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"Thank you very much, Qiu Shen!"

"My dad came to watch me play this game. I was very nervous and excited. I was playing against the ED. If it weren't for your Fizz teleport, I wouldn't have been able to get this pentakill."

"I, godv, owe you a small favor!"


When Chen Yiqiu heard Wei Shen suddenly say this.

He was completely stunned!

The main thing is, in fact, Chen Yiqiu himself really did nothing in that team battle. It was all Wei Shen who got the pentakill. It actually had nothing to do with Chen Yiqiu himself. His Fizz was just as Chen Yiqiu thought. It was just that

EDG couldn't kill Fizz.

If I have to say thank you, it feels like it's not my turn at all. Wei Shen should thank Taobao Quan and Hirano Aya more.

In that team battle where Wei Shen got the pentakill.

Taobao Quan's Gragas brought the ball into the field and played a very critical control, while Hirano Aya's Minotaur stood alone under the defense tower of Tsar Li and forcibly stuck to EDG's double C. Even imp's Twisted Fate is more useful than Chen Yiqiu's Fizz.

After all, imp also dealt a lot of damage in this wave.

It really has nothing to do with Chen Yiqiu's Fizz.

"God Wei, you are too polite!"

"I even made a mistake in teleporting this time. You were able to kill five people, which was entirely due to your own personal strength."

Chen Yiqiu said quickly.

He couldn't afford this special favor.

"God Qiu, you are being humble again!"

"I saw it clearly. Your Fizz could have been killed, but after Morgana's restraint was lifted, you simply didn't move."

Chen Yiqiu... this Wei Shen can even contact him.

He was stunned!

The key point is that Chen Yiqiu has no idea how to explain it now. The main thing is that he feels uncomfortable when Wei Shen talks about modesty.

It seems that in the future, he really can't talk nonsense.

Qian Shengqiu? Get out of here!

But then again, he is really not modest.

Although now thinking about it, at that moment Chen Yiqiu did have the opportunity to rush up and harvest, but he did nothing in the game, just watching.

In fact, it was just that Chen Yiqiu hesitated for a while.

Now that Wei Shen said this, Chen Yiqiu was a little overwhelmed.

Without giving Chen Yiqiu a chance to continue explaining, Wei Shen quickly smiled and nodded at him, and then walked towards his teammates.

Brother Feng had already waved to them.

After all, the game is not over yet, and there is another game to play with EDG.

Under the circumstances of this game that has attracted much attention, EDG lost the first game terribly. In the next game, they will definitely play the game in their best condition. It is really hard to say how it will be.

In the next second game, LGD needs to go all out.


"Damn, the prediction of Fizz’s E skill is so amazing!"

"I feel sorry for Koro. He is so strong but still got beaten by Cmy."

"Hahaha, the tanky Fizz was beaten up by five EDG players but he still survived. It made me laugh to death!"


In the university dormitory.

Gu Deye, who was sitting in front of the computer, had just finished watching the first match of the LPL Summer Season EDG vs. LGD. It was quite exciting, and the most important thing was that his favorite LGD team played very well.

He was watching the game while brushing the barrage.

Until now, he still felt a little unsatisfied.

Despite the fact that everyone was not optimistic about LGD, they launched a wave of extremely strong attacks. The talented top single Cmy, whom Gu Deye admired very much, also performed very well in this game.

This made him look forward to the second match between the two teams even more.

But now.

It will take some time before the second game starts, which is the most uncomfortable part.

Gu Deye picked up his mobile phone and looked at it.

Click on UC.

He has always liked to brush the news on UC, which has become a great pleasure for Gu Deye.

Gu Ye has been paying attention to this new single of LGD recently. He has completely become a fan, madly paying attention to Cmy, his rank, his life, and all his information.

After watching this game, he wanted to know more about Chen Yi Qiu.


《Shocked! LGD genius single CMY account is actually silver, and has lost ten games in a row. 》

A small account?

When Gu Deye saw this news on UC, he was stunned.

The main account in CMY server is now 2156 points, and the main account in Korean server is 1184. Gu Deye remembers these clearly.

Silver small account?

"Damn, these rubbish self-media really like to talk nonsense!"

Gu Deye couldn't help but complain. At this moment, he was going to comment and scold the crappy editor, and report it by the way. Such irresponsible reporting was really too much.

While scrolling down the news, Gu Deye didn't pay much attention to the text, but he saw a video screenshot.

Gu Deye frowned.

Because in this picture, you can see Chen Yiqiu's background and his computer screen.

What's going on?

Gu Deye instantly began to have a huge curiosity about this. Judging from the video screenshot, this should be a picture of Taobao Quanran's live broadcast.

When Taobao Quan was fiddling with his camera, he accidentally scanned Cmy's computer. At this time, Cmy was also playing rank, but it had just ended.

And on the picture, there was a message prompt.

The account played by Chen Yiqiu dropped from Silver 2 to Silver 3.

The picture came from this.

Gu Deye clicked on the picture to enlarge it and saw that Cmy was using an ID to play rank, which was not the familiar national server king ID.

"Qiu 15896."

Seeing this, Gu Deye read the news carefully from beginning to end.

The editor of UC not only posted pictures, but also checked the record of this ID. As the editor's title said, this ID���There have been ten consecutive defeats in the performance.

Just in the past few days.

In addition to this, there are a series of other evidences, such as the playing time, there is no conflict with the main account of the national server and the Korean server. All of this proves that this"Autumn 15896" is indeed Cmy's small account.

The comment area below is now exploding. Gu Deye saw that the number of comments has reached an exaggerated 329 not long after the news was posted.

Obviously, Cmy's silver small account has more or less caused a small sensation.

And once it spreads, the effect will be even more terrifying.

Gu Deye's heart is broken.

How could the genius top laner who debuted in the professional arena have such a small account?

In the forum, Gu Deye had always seen some statements about Cmy. Many trolls were targeting Cmy, saying that he was lucky to play professionally.

Before, when Gu Deye saw these remarks, he always responded, but now he began to have some doubts.


"Don't be scared!"

"That's it. Our old father won't spoil them."

"Brothers, I, Hirano Aya, am going first!"


At this time, the LPL match live broadcast began to play the voice of the previous game between the two teams, and this paragraph came from the LGD team, Hirano Aya, Chen Yiqiu and Taobao Quan when they were 43-pointed by EDG in the bottom lane.


"It seems we still cannot defeat this wave, the three of us are afraid we will lose again!"

"Fight with them!"



"No problem!"

"Anti-Soldier���I have learned a lot."

Looking back now, combined with the voice chat of the LGD team at that time, the audience found this team fight in the bottom lane particularly interesting. Hirano Aya has always been the stubborn one in the game.

Even her talking during the game seems to be the same.

It's really fun!

"I’m a bull head, and I just want to ask you if you are handsome?"

"Stop talking, I'm so upset!"

"If I don't die in this wave, it will be a perfect team."

"My mentality is even worse!"

"Went shopping on the lower road"


This is the voice chat after the 3 vs 4 in the bottom lane. It was said by Hirano Aya, Taobao Quan and Wei Shen.

The audience laughed happily after hearing it.

I didn't expect that these guys from LGD actually have such a cute side.

"God Qiu, here I come!"


"God Qiu, here I come again!"

"I'm coming too!"

"You two are going too far!"

"We just caught Irelia once, and now another one comes?"

"Anyway, you have slag and you can't control the line."

"Might as well keep going!"


This is the clip of the two previous ganks of Koro and Irelia in the top lane. When netizens heard it now, they burst into laughter.

LGD is really funny.

And then.

This time, the voice clip of Wei Shen's pentakill was also released. The teammates were shouting crazily for pentakill and were very excited, but Wei Shen himself seemed very calm in the voice clip.

Gu Deye finished watching it. He was a little upset about the news about UC, but now he was immediately amused.

Maybe it was just a misunderstanding?

At this moment, he began to happily watch the second match between LGD and EDG.


"Hello viewers, welcome back!"

"In the last game, EG completely lost control of the field after a mistake in crossing the tower in the early stage, and was eventually killed by Wei Shen."

"LGD wins first now."

The commentator Wawa's voice brought everyone back to the game.

"A cruel replay!"

"It's all shots of kills."

Changmao said, in the first game, EDG was indeed beaten badly.

At this time

, the MVP of the last game was announced, and it was given directly to Wei Shen's Clockwork, who shone with a wave of five kills and shone throughout the game. He deserved this MVP.

On the court, the players on both sides were ready again, and the second match was about to begin.

Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collection,

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