The Evil God is Invincible

Chapter 174 is weird

If you forget, there will be no pain, leaving the past in the wind? His singing voice is really beautiful.

Millie turned her face and glanced at the big boy beside her. The changing lights of the street hit him, making his face a bit hazy, and the street lights stretched his figure and projected it on the road under his feet. , as he walked, it kept shaking in front of the eyes of the two of them.

At this moment, Mi Li suddenly felt a slight illusion in her heart. Time and space seemed to have fallen into a standstill at this moment. She really wanted to stay by his side forever, go on, go on!

Can you really forget it? If it is enough to leave the past in the wind, then where will the wind take it?

The street in front became a bit narrow, and the tempting aroma came to the nostrils with the damp wind, and the noisy voices of people accompanied by laughter came into the ears more and more clearly.

Turning around a street corner, you can see that the roadside not far in front of you is brightly lit. On both sides of a sidewalk, there are white plastic tables and stools. Diners are sitting in groups, and it is really lively.

What's this for? Millie asked puzzled.

Food stalls, snack night markets. Li Jun turned his head and answered. This was the first time the two had spoken since they walked out of the Bank of China Building. The person who asked the question was very natural, and the older person was also quite casual. The two really seemed to have left the past events in the wind, and had been taken away by the wind blowing past.

Haven't you seen it? In fact, many real local delicacies have been passed down like this. Would you like to try it? Li Jun took Mi Li's hand and walked to the nearest food stall. Millie didn't struggle, but followed silently, looking at the steaming oil pan at the food stall with novelty and puzzlement in her eyes.

Two skewers of roasted sausages, um, two skewers of fish eggs. Li Jun took the roasted sausages from the stall owner and handed them to Millie. Seeing the scene where I came here to eat fish balls for the first time, I ordered two more strings of fish balls.

Mi Li followed Li Jun's example and took a small bite of the hot sausage. A strong, spicy aroma came from the tip of her tongue. Mi Li, who had no appetite, suddenly felt her appetite increased.

How do you eat this? Looking at the fish balls handed over by the stall owner, the deep-fried golden layer, Millie asked while biting the burnt sausage, where does it look like a female Hong Kong Governor?

You can dip it in chili noodles or sweet sauce. You can try it. It tastes good. Li Jun showed her a demonstration with a smile. Millie dipped in chili noodles and stuffed golden fish eggs into it In the bright red mouth.

Damn it, the little mouth of this foreign girl is so fucking beautiful, and the way she looks like she has a burnt sausage in her mouth...

Shut up, this is Hong Kong, not the Mainland. Be obedient and be honest. After finishing the work, there will be a lot of money for you to enjoy. What kind of woman do you want to find?

The two people sitting at the table behind the stall owner were facing Li Jun and Mi Li. Seeing Mi Li eating the sausage, the young man in his twenties on the right was drooling. He stared at Millie's chewing mouth with good eyes and whispered for a while, but was stopped by the middle-aged man beside him.

These two people spoke Mandarin with a strong Beijing accent. Li Jun couldn't help but fix his eyes on those two people, but the two people opposite him had already lowered their heads and started eating. He didn't even raise his head to look across.

Haha, is it delicious? Li Jun turned his head and gestured to Xiao Bing in the car behind him. Li Jun and Mi Li pressed the road, and Xiao Bing drove the car behind and crashed in the back. I didn't expect that it would be useful now. No matter what the two people on the opposite side are doing in Hong Kong, let Xiao Bing investigate, I believe. There will be results soon.

Yeah. Millie agreed vaguely while eating the fish balls, It's delicious.

Call me if you want to eat in the future, and I will accompany you to eat. Li Jun said with a smile. But Millie shook her head: It's getting late, take me back.

dks is a disco bar. Li Jun walked in. I have been to this kind of place before with friends. Li Jun doesn’t know how to dance disco. I can’t say I like it or dislike it, but the atmosphere inside is very suitable for him today. There are enough people. Too much, the music is loud enough, and it's smoky enough. On the way to send Millie back to Hong Kong Governor's Mansion, Millie didn't say a word to Li Jun again, which made Li Jun extremely depressed. With Millie's thirsty eating sausage and fried fish balls dipped in chili noodles, go in and have a glass of beer just to quench your thirst.

A lot of people were already sitting at the long bar in the circle. Li Jun found an empty seat and sat down, and ordered a half dozen beers. Li Jun poured himself a glass and drank it dry in one gulp. After a while, he downed three bottles. The small dance floor of the disco was full of people. The DJ on the high stage yelled a few words into the microphone with a hoarse voice from time to time, which made the men and women below even more crazy. With the rhythm of the explosive music, their heads turned more round and their buttocks twisted even more. joyous. Li Jun tried his best to hear what the DJ was yelling, and how could it make the men and women dancing so crazy. At this time, the dj screamed again, roaring vaguely and hoarsely into the microphone, a burst of laser lasing, and the music became even more explosive. The men and women on the dance floor frantically followed the dj's roar and raised their hands, shaking their heads from side to side. Their long hair fluttered with the violent shaking of their heads, and looking at their raised hands, nine out of ten they all had their middle fingers upright, moving forward rhythmically, and the beauties were no exception. Damn, the world is going downhill. Handsome guy Li Jun felt a hand on his shoulder. Looking sideways, a flirtatious woman with heavy make-up took a breath of a cigarette and sprayed on Li Jun, almost choking him. Li Jun frowned. , do not understand what she wants to do. Handsome guy, I'm alone. Hmmm Can you buy me a drink? The flirtatious woman winked at him frivolously, and Li Jun was sure that the powder on her face was definitely falling to the ground. Okay. Li Jun smiled while holding back his nausea, and handed over the beer on the table.

Oh, handsome guy, I don't know how to drink this. The woman pushed the beer away from Li Jun's hand. Didn't you want me to treat you? If you don't know how to drink, why should you ask me? Li Jun was a little puzzled. Hee... It's not that I don't know how to drink, but I just don't know how to drink beer. Then what kind of wine do you want to drink? I bought two xx and took an o to take away. Just looking at the bottle, you can tell that the price is expensive. Damn, doesn’t this treat me as a winner? How about it, handsome guy? Just buy me this. The coquettish woman shook Li Jun's shoulder coquettishly, and the panda-like dark circles were getting closer and closer to Li Jun. Okay, if you want to drink, you can drink it yourself. Miss, bring me a bottle of wine greeted my sister, the woman kept winking at Li Jun: Handsome guy, you are so kind. Print the blood-red lips on Li Jun's face. Don't... Li Jun blocked her with his elbow, and said with a smile, What's the matter? I don't have to pay for it. What? Can't see: Stinky boy, you are entertaining my old lady. After speaking, he gave Li Jun the middle finger, shook his head, snorted, and twisted and twisted to find the next winner. Haha, did Huo Qianyu and Kuang Xiaomei act like this when they played pranks with their male classmates? Li Jun smiled wryly and shook his head, thinking how could he meet such a vulgar woman, if a beauty who looked similar to Huo Qianyu really came to strike up a conversation, he might throw out the money he was carrying. What are you doing, let me go... let go. A girl's voice suddenly came from behind Li Jun. Amid the deafening music, he couldn't really hear the voice if he didn't pay attention, but he still heard it. Li Jun turned his head and saw a few ruffians with weird haircuts pulling two blond girls against the wall. The men and women around him shook their heads and wriggled their bodies on their own. They seemed to be familiar with this.

Let go, what are you doing? Don't touch me, a rascal. One of the girls struggled hard, yelling and cursing. Hey... the brothers have taken a fancy to you, be obedient, come and have fun with us. One of the ruffians smiled strangely and did not let go.

No, let go, we're not going anywhere, let us go. Damn it, let's see how I deal with you later. The strength of the two girls is too weak, how can they earn more than a few The young and strong ruffian was dragged here by the group of ruffians. If he wanted to go out, the place where Li Jun was sitting was the place they had to pass. Soon, the two girls were dragged in front of Li Jun by a few ruffians. The two girls looked young, with blue eyes and a high nose. In terms of entanglement, I don't know why these two foreign girls came here for entertainment. Suddenly, Li Jun's eyes fixed on one of the girls. The girl saw that Li Jun was looking at them, struggling to struggle, a small hand firmly grabbed the armrest of the high chair where Li Jun was sitting, and looked at her with her big beautiful eyes. Looking at Li Jun, his eyes were full of pleading, so pitiful. You're Silia? Why isn't Qiao Sen with you? Li Jun sighed inwardly. However, the girl in front of me is clearly Qiao Sen's little girlfriend, and it is said that she is also the daughter of the newly elected British Prime Minister Ait. How could this girl abandon Qiao Sen and come here to dance with other girls? What did Johnson do again? You are mistaken. I don't know Qiao Sen at all. Please help me... The girl denied that she knew Qiao Sen, but she held on to the handle of the chair tightly and begged Li Jun to save herself.

Isn't she Siliya? No, my eyes can't misjudge people, there must be something weird in it.

Being criticized by book friends one after another, I feel very depressed. You can take a look at the title of this volume. It was originally based on the theme of Li Jun's mental journey of subduing Millie. There are only a few chapters left. Let Millie, the governor of Hong Kong, live in Hong Kong Sit for Li Jun, and then Li Jun can leave Hong Kong with peace of mind. These chapters are ### romance stories. You may think it is too plain. In fact, these chapters are the chapters that Youlong spent the most time on. If you put your heart into it If you read it, you will be able to read Li Jun's humanity and style from the mediocrity. Shout out again, whether it is praise or criticism, You Long expresses his gratitude, at least friends who have read it carefully will care about the growth of this book, thank you!

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