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"Today! Now! Shark Girl officially announced: LGD's genius top laner Cmy is here!"

"From his debut to now, in the 9 games played by Cmy, he conquered everyone with his super personal strength and helped LGD team win 9 consecutive victories."

"He is talented, but also very hardworking. He is humble, but always able to carry the team at critical moments."

"@GD-Cmy officially landed on Douyu on No. 69. Sit! Wait! Start! Broadcast!"


Douyu's official Weibo account.

After negotiating with the LGD club and confirming the signing with Chen Yiqiu, they announced the news directly on Weibo.

But at this time, it is only June 3.

The announcement of the news almost a week in advance shows Douyu's intentions.

Chen Yiqiu's popularity is ridiculously high at the moment, and an official announcement at this time is obviously more beneficial to Douyu. On the one hand, they can confirm Chen Yiqiu's signing.

On the other hand, they can also earn a wave of super traffic.

It can be said to kill two birds with one stone.���

Why not?

Chen Yiqiu himself also forwarded such a Weibo.

However, from his memory, although Douyu is now in its heyday, almost all the top LOL anchors are gathered on Douyu Live.

Vincent, Xiaozhi, Wuwukai, Ruofeng, etc. are all super traffic anchors in this period.


If Chen Yiqiu remembers correctly, Vincent will soon fall out with Douyu, and Xiaozhi will leave Douyu soon.

And soon after, Douyu’s middle-level LOL anchors were poached on a large scale by the Longzhu platform.

The entire Douyu LOL division was paralyzed in an instant.

Chen Yiqiu didn’t care about it.

Maybe Douyu itself was panicked in this situation, but Chen Yiqiu, as a reborn, he knew very well the influence established by a platform.

It is not something that can be defeated by the departure of anchors.

Since then, Douyu has relied on the support of Wuwukai and anchors like Timo and Fajie to still become the first in the industry.

The status has never been shaken.

Signing with Douyu is not a big problem.

And... looking at the extra one million in the card, this is the signing fee temporarily paid by Douyu. The rest, they will send it later, plus the bonuses and wages issued by the LGD team in the past month.

Chen Yiqiu's bank account now has 1.1 million.

It's really good!

Although the club's income seems to be very different from Douyu, Chen Yiqiu himself is still very knowledgeable. The reason why he can get this money from Douyu is that he still relies on playing games.

It is not something that Douyu can give directly.

Everything has settled down, and now Chen Yiqiu continues to prepare for the next training match. And the game that will be held this Friday.

In the past, he was a little bit secretive when playing that silver trumpet.

Now... hehe!

After experiencing such an incident, his straight man Titan instantly became popular. Now Chen Yiqiu can play the trumpet openly.

The key is that playing the trumpet can still be praised by netizens.

This is the real coquettishness!


《Since Cmy Silver account became popular, now……》

Station B.

This video suddenly became popular.

The UP host is obviously a guy who knows Station B netizens very well. For someone with obsessive-compulsive disorder, an ellipsis is clicked without hesitation.

Not to mention, this is a hot topic.

Click on the video and take a look.

The first segment directly edited the game between LGD and EDG. Chen Yiqiu Titan's various hooks on deft are so exciting. In short

, the UP host wants to tell everyone that Cmy's silver level changed during the game.

Then the most critical part comes.

Taobao Quan live broadcasts playing with a small account.

Hirano Aya live broadcasts playing a bronze game.

Wei Shen live broadcasts playing gold


Not only that.

Big brother gogoing, and others have joined this camp.

Professional players, fighting in the silver game.

It doesn't matter, they even have a lot of fun in some games.


"This wave of Grass and Tree God has brought about a violent storm."

"The Silver rank in the Canyon began to be shrouded in a heavy shadow"

"These professional players are really bad. Now my silver league is in a mess. I feel so uncomfortable."


After netizens clicked in to watch the video, some couldn't help laughing. It must be said that this wave was quite interesting.

Some directly criticized that the silver game was originally very comfortable to play, but now it is particularly difficult to play from time to time due to the trouble caused by professional players.

The good thing is that these professional players really came here just for fun and did not play this kind of small account for a long time, so it was harmless.

Chen Yi Qiu also saw this video.

He didn't feel anything about this situation.

The only thing was that LGD's teammate was"excessive".


"Brothers, don't mess with me!"

After watching the video, Chen Yiqiu spoke in the team chat group.

And, he took a special screenshot.

It showed the scenes of Wei Shen, Hirano Aya, Taobao Quan and others playing in the low rank.

"Learn from Qiu Shen! Hehe!"

"Salute to my great God Qiu!"


Seeing what Chen Yi Qiu posted, the other teammates were grinning. It was obvious that they were also joking. Chen Yi Qiu could only smile bitterly, but he quite liked this feeling between teammates.

The actions of several"bad friends" reminded him of the FPX team.

Isn't the friendship between doib, Lin Weixiang, GimGoon, and Xiaotian a bit like this?

It seems pretty good.

But now.

Because of his battle in the silver rank, another phenomenon has emerged, which really makes Chen Yi Qiu a little bit amused.

For a long time, bronze and silver ranks have been looked down upon by other higher ranks.

This situation has occurred on all platforms.

Gold looks down on silver, silver looks down on bronze, and as for platinum and diamond, they simply look down on those with lower ranks than them. This phenomenon has always existed.


"The land where Cmy fought is also the land where he grew up, and you cannot trample on it!"

"If Cmy had fought in the Silver rank, his straight male Titan might not have appeared. Look down on Silver? We look down on you too!"

"Sorry, I'm a silver player, what's the matter! I'm a silver player and I'm proud of it. I'm also a big fan of Cmy"


When Chen Yiqiu saw this, he immediately laughed.

Compared to all the praise and explosive popularity on the Internet, Chen Yiqiu liked this more.

It seemed that he suddenly became the spokesperson for the silver rank.

Before his rebirth, he played a thousand ranked games and his rank was still silver.

Chen Yiqiu loves and hates the bronze and silver ranks.

He wants to struggle out of here like crazy and doesn't want to play with those trolls who want their parents to die suddenly for no reason, but he is quite obsessed with the excitement of fighting in bronze and silver.

If you don't accept it, just do it!

So now seeing these comments on the Internet, and then looking at some words typed by some netizens in the silver league in the Summoner's Canyon in the chat group.

Just like what I said above.

It really makes him extremely happy and proud.


Three days later.

The third week of the LPL season is here again.

This week, LGD only has one BO2 to play, and the opponents are Team Nake and Team Kin. In the spring season, Snake, led by top laner Saint Spear and ADC Crystal, played a real dark horse role, catching all the traditional LPL teams off guard.

Team Snake even got the magical record of second place in the regular season in the spring.

However, they didn't play well in the playoffs.

Now in the summer season, after the LPL teams are familiar with them, they are no longer so afraid of this team. Snake is not very good in the summer season. In the PK with LGD, they are completely at a disadvantage.

And KNG is even worse.

LGD is a team of this style, and they are best at bullying weak teams.

LGD easily defeated them without much effort, but Chen Yiqiu did not play in this week's game.

When playing against King, Acorn, the top laner who was squeezed out of the starting position by Chen Yiqiu, got a rare opportunity to play, and he lived up to Feng Ge's expectations.

Steadily helped LGD win.

After this week's games, LGD got six points again, but what surprised Chen Yiqiu was that

IG team is still winning streak in the summer season.

In my impression. In the 2015 LPL season before rebirth, IG was not as strong as it is now. Chen Yiqiu didn't know if it was because of his rebirth that changed everything.

In addition.

The dark horse team QG in the summer season really broke out.

They were crazy about draws in the early stage, but after the team completed the running-in, they began to get 3 points in bo2, instead of 1 point for a draw, which also made QG's battle points ranking rise rapidly.

There is also a very special team, that is OMG.

After UZI joined this team at the beginning of this year, the galaxy battleship formed was not as strong as everyone imagined, but became more and more unstable.

Chen Yiqiu now has no intention to care about these.

This week's game has been played.

Next, he needs to do another important thing. _To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Xiao

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