"Okay, thank you, boss!"

It's hard to refuse such a kind offer!

Chen Yiqiu really couldn't refuse it now, so he didn't struggle too much and simply agreed.

"That's right!"

Seeing Chen Yiqiu agree,

Feng Ge and the female boss smiled.

"You might be the starting player in the future."

"It can be seen that your personal strength is quite strong."



Hearing Brother Feng's words, Chen Yiqiu was stunned for a second.

Starting already? For a moment, he was still a little confused.

For many new players, being able to start is definitely a surprise, but for Chen Yiqiu, it was a little shock.

He was not prepared to start at all.

And the most important thing.

Chen Yiqiu also did not have the strength to start.

"Don't be modest!"

"I know what you want to say."

At this moment,

Chen Yiqiu just wanted to respond to Brother Feng's words, but was interrupted by Brother Feng.

There was really no way.

In this case, Chen Yiqiu was too lazy to say more.

Moreover, from what Brother Feng and the boss said, they were obviously prepared, and it was useless for him to say more.

He simply nodded.

"This kind of salary is exactly what you deserve. If you can play better in the future, you will earn more."

Brother Feng finished speaking.

Now, it was the boss's turn to continue speaking.

Chen Yiqiu also didn't say much.

In itself, this was a benefit to himself. If he insisted on refusing, it would be too hypocritical.

There was no need at all!

Since the boss and the coach insisted on giving it, Chen Yiqiu might as well obey.

There was no need to make himself uncomfortable.

Accept this gift with peace of mind.

With the increase in income, Chen Yiqiu himself was very happy.

Although he was still a little panic, at the moment, Chen Yiqiu was not as scared and worried as before. After experiencing his first show in the professional arena.

Chen Yiqiu's confidence is now much higher.

Walking out of the office and returning to the training room.

Chen Yiqiu did not rush to rest or anything, but started to come to his computer and open the LOL client.

Then... practice last soldiers! Practice laning! He was a rocket in the ranking, but he suddenly lost all his luck in the match, and he was still as bad as a silver player. Playing the match, it seemed as if he had returned to the past. The ups and downs of life made Chen Yiqiu extremely dazed now. Sure enough. Everything is just a dream


"Detailed analysis, review of LGD's genius top laner Gnar's several amazing moves."

In the forum, there was an analysis post at this time, which immediately attracted a lot of attention from netizens.

At this time, the forum is still a place that many people like to visit, and it is not as declining as it was later.

In fact, not many people read this post at the beginning, but when some netizens clicked in to read the content, they couldn't help but start to like the original poster

"First, Gnar's reverse Q to steal the blue"

"Although most people think this operation is luck to some extent, after watching the replay carefully, I don’t think it’s necessarily the case."

"Let’s look at two key points"

"When QG's jungler, Digger, came to steal the blue, Gnar was fighting with Centaur at that time. At that position, Gnar deliberately took a few steps towards the upper river."

"This gives Gnar enough distance to reverse Q and hit Mana."

"Another key point is that the boomerang thrown by Gnar can be easily caught by even gold and platinum players, not to mention professional players."

"Gnar followed by Q is definitely the most basic operation for professional players"


This point mentioned in the post quickly sparked a lot of discussion.

Because in the eyes of many netizens, what the author of the post said is indeed very reasonable. It is basically impossible for professional players to say that Gnar cannot connect with Q.

And the following inference comes

"Judging from the above clues, this wave should have been predicted by a blind vision. Maybe cmy calculated the timing of the opponent's attempt to grab the blue, and then tried to block the node."

"Success was due to chance, but it must be said that if you want to succeed, you need to have a strong ability to predict and calculate."

After reading the post author's inference of Chen Yiqiu's first wave of magical operations, many netizens commented crazily below.

Even many people thought that what the post author said was too reasonable.

"Second, Gnar 1V4 escape"

"Under normal circumstances, in a professional game, this kind of four-man siege is a must-kill situation."

"So let’s take a look at what LGD top laner cmy did?"

"In the first shot, Q slows down the opponent. When the opponent rushes in, he stays calm. The moment Thresh hooks, he presses the S key to stop all actions, which directly causes Thresh to miss the hook."

"At the moment when Gragas' E rushed in, he used the extreme second stage of E to jump away."

"What's even more exaggerated is that when Gnar realized that Gragas had flashed his R, he flashed ahead of time, causing Gragas's ultimate to become an assist, successfully helping Gnar escape."


"Third, Nar Tathagata Palm One Clap Four"

"In this teamfight, Gnar definitely made a great contribution. He jumped into the crowd, timing Gnar's growth, and used his ultimate skill when his health was at a very low level."

"If you have a little bit of anger control in this wave, you may be killed instantly instead of making a contribution."


After reading this analysis post, many netizens started discussing it.

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