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1ooper knew that he would be suppressed by Ryze in this game.

At first, he just wanted to suppress him less.

But 1ooper didn't expect that.

At this point in the game, he would be suppressed so much.

The difference in last hits: 26.

One level difference.

The players of the M3 team were originally full of fighting spirit when they learned that they were facing LGD, the No. 1 team in the LPL, in today's game. But now after the PK in the early stage, everyone was dumbfounded.

Obviously, they hadn't given away heads yet, and the record of both sides was still 0-0, but the players on the M3 team knew very well that if they continued to play like this, they would basically lose in the end.

There was no hope at all.

Look at what heroes LGD has.

Top lane Ryze, mid lane Viktor, bottom lane ADC Annie.

These heroes themselves have average combat effectiveness in the early stage, and only Lee Sin has some combat effectiveness in the early stage. At this time, they choose to develop without any problem.

On the other hand, M3's side. The three heroes,

Shen in the top lane, Yasuo in the middle lane, and Widowmaker in the jungle , all need to exert their strength in the mid-term.

But now, they have been beaten so hard in the early stage.

Condi's Widowmaker can even be said to be very miserable.

How can they fight in the mid-term? Not to mention, the first little dragon was taken by LGD.

And at this moment.

Imp in the bottom lane single-handedly destroyed the bottom lane tower of the M3 team.

Previously, this defensive tower had already lost a lot of health to imp, and now it is just looking for an opportunity to make up for it a few times.

In this way, LGD's momentum is getting stronger and stronger.

One bad news after another made the current M3 team members look very nervous.


"If they rely on development, I feel like Team M3 will have no chance of winning."

""They still need to find opportunities with this lineup."

Commentator Guan Zeyuan also said at this time.

Seeing that both teams were playing development in this game, Guan Zeyuan was a little anxious for M3. It was not to defend the M3 team.

Rather, if M3 could respond better at this time, it would make this game more interesting.

This is also what the commentator and the audience want to see.

"Now, M3 is in a difficult situation."

"The three core players of LGD were all too good, so blindly starting a team fight might not be effective. Also, a key point is that M3 wanted to find an opportunity, but they couldn't start one."

"In the top lane, they have tried to gank Ryze twice, but they were easily defeated."

Su Xiaoyan added.

This is indeed the embarrassment of M3's current situation.

The situation is obviously very unfavorable, but there is no way out.

At this time in the middle lane, after Wei Shen's Viktor got the blue buff, he began to bully the Emperor's Yasuo madly. The development of the two mid laners is actually not much different.

It's just because of Condi's disadvantage in the zone that the Emperor's Yasuo dare not move forward rashly.

"Qiu Shen, you develop alone!"

"I have to go roam with Aquan!"

After Hirano Aya said this, his Minotaur went straight down. At this point in time, Lee Sin was definitely a very strong point.

In addition, Taobao Quan also countered some of Condi's wild monsters in the early stage, so the advantage was still there.

The double roaming of the jungler and the support is also a very practical play in the current version, not to mention that Hirano Aya's Minotaur and Taobao Quan's Lee Sin are in their strong period.

These two people can do a lot of things.

Top lane.

As soon as Hirano Aya's Minotaur left, Chen Yiqiu was suddenly alone.


1ooper soon came to play with him.

After M3's bottom lane tower was demolished, Sima went to the bottom lane to develop alone. Normally, the support Thresh should follow the jungler to roam at this point in time.

But M3 didn't dare to do that.

Although Thresh also roamed, he basically just provided vision and protected the development of his teammates.

Yasuo and Corki now urgently need to make up their first piece of equipment. Look at the Emperor Yasuo in the middle lane, who now only has a piece of Zeal and hasn't even made an electric knife. Even if they find an opportunity to start a team fight, they still don't have enough combat power.

Chen Yi Qiu felt very friendly when he saw Shen.

"Shen is good!"

When thinking of Ma Ge's serious face, Chen Yi Qiu sometimes felt a little suffocated. Facing Ma Ge's Corki, he didn't feel free at all.

It seemed as if Ma Ge wanted to come up and attack him at any time.

After all, he was the man who could spray five enemies with a flash, and he played very tough in the game.

Although Ma Ge's Corki didn't attack his Ryze in the end, Chen Yi Qiu could feel Ma Ge's majesty.

And now.

1ooper's Shen is different.

Kind, friendly, and kind.

Hit him once and he won't resist.

Hit him twice and he still won't resist.

They live in harmony!

1ooper was having a hard time at this time. In the beginning, because of his teammate Widowmaker's failed ANK, he had less experience than Ryze.

When he switched to the bottom lane to develop alone, he was facing his old teammate Imp's Annie. He had no way to last-hit the minions and could only wait until the minions entered the tower.

Only then would he have a chance to eat a wave.

In this situation, compared with Ryze's development, it was a world of difference.

If they faced each other again, how could he dare to go up and fight?

But 1ooper didn't plan to fight with Ryze. He played Shen in the top lane to provide support, not to fight in the lane.


The game came to the 16th minute.

At this time, the Great Emperor's Yasuo had the electric knife, and the most important thing was that Sima Laozei's Corki, who had been developing madly, had completed the three core items.

Ma Ge's Corki had a strong combat power at this point in time.

The M3 team had been depressed for a long time, and now had to find an opportunity to get resources.


"The little dragon will refresh in less than a minute!"

"I think M3 can fight this wave."

Guan Zeyuan, the commentator, obviously saw this.

Next, it depends on how the two teams play.

On the field.

At this time, LGD team and M3 team, both heroes are in full skill state. Although the two sides have exchanged fire many times before.

But there has been no kill.

This is obviously not LGD.

There are very few games where LGD team has no kills after 15 minutes. It is even hard to believe that this game was won by LGD.

But the fact is,

"A wave of dragons is coming"

"I'm so depressed playing this game, if I don't start the game again, the gaming experience will be completely gone."

In the LGD voice chat,

Hirano Aya was already speaking loudly.

Hirano Aya always liked to stir up trouble in many games, but in this game, he didn't find any chance to stir up trouble.

It was so uncomfortable!

"Ryze's Hourglass has come out, why wait till what?"

Taobao Quan said.

Although M3's double C has completed equipment, LGD's three cores are also not bad.

Ryze has Hourglass + Tear.

Viktor has already bought Hextech.

And IP's Annie has the Electric Knife.

The development of the three cores is very good. If M3 starts a team fight at this time, LGD will not be afraid of them, even though the hero's strong period may not have arrived yet.

But LGD has never considered so much.

If you don't accept it, just fight!


On the field,

M3's support Thresh has already started to build vision near the dragon circle.

From this point, it can be seen that M3 is determined to get the dragon at the moment.

Of course, from another perspective, if the second dragon is not obtained and is taken by LGD, then M3 will really die slowly in the next game.

Top lane.

Chen Yiqiu's Ryze is still developing peacefully.

When he heard his teammates say this, Chen Yiqiu knew that the next wave of tests for himself was coming.

The key wave of dragon group.

In this game, although he played a DPS top laner, Chen Yiqiu was no different from the tank top laners he played in the past games in terms of mixing.

His Ryze almost did nothing. After the three Q skills were all targeted at Condi, no one came to disturb his development in the top lane.

And now, it is really time to test himself.

For the DPS top laner, Chen Yiqiu is most worried and afraid of the group fight.

This kind of fragile hero is not like a tank, who can just rush forward and stand at the front. The tank top laner only needs to take a beating, and after using his skills, the rest is left to his teammates.

The output-type top laner is different.

He needs to move, deal damage, dodge skills, and choose the right time to enter the field...

Chen Yi Qiu suddenly had a headache.

It seems that these skills are all things he is not good at.

After being a slacker for a long time, his abilities in these aspects have hardly grown, and now he has to face such a big test temporarily.

Chen Yi Qiu himself is not sure whether he can do it.

Now, it seems that he has no way out.

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