"Officials, you are already giving a huge favor by giving one top spot, there is no need to give three."

Chen Yiqiu was originally looking at this week's top 5 with great interest.

But now after reading it, he felt heavy-hearted.

He was already very popular now, and it felt like there were legends about him everywhere on the Internet, and the official did this.

It's over!

Even more popular!

Chen Yiqiu's dream when he came to the LGD team was to be a water dispenser manager, but now he is extremely popular.

He doesn't know whether to lament that it was fate or God's good luck.

Look at what words people are using to describe him on the Internet now.

The nightmare of all top laners in LPL!

Amazing talent!



Oh my god!

Chen Yiqiu is just a silver player, and he really gets a headache when he sees these adjectives.

In this situation, Chen Yiqiu can see that he is being praised higher and higher.

There is an old saying:

"The higher you climb, the harder you fall!"

Chen Yiqiu kept this in mind and did not dare to relax. He continued to brush.

Chen Yiqiu even saw a post that attracted many netizens to discuss. The content was completely about him.

《Brainless trolls, Qiu Shen should be modest, do you really think he is a loser? 》

Click in and read the content

"You might think it was luck that Gnar used his boomerang to steal the blue buff in the bottom lane, but you also think it was luck that he successfully escaped after a 1v4 situation in the top lane?"

"LGD pushed forward as a group, and Gnar's Tathagata Palm hit four people with one move. Do you think it was just luck?"

"Was Rambo's teleport to the bottom lane and the triple kill also luck?"

"Is the pentakill of Irelia in the second game against RNG what you call luck?"

"Why don't you say that he was lucky to come to LGD?"

"Do you think everyone is as stupid as you?"


The series of questions were full of vigor and power.

Chen Yiqiu himself felt that the writing was brilliant. The author of this post responded to the trolls and it was really refreshing.

"If this is all luck, I'll wash my hair upside down!"

Seeing the end.

Chen Yiqiu saw the author's words.

He was dumbfounded!

Thinking back carefully, the trolls were actually right about the operations the author said.

Chen Yiqiu, it was all luck.


Suddenly, Chen Yiqiu felt a chill in his back.

What a heartbreaking fact

"It seems that I should not be so awesome in the next game."Looking at the overwhelming flattery on the Internet, Chen Yiqiu suddenly realized.

He can't be so strong.

Now that he is showing his cards, others think he is humble. It has already reached the point where no one believes what he says. If this gets more popular, it will be even more explosive.


That's it!

But if you force it, it will definitely not work. Doing so is equivalent to playing your own teammates.

In this case, there is only one last way.

Mix it up!

When Chen Yiqiu thought of this word, his eyes suddenly lit up.

The word definition says this.

Mix it up: Definition: to do things perfunctorily and live a life of muddle-headedness.

Although the word itself is derogatory, in terms of competition, Chen Yiqiu has always felt that words like"mix it up" and"lie down" are absolutely complimentary.

You know, being able to mix it up and lie down is already a great skill.

"That’s it!"

"It just perfectly fits my temperament."

Being a mixed-up top laner is definitely a kind of liberation for Chen Yiqiu.

He doesn't need to worry about his luck. He can just mix it up. Even if he can't win the game, Chen Yiqiu doesn't need to take the blame.

It's enough to be able to do this.

Mixing and lying are endless cycles. Mixing this time and lying next time.

It's so nice!

Chen Yiqiu immediately felt the mystery of life.

So now the question is.

What heroes can mix and lie?

Chen Yiqiu has always been thinking about the big tree, but he still can't play it. In the current version, this is definitely the best mixed-up hero, but it's a pity that he is eliminated every time he plays.

This makes Chen Yiqiu very uncomfortable.

In addition to the big tree?

Is it possible to find another mixed-up hero that can be slightly comparable to the big tree? And it must be able to play now.

Chen Yiqiu tried to look in the list of top lane heroes.

Huge Demon?

This feeling is not enough.

The reason why the hero Troll can play in the game is that Troll has a great advantage against the big tree, and can even stick to the big tree to kill it alone.

But the biggest problem of this hero is team battles.

The top laner can resist and fight with Troll, but Chen Yiqiu can't. He may give away his opponent infinitely when playing Troll.


Chen Yiqiu continued to consider the next mixed hero.

Slowly, Chen Yiqiu's mouth gradually revealed a sweet smile. Even if the big tree was taken away in the future, he would have several alternative heroes to play. Thinking of this, he was actually a little excited. If you think about it this way, it seems that there is no need to worry so much about future games.

Go to the club cafeteria with peace of mind.

After thinking this through, Chen Yiqiu is now extremely relaxed.

Even breakfast is delicious.

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