The Evil God is Invincible

Chapter 211 I am the devil who haunts you all your life

The three floors behind the yard are all ### centers, this kind of place is not suitable for bringing a beautiful girl into it. Li Jun smiled, and let Hu Die follow down the stairs, entered the first floor, and said to the reception lady standing inside the counter: Open a private room for this little girl, and find someone to accompany her to have a good chat.

Hello...I... Hu Die looked at Li Jun who was walking upstairs, and opened his mouth. Before she could shout out, the girl at the counter had already come out and greeted Hu Die with a smile: Miss, please follow me.

The high heat in the sauna room made him feel weak and fluttering. He went into the shower to wash off the bead of sweat on his body, put on the paper underwear prepared in the bath, and wrapped a towel around his waist before Li Jun walked into the third floor. In the rest hall, there are already many people lying on the soft long lounge chairs with their eyes closed. Li Jun looked at an empty seat and threw his limp body on it. The reclining chair was soft and indescribably comfortable. He sighed in his heart that he hadn't enjoyed this kind of life for many years.

Sir, do you need health care services? Our health care massage techniques are very good. The service lady came over enthusiastically, bent down and almost put her mouth against Li Jun's ear, and asked in a low voice . Li Jun's heart moved, his body was weak at the moment, it would be nice to have a massage, the massage here is definitely not comparable to the blind massage outside. I just want to recommend our health care service to you because you look tired. It doesn't matter if you don't need it. Seeing Li Jun pondering, the service lady quickly explained. Li Jun smiled, glanced at the number plate on the chest of the service lady, and said softly, I'm looking for number a7.

I saw that the gentleman is a regular customer here, and now there is no one in a7, please come with me, sir, and then take him to the massage room in a7. Seeing that Li Jun agreed, the service lady wiped a smile in her eyes, The voice is softer. With such an ambiguous smile, there is probably a commission, Li Jun thought to himself. Pass through the rest hall, turn a corner, and you will see a corridor covered with thick carpets. The doors on both sides of the corridor are closed, and some room locks have do not disturb lights on. It should be that there are guests doing health care inside , the service lady led Li Jun through the corridor, and then pushed open a small closed door. Li Jun's eyes suddenly opened up. The inside and outside of a small door are really unique. Not luxurious enough. But outside the small door is another scene, it is not an exaggeration to describe it as magnificent.

Although there is a small door in the middle, it can be seen that this side is a separate place. There is grandeur in the richness, and elegance in the majesty. The waiter opened the door of a room, and after Li Jun entered, he said please wait a moment, closed the door and left, probably notifying the massage lady. What kind of massage room is this there? The indoor lighting is dim and soft, and there are several oil paintings hanging on the wall, one of which is a picture of a naked woman coming out of the bath, which makes people daydream endlessly.

Li Jun pushed open the door of the inner room. The layout of the room was similar to that of the outer room, except for a sofa, there was a relatively large massage bed. Taking a look, the sheets were white and looked very clean. It seemed that the sheets were being changed at any time. Li Jun lay on it, it was soft and comfortable, but it wasn't like a Simmons mattress that would sink people into it.

Within a few minutes, there were a few soft knocks on the door. Sir, can I come in? The voice was sweet. Hey, come in. The door opened gently, and a girl came in with a small basin, a plastic bottle in it, and a snow-white towel on it. Li Jun glanced at the girl. He is about 18 or 9 years old, with a melon-shaped face and light makeup. His appearance is still pretty and pleasant, with a curvy figure, wearing a small vest and a miniskirt, and his skin is white and tender. This outfit is a special uniform for masseurs. It is hot enough to wear, and there is a number plate pinned to its bulging chest. Although the temperature in the room was hot enough, looking at her dressed like this still made people think of a hot summer. However, Li Jun looked down at his clothes, and couldn't help but smile. Li Jun looked at her number plate, number a7, which was consistent with the number hanging outside the room. When Miss a7 bent down to put down the small basin, her miniskirt was too short, and her pouty buttocks revealed her snow-white underwear, which was simply deliberate to attract crime. Boss, the person you are looking for is in room a3. Just now, the person surnamed Liu ordered room a3. They said that room a3 is receiving guests, which made the person surnamed Liu very unhappy. After a while, I went out and said that the boss was not satisfied with my workmanship. , wait for the waiter to come in, then you can change to room a3, but I think it will be difficult to enter the door of room a3. She has only received one guest since she came here. Miss a7 had a very sweet voice, but she put down the small basin However, when standing in front of Li Jun, he had a serious face, his body was straight, and he was extremely respectful to Li Jun when he spoke.

Oh, I see. Are you still used to this kind of place? If you are a dishonest guest, don't be wronged. Just type it out. I will tell Tian Hai if I have something to say. Li Jun asked with concern.

This girl is actually a member of the shadows, because the Jinfu clubhouse is not Du Lanlan's property, Tian Hai has always been careful about this place, and there are more than a dozen men and boys sent in by the Tiandaomeng alone. This girl, the reception lady on the first floor just now, the waiter in the lobby of the front building, and the young man who reserved the ktv room for Li Jun in advance are all members of Tiandaomeng. Hearing Li Jun's concern, the girl smiled: This is also a compulsory subject during training. We are all used to it. Please rest assured, boss. Li Jun nodded.

Seeing that Li Jun stopped asking questions, the girl bent down, picked up the small basin and walked out.

Only received one guest? Who will Lang Tingting receive? Damn, don't you put a colored hat on me? What if the waiter comes in because there are customers to shirk? Ever since he knew that Lang Tingting had come to Jinfu Clubhouse, Li Jun couldn't sit still anymore. Now that he knew what room Lang Tingting was in, how could Li Jun wait for the waiter to reject him? As soon as the little girl went out with the small basin, Li Jun stood up, opened the door and went out.

My room number is a7, and the sign hanging on the door of the room next to the small door just now is a9, so according to this calculation, a3 should still be inside.

Li Jun walked forward to a room and saw that the sign at the door was number a5, and he couldn't help smiling. Sure enough, as he thought, number a3 should be the next door in front.

Sure enough, as expected, I walked forward a door, and the sign on the door really said a3.

Li Jun stood at the door and heard that there was no movement inside. He stretched out a finger. With the urging of his thoughts, the finger became thinner and longer, and he stretched it in along the keyhole. Li Jun smiled, and turned the doorknob with the other hand, and the door opened without making a sound.

This room is exactly the same as the room a7 that Li Jun entered just now, but the orientation is exactly different from that of a7. The door of the inner room of a3 turns to the right after entering the outer room, and the room a7 just now turned to the left after entering the outer room.

Li Jun put his hand lightly on the door handle of the inner room, gently lifted the door up a little and then pushed it in, the inner door didn't make a sound as it was pushed open with Li Jun's strength. There is only a punch sofa and a massage table covered with snow-white sheets. Besides, who else is there?

Could it be that Lang Tingting, like everyone else, waited for the waiter's notice before coming to this room? After thinking about it, Li Jun felt that it was impossible. If that was the case, how could Lang Tingting guarantee that she would not be picked when there were guests picking someone inside?

Li Jun was not sure whether he should go out or wait in the room, when he heard a very slight splashing sound of water suddenly turning from behind the curtain. Li Jun felt strange in his heart, wondering where the sound of water came from?

Li Jun didn't move, but his eyes flickered, and he used the perspective function to look behind the curtains. Li Jun couldn't help sweating, his heart trembled, his lips trembled and he felt a little excited.

It turned out that there was no window at all behind the curtain. Behind this pink curtain, a small door was ingeniously installed. Inside the small door was a fully equipped bathroom. A graceful figure was standing under the shower inside to take a bath at this moment. The water splashes rolled down her jet-black hair like a waterfall, sprinkled on her snow-white body, and flowed down her heels on the ground.

That rosy face, those delicate eyebrows, eyes and lips, who else could it be if it wasn't Lang Tingting?

Li Jun stretched out his hand and pushed open the door of the bathroom, and said with a low laugh, Can I wash with you? is it are did you come here? Hearing Li Jun's voice, Lang Tingting's body trembled suddenly. At this moment, she completely forgot that she was standing naked in front of Li Jun, she completely forgot to protect herself, she forgot to be shy, and she even forgot that the earth is still rotating at a leisurely pace... I don't know After a long time, she only felt a trace of coolness on her back, as if some liquid had been poured on it, followed by a pair of warm big hands to gently smear on her back, rubbing slowly, gently, with just the right strength, comfortable It made Lang Tingting snort comfortably before she suddenly understood. You, how could you do this? Lang Tingting didn't know whether it was joy or anger, her delicate voice was so sweet. Hmm. Hehe, you don't want to murder your husband, do you? Li Jun said while grabbing her little hand that was stroking her hair. It's disgusting, how do you know? Why do you know every time? Lang Tingting winked at Li Jun with an indescribably charming look. Don't tell me this. We have been separated for more than a year, but I miss every part of you. Hehe, of course, including these small parts of your body. Li Jun said , while pulling out a hair-thin steel needle that shone blue from her hair. Well, I really don't know what kind of poison it is, but it is not afraid of water? Li Jun smiled, and with a flick of his wrist, the steel needle was tremblingly nailed to the tiles on the wall, leaving only the tail of the needle exposed.

You are simply a devil, devil! Lang Tingting said viciously at Li Jun, shaking her silver teeth.

Li Jun chuckled: You are right, I am your devil, the devil who has entangled you all your life, if you want to run away from me, there is no door at all.

As he spoke, he stretched out his mouth and kissed Lang Tingting's delicate red lips.

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