The Evil God is Invincible

Chapter 197 Car Accident

Zhao Yu's face turned red up to the ears: Zhao Kaige bullied your sister, you can take it out on her sister. For my younger brother, I am willing to do anything you want me to do.

Because she was leaning forward, the towering chest of her chest was almost exposed, making her appear more plump. The rich aroma, like orchid and musk, hit Li Jun's nose.

Li Jun looked at her, raised the corner of his mouth, and smiled silently. You... are not worth the price...

He turned his head slowly, leaned back slightly, and said to Tian Hai with cruelty and sharpness in his eyes: I have done what I should do. I don't want to see the two of them come out in twenty years. The police will be here soon. , I have an appointment tonight, so I will go first.

While talking, he got up slowly, and smiled gently at Li Yaqi: Sister, let's go.

Looking at the back of him leaving, Zhao Yu's eyes were filled with anger, which was also mixed with shame: The surname is Li, let's wait and see...

The place Yuan Yuan reserved was actually the second branch of Tianwaitian, and she and Liu Fei had already arrived. The two sat in the resplendent private room, watching the lights on the street brighten up one after another, and they had already finished three pots of tea, but they still didn't see Li Jun showing up.

Liu Fei, I heard that you and Li Jun have known each other since they were in high school. He is still a student. How did he earn so much money? The relationship between Yuan Yuan and Liu Fei has become like this over the past year. The intimacy of a sister is really too curious, Yuan Yuan can actually ask such a question.

Liu Fei lowered her head and smiled: Sister Yuan, don't ask me such words, I don't know how much money he has. Yuan Yuan exclaimed in surprise: No way, you are his girlfriend Ah, why don't you care at all? Let me tell you, this man...

Mr. Yuan, it's very bad to speak ill of students behind their backs. Don't you want to teach our family Liu Fei badly? Yuan Yuan was leaning her head and wanted to say a few intimate words between women to Liu Fei, but she didn't want Li Jun to push her away. The door stepped in.

Yuan Yuan couldn't help but blush: Go, who is speaking ill of you? I'm speaking from experience.

Really, I wonder where Teacher Yuan got this kind of experience? I heard that Teacher Yuan hasn't fallen in love yet? Li Jun asked with a smile.

Seeing Du Lanlan and Li Yaqi coming in behind Li Jun, Liu Fei immediately stood up and said hello, Sister, you're here too, come and sit here.

Li Jun looked at the only two people in the room, Liu Fei and Yuan Yuan, and couldn't help asking strangely: Didn't I say that I will pay for your treat, and you can invite any guests you want, why are there just the two of you?

Hearing Li Jun's question, Yuan Yuan glanced at Liu Fei in embarrassment, and said in a low voice, Say it.

Liu Fei smiled: Actually, Teacher Yuan is not a big deal, but last time you said that you wanted to drive his family to the street to beg for food. Aren't these two families still serious relatives? For the past two days, I have been entangled in Teacher Yuan's house every day, kneeling and begging, making Teacher Yuan's family feel uneasy, so I want to tell you to see if we can let it go. Yuan The teacher felt that you were trying to vent your anger for her that day, and instead you were pleading for that family, so you always felt embarrassed, so you dragged me here, and you didn't invite outsiders at all.

Li Jun smiled, and said to himself that I knew this was the case, you thought my money came from the flood, if it wasn’t for the calculation, I would be so stupid as to take my own money and Their family is fighting against each other? Is there any way to make them bankrupt?

That's it? Let Mr. Du figure it out. If you say that your sister-in-law's family is nothing, it should be taught a lesson. Let's not talk about this matter, let's serve food. Li Jun laughed Pointing to Duran Lan. Yuan Yuan didn't expect that Li Jun would lightly reveal it in just a few words, which seemed to be a big event of life and death in the eyes of Yao's family. Thinking about Li Jun's understatement that day, he would rather pay 200 million in vain. This kind of demeanor is incomprehensible if he is not personally on the scene.

Seeing the food and wine served, Li Jun had just picked up his chopsticks when the cell phone in his pocket suddenly rang again.

Tian Hai, what's going on? Seeing that Shi Tian was still calling, Li Jun immediately judged that something happened on his side.

Brother Li, as soon as you left, people from the Zhao family rushed in. Fortunately, we have enough people, but there are a few good fighters in the Zhao family. I suspect that those who are particularly capable of fighting are all from the Sima family. People. Four or five of us were injured by them, and they rushed into the room and rescued that Sun Bin. Tian Hai's report was concise, but the situation was basically explained clearly.

Where's that Zhao Kaige? Li Jun is most concerned about this guy now. As for that boy Sun Bin, when does he want to deal with him?

It was taken over by the people from the Municipal Bureau, and I arranged a few people to watch over it. Tian Hai became more and more sophisticated in handling things, and Li Jun hummed in satisfaction: Give the things you collected to Cao Yongli personally. I can't blame me for this, the Zhao family asked for it themselves. If they are willing to give up their pawns to protect the handsome, I can let them go. That Vice Premier Zhao 'retired' for recuperation.

After putting down the phone, Li Jun realized that everyone in the room was looking at him strangely. He couldn't help scratching his scalp and asked with a smile, What are you all looking at me for? Hurry up and eat.

What did you do again? Why did you involve a deputy prime minister? Can't you stay honestly for a few days after you come back? Liu Fei gave him a blank look and said with a bit of complaint.

Hmph, it's cheap for him to retire from his whole body. You don't even know what their family is doing. They actually helped pick up the third sister today. I won't be able to get over it if I don't teach him a lesson. Hearing Li Jun After briefly talking about what happened, Liu Fei finally understood why Li Jun was fighting with such a high-ranking official. She stretched out her hand to hold Li Yaqi's hand, and said in a low voice: It's his fault that he dared to bully us. Sis, are you alright?

Li Yaqi smiled and shook her head. With such a younger brother, anyone would feel infinitely satisfied.

Hearing Li Jun's words, Yuan Yuan was even more surprised than hearing Li Jun's nonchalant statement that the price would be 200 million in vain. You know, in the current system, the deputy prime minister can crush people to death. With the change of society, there are more and more rich people, but no matter how rich they are, they can't compare with officials.

As the saying goes, the poor do not fight with the rich, and the rich do not fight with officials. In this country where everything is inferior, only reading is high. It has been passed down for thousands of years, and only officials are the privileged class who are always superior to others.

But now, Li Jun said that he wanted to let a vice premier take sick leave. How much energy would it take to do it? What unknown identity does he, a young student like himself, have?

Throughout the meal, Yuan Yuan kept wondering about this unexplainable question in her mind, and her eyes could not help but stare at Li Jun, making Du Lanlan, who was good at observing words and expressions, laugh secretly.'s too late, Sister Lanlan and Third Sister and I are going back to the villa directly, you can send Teacher Yuan off. Liu Fei is really kind, Du Lanlan thought in his heart that you are sending a sheep to a tiger's mouth, isn't it? Thinking about his not-so-embarrassing identity, he wished Li Jun would do something to test Liu Fei's reaction. So he also echoed: Just drive the car you drove today, do you want me to send you another driver?

As soon as Li Jun heard it, he knew that Du Lanlan was a bit funny, so he gave her a look and said, No need, I can do it myself.

The car shuttled through the street with various lights, and Yuan Yuan, who was sitting in the co-pilot, opened her eyes wide, her eyes were aimless and she didn't know what she was looking at. Seeing that she was silent, Li Jun was naturally silent while driving the car.

Yuan Yuan stretched out her slender fingers and pressed a button, and an unknown violin tune played in the car in a low-pitched and sad tone.

How many years have you known Liu Fei? Yuan Yuan suddenly asked this question. Li Jun smiled: Many years...

Yes, it has been many years since the last life plus this life.

Ms. Yuan is so beautiful. She became a university teacher at such a young age. There should be many boys chasing you. Why haven't I seen you and... Li Jun also asked with a smile.

Yuan Yuan leaned back on the seat, opened her small mouth and yawned: Are there any good men these days? All of them care about their lives. Those who have no money are not capable, and those who are capable and rich are outside I still don’t know how to spend my days and nights. Look at the hotels, hair salons, ### centers, massage parlors, etc. that have sprung up like mushrooms on the side of the road. If you go here, is there a serious person?”

After being reminded by her, Li Jun noticed that on both sides of this street, there were indeed many neon advertising plaques, and dark red lights like blood leaked from the half-closed doors. This, seems to speed up the progress of the times than the world I know?

In Li Jun's mind, entertainment venues like massage parlors and ###centers would not become popular until two thousand years later. Who knows that these venues have already appeared in 1993. It seems that Du Lanlan should be reminded, don't buy whatever you want to make money, follow the trend and start some unhealthy projects.

Stop the car. You'll be there just around the corner. It's too late, so I won't let you sit at home. Li Jun, thank you! When Li Jun stopped the car, Yuan Yuan got out of the car and held onto her hand. The car door said to Li Jun with a smile.

Ms. Yuan, you are being too polite... Li Jun had just finished speaking, when there was a click, the car under her buttocks shook violently, and Yuan Yuan yelled out.

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