The Evil God is Invincible

Chapter 6 Leaked Test Questions

Seeing the nasty looks of these live treasures, Liu Fei and Li Yan pursed their lips, turned around and walked out,

At lunch time, all six people in the dormitory were present. Huang Dewei looked at the five brothers Zhang Bin, Li Tianshun, Yang Jian, Yang Gencai, and Li Jun, and while biting a mouthful of steamed buns, he said: There are some things I wanted to say in a few days, but now the six of us are here, about I want to hear everyone's thoughts on the college entrance examination.

He took a mouthful of vegetables, and while chewing in his mouth, he continued: As a big brother, seeing the day of parting is approaching, I feel uncomfortable. Today Zhang Bin said that it is best for everyone to pass the exam together. This wish is good, but I think it is impossible. Because everyone's grades are different, and Yang Jian and Gencai are going to take the sports school. Among us, Li Jun has the best grades, and he passed the basic test No. 1 in the city, if there is a ranking in the province, I believe it will be in the top few. If he is asked to apply for the same school as us, it will be a waste of talent.

As he said that, he smiled at everyone: I mean, 'A reed canopy is set up for thousands of miles, and there is no never-ending banquet'. Whoever reports what he wants can report what he wants. Don't let this affect the bright future. As long as everyone keeps this friendship in their hearts, The days to come will be long for our brothers.

Li Tianshun and the others listened to Huang Dewei's words silently while eating. Yes, what Huang Dewei said makes sense. Several people have different backgrounds. It is really impossible to get together in the exam, and separation is an inevitable result. Young people in their late teens are just at the time when they pay attention to the relationship between friends, and they feel uncomfortable when they think that they will be separated soon.

Zhang Bin picked up the vegetables and said in a low voice: Li Yan said that her family asked her to apply to West China Jiaotong University, and I plan to apply there too. Besides, our test scores last time were relatively close.

Huang Dewei looked at everyone and said, You know, what I want to do the most is to be a teacher. After I think about it, I will apply to East Normal University. It will be considered good if I can pass the exam.

Because in the 1990s, the voluntary application was still first followed by the examination. Everyone should consider comprehensively what to apply for, not only the admission score, but also the enrollment plan of the university you want to apply for in the province. Without full confidence, no one dares to apply for those top prestigious schools in the country.

Li Jun knew that it didn't matter which school he wanted to be admitted to. Just looking at Li Tianshun, Yang Gencai, and Yang Jian, knowing that they would not pass the exam according to the historical track, I couldn't help but feel sad.

After eating, everyone walked into the classroom together, and Li Jun was still thinking about this question in his mind. Today is the same as before, the teacher came in again with a bunch of papers.

This is the first time for Li Jun to walk into a strange but familiar classroom. Looking at the familiar but unfamiliar head teacher Mr. Zhang, Li Jun couldn't help feeling a little excited.

I remember that at that time, the teacher surnamed Zhang took good care of himself. In fact, every teacher will look at Li Jun with outstanding academic performance, but Teacher Zhang pays more attention to and prefers Li Jun.

Li Jun, come and distribute these to everyone. Sure enough, as soon as Teacher Zhang entered the classroom, he set his sights on Li Jun.

Oh,... good Mr. Zhang. Hearing Mr. Zhang calling him, Li Jun remembered that he was still the study committee member and Chinese class representative in the class.

Holding a stack of test papers handed over by Teacher Zhang, an idea suddenly popped up in Li Jun's mind. He concealed the joy in his heart, distributed the papers to the students in order, returned to his seat and finished them, looked at Li Yan at the same table, and whispered: I heard that you are going to apply for West China Jiaotong University? Li Yan Turning to look at Li Jun: Yes, my family asked me to apply for this school.

Oh, that school is good. It's just that I won't be at the same table with you anymore. Li Jun said with a smile.

Do you want me to be at the same table with you in the future? The voice was so low that it was barely audible, but Li Jun could hear it clearly.

Li Yan stared into Li Jun's eyes, the expression on her face was calm but eagerness was hidden, but that eagerness was deeply hidden. If Li Jun didn't have nearly forty years of life experience, he would definitely not be able to see it. .

Could it be that Li Yan also liked herself at that time? Li Jun couldn't help but freeze when he looked at Li Yan.

No wonder Li Yan hasn't contacted me since she was admitted to university. No wonder Li Yan didn't show up when Zhang Bin brought the children to see her at the class reunion.

Li Jun was a little dazed and even more surprised. How come I didn't notice it at all back then?

I looked at Liu Fei, who was sitting in the row in front of Li Yan, and saw that she was looking at the test paper that had just been handed out, and didn't notice the conversation between the two of them at all. Looking at it from Li Jun's point of view, he just saw half of her beautiful side face slantingly.

Li Yan sighed in a low voice, turned her head away silently, bowed her head and stopped talking, both hands tightly grasped the ballpoint pen in her hand, her fingers became bloodless due to excessive force.

Li Jun looked at Li Yan and couldn't help but feel pain in his heart.

Did Li Yan, who was at the same table as me for a year, look at me like this before and say something like this? So what if I already knew it?

The love in high school is hazy and pure, and it can make people feel painful and unforgettable for a lifetime. Li Jun decided not to think about it anymore, and he didn't dare to think about it anymore.

Looking at the test paper in my hand, the idea in my mind not only jumped out when I took the test paper from Mr. Zhang. Putting down the test paper in his hand, taking out a few pages of blank paper, Li Jun lowered his head and began to write on the paper. Oh, I was so stupid. The test paper of the 1990 college entrance examination is in my head. I copy it out and give it to my brothers. I can go to any school I want. Li Jun couldn't help laughing out loud as he thought about it. sound.

Li Yan was obviously still immersed in the sad mood just now. Hearing the laughter, he couldn't help whispering: Crazy. Li Jun heard Li Yan's scolding, looked at Li Yan, saw that she was not looking at him, and smiled wryly. Shaking his head, he lowered his head and continued to write his own things.

When the bell rang for the end of get out of class, Li Jun had already written all the test papers. Looking at the things in front of him, he couldn't help laughing, then folded a few pages of paper like a hidden treasure, and tucked them into his trouser pocket.

Liu Fei turned around and glared at Li Jun reproachfully: You were dishonest in class, and you're still laughing after class. Tell me, what's so funny?

Li Yan looked at the two people who were eyeing each other, opened her mouth without speaking, stood up and walked out.

Li Jun smiled, stood up and said, Oh, finally class is over, let's go to the toilet. Turning to Huang Dewei and the others sitting behind him, he said, Go to the toilet, is there anyone? Huang Dewei shook his head to express his refusal, Yang Jian stood up and said, At the critical moment, our buddies are still close, and I will accompany you.

The two walked out of the classroom and saw Li Yan talking with a very delicate girl standing in the corridor outside the classroom. When Li Jun saw the girl, he couldn't help but feel his heart agitated.

That girl was Li Jun's younger sister, Li Yaqi. Seeing her at this time, to Li Jun, it was as if yesterday's young lady had suddenly become twenty years younger. In Li Jun's impression, the third sister, who is nearly forty years old, already looks a little old. The older sister in front of her has bright eyes and bright teeth, exuding a youthful aura.

When Li Yaqi saw Li Jun, she took out a tightly wrapped handkerchief from her pocket, opened the handkerchief, and inside was a stack of banknotes of various colors, large and small, and handed it to Li Jun, saying, Pay the test paper fee first. , save the rest. My mother thinks you haven't come home, and says she misses you, baby bump. While speaking, she started laughing.

Li Jun took the money, put it in his trousers pocket, rubbed his eyes with his hands, Sister, let's talk, I'm going to the bathroom, and it's time for class again. I really didn't dare to face my sister again , fearing that she would see the tears welling up in her eyes.

Li Yaqi looked at the back of him leaving, and said in his mouth: What's wrong with this brat?

After school in the afternoon, on the way back to the dormitory, Li Jun handed the written test questions to Huang Dewei: Do these few pages of test questions carefully with my buddies, and be careful not to let others know.

Huang Dewei looked at Li Jun with a serious face, and asked suspiciously: What is this? Li Jun walked and said, This is my guess. If you want to go to college, go back and do what I say. Otherwise, return it to me. Looking at Huang Dewei, Li Jun warned again: Remember, don't let anyone else know the contents of these pages.

Huang Dewei saw Li Jun's rare seriousness, nodded and said: It's so mysterious. Anyway, you study well. You are the boss in study. I will listen to you. I will organize them to study together when I go back. Don't worry. gone.

Seeing that Li Jun didn't intend to go back to the dormitory, but was walking towards the school gate, Huang Dewei asked behind Li Jun, Where are you going?

I'm going out for a walk and get a haircut. You see, my hair is as long as Liu Fei's. While walking outside, Li Jun was thinking in his heart: Boys, I can do everything I can do. Now, it’s up to you whether you can get into university or not. I’m writing a copy later, and Liu Fei and the others have to prepare for it, and Third Sister needs to let her get into a good school easily.”

However, judging by the situation at home, even the siblings cannot afford to go to university. Back then, I went to school by myself and sold the family's troubles, and I was so poor. Now if my siblings are both admitted to college at the same time, I will worry my parents to death? Think of a way to earn the tuition of the siblings before going to college.

You are still being unreasonable. Haven't we paid this month's money? Why do we have to pay again? Li Jun was thinking about it, when suddenly a woman's voice was full of resignation, grievance, and helplessness , Rourou and Qieqie passed it on very pleasantly.

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