman just now? The dagger was firmly pressed against Sangji's throat in her hand, and there was no tremor after finishing it. Sangji has been in the hail of guns and bullets all day long. What kind of scene has he not seen? Based on his feeling, he immediately felt the chilling aura emanating from Huang Jingjing. This woman was not joking with him.

At the same time, Sangji's accomplice was also shocked by the change of the calcium carbide flash. Just as he was stunned, Sima Tianhao shot like lightning, and the two pistols in his hand reached Sima Tian in the blink of an eye. Howe's hands.

Mr. Ma, my subordinates are right outside the door, as long as I shout... Sangji tried his best to control the fear in his heart, and said calmly.

Jingjing, let him go. Sima Tianhao said, he had already walked in front of Sangji, put the three pistols in his hand by his lap, sat on the sofa himself, and patted Sangji's face. Shoulder smiled and said: Don't be nervous, I won't hurt Mr. Sanji, we are partners and close friends, aren't we?

Well...hehe, yes, we are friends. I was just joking with Mr. Ma just now. Look at your girl, you are serious. It's really a strong general who has no weak soldiers. No wonder Brother Ma's business is so good. Made it so big.

Sima Tianhao gently picked up the big yellow envelope from his side, and asked indifferently, Did your people do this?

What? I don't know what's in here. I arrived in the capital and searched for a long time before I found your whereabouts, but your yard is very tightly guarded, and my people dare not shoot. It's really cool to come in. It was not easy for his grandma. But it was such a coincidence that another man in black came a little later than us. You put a big envelope at the door and left. We followed him upstairs, and he didn't seem to see us, and we left without paying attention.

Oh, have you seen what he looks like? Sima Tianhao asked, staring into Sangji's eyes.

Sanji shook his head, smiled wryly, No.

He looked at Sima Tianhao, and asked again: Brother, you have many enemies here, right? Open it and see what it is?

Sima Tianhao smiled: No need, a friend of mine joked with me. Let's continue talking about our business. How about this, you go back and wait, and I will organize a batch of goods to send to you after the Spring Festival. After this transaction is completed, we will settle the matter, and I will not do this kind of business again in the future, and you should not look for me again, what do you think?

After losing his support, Sangji was already in a state of anxiety, and after hearing Sima Tianhao's words, he smiled and said, You don't have to wait until after the Spring Festival, I need it urgently, we're here to trade, you take the goods Give it to me, and I'll take it home with me.

Sima Tianhao pondered for a while, looked at him and said with a smile: That's fine, you can find a place to live first, then send someone to contact me, and I will let you know when the goods are ready, Mr. Sangji, your Did you bring the money, we paid the money and the goods.”

Hehe, you can rest assured about this. Sangji said while standing up and said: Well, let's make a deal, I'll go first, you'd better move faster, I'll wait for Mi It's time to cook.

Watching Sang Ji's fat and strong body squeeze out the door, Sima Tianhao looked at Huang Jingjing who was standing beside him, and reached out to touch the phone on the table.

Putting down the phone, he looked at Huang Jingjing who was still standing beside him, and said in a low voice, Thank you, go back and rest. While speaking, he took the yellow envelope and went back to his bedroom.

In his bedroom, Sima Tianhao changed into his nightgown, and put a video tape inside the envelope into the VCR next to his bed.

He put on his nightgown and paced up and down the room, thoughts rolling in his mind. It seems that this video tape must be a video of Wu Mengli having an affair with someone. Even if he saw this, what should he do?

No, I can't... Sima Tianhao shook his head, as if he wanted to wipe away all his unhappiness, I will never be defeated by someone with ulterior motives. What he needs to do now is to calm down and think things over Make your own strategic layout, look for a fatal chance, and completely defeat your enemies.

The picture that appeared on the TV was exactly as I imagined. Wu Mengli's alluring and sexy figure appeared in front of him, and that very seductive smile was something I had never experienced from her. Seeing her twisting ### under that man, Sima Tianhao blushed and grabbed his fingers tightly. The more he wanted to calm down, the more he felt hot-headed and dry mouthed. No matter what, he couldn't calm down...

look up. His pupils suddenly enlarged rapidly: on the TV screen in front of him, his wife was lying under the man's body, her two ### thighs were wide open in a straight line, despite the man's fierce impact on her body. Damn, this picture is really... ugly.

However, seeing that extremely confused scene, Sima Tianhao didn't know what was going on, he only felt his lower body swell, and a rush of desire rushed straight into his heart.

He reached out and pressed a button on the bedside, and said, Jingjing, can you make me a cup of coffee? I think I need your help now, and I need your help with something.

After Huang Jingjing over there gave a clear promise, Sima Tianhao opened the drawer of the writing desk and took out a small packet of medicine powder from it. This is the gift that Sangji gave to himself just now - a drug specially used to mobilize people's desires. So far, he hasn't used it and had a chance today to see how it works. He put the powder into his pocket, quietly waiting for the time to come.

In the female secretary's room, Huang Jingjing was hiding under the quilt, talking on the phone very carefully, and her voice was very low: Yes, they are Thais. I don't know how many people there are. I only know that one of them is called Sanji's is thick and strong, and he has just left the villa, um... I know, well, let's do it.

Just as he put down the phone, there was a beep from the pager. Huang Jingjing pressed the red button, and Sima Tianhao's voice sounded inside.

You bastard, what time do you need coffee?

Although he was reluctant in his heart, it was his responsibility as the life secretary to serve that guy tea and water. Huang Jingjing muttered softly, got out of bed, adjusted the pajamas she was wearing, and walked outside slowly.

It’s on the recommendation list today, with an update of 12,000, everyone strongly supports it, and it’s worth spending a lot of money to post a few, hehe...

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