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"This wave of EDG exploded!


Miller said after seeing Olaf and Janna fall one after another, and only the two Cs of EDG managed to escape.

This time, LGD almost won without a fight.

The team battle didn't even start, but EDG was already defeated.

While the other EDG members were still resurrected, LGD chased and destroyed EDG's second tower in the middle lane, while Chen Yiqiu's Troll destroyed the second tower in the top lane alone.

The Troll's ability to destroy towers is really strong.

LGD wanted to destroy the tower in the middle lane.

However, Pawn's Viktor cleared the soldiers and the other EDG members were resurrected, so the LD members retreated.

At this time, the director began to replay the previous shot of the dragon, and specially replayed the duel between the two top laners in the bottom lane.

Until then,

EDG fans realized that AJ's Olaf didn't have an ultimate in this dragon group, and his Olaf was chased to death. It turned out that the ultimate had already been used in the bottom lane fight.

"I won't scold AJ anymore. I think Qiu was too ruthless and directly used AJ Olaf's ultimate move."

"It's fine if he seduced the bottom lane, but he also used AJ's Olaf's ultimate skill"

"It was all God Qiu’s plan!"

"EDG was no match for Qiu Shen and was tricked"


The audience in the live broadcast room was a little surprised, and they were spamming in the barrage area, and even felt a little sympathetic to AJ.

In this situation, it is really hard to blame him.

I can only say that Chen Yiqiu is really a devil.

The replay camera turned to the big dragon pit


"At first I was wondering why the trolls of the Autumn God didn’t put up pillars?"

"I didn’t expect that the bottom lane was used first!"

"But this wave of trolls teleported here first. Qiu Shen was really smart."

Wawa was saying.

Replay continued

"LGD's decision making was also very smart. They focused all their attention on killing the Baron. They didn't want to fight at all. They just wanted to take the Baron first."

"Look at this"

"The factory manager's Q skill kicked Hirano Aya's Braum. If he went there immediately, the dragon's health would not be enough to kill it instantly."

"At this moment, it was true that the factory manager had waited for a while."

The camera replays everything that happened in this team battle, and many details can be seen.

"When preparing to go in, the factory manager chose to flash and then use the second Q"

"This operation seems to be caused by the shadow of Qiu Shen's troll pillar, so he did this."

When Miller saw this, he also thought it was a bit funny.

In fact, the factory manager did have this precaution.

"But everyone looks again, this time the pillars of the Autumn Troll didn't block the position of Zz1tai's Lee Sin at all, he was stuck behind, just in case Deft Vayne, who was using his ultimate, couldn't get through."

"Even stuck in pwn Victor"

"The release of this wave of pillars, Qiu Shen's choice was too smart."

Miller sighed.

Everyone thought that Qiu Shen's troll pillars should have stuck the factory manager's blind monk at this time, even the factory manager himself thought so, but Chen Yi Qiu didn't do it.

The pillars stuck the EDG double, making it impossible for pawndeft to come over in the first time.

Replay here.

It's basically the same. The next scene is just a chase, and there is no need to watch the slow-motion replay too much.

"This game has completely become a pillar show of the Autumn God Troll"

"The first pillar drew blood."

"The second pillar gave Zz1tai's Lee Sin a kill."

"The third pillar, or the fourth pillar, helped LGD win a crucial dragon fight.

Miller concluded.

Many netizens agreed.

Throughout the game, the troll's three E skills led to a match point. The appearance of each ice pillar was the beginning of EDG's ultimate victory.

"It's over, alas!"

"There is basically no fun from now on. Once the divine pillar appears, you will be invincible!"

"EDG has no way to come back, they have already lost"

"Qiu Shen is so scary. Even if EDG replaces players, they still can't beat him."


After watching the replay.

In addition to the scene where the junglers on both sides fought for punishment, everyone was impressed by Chen Yiqiu's troll pillar.

EDG fans can only sigh.

The EDG team, which is in such a good state this year, defeated SKT and won the Mid-Season Invitational. Such an EDG team can't even compete with LGD.

During the spring season, the fight was still back and forth.

Moreover, LGD was defeated by EDG many times during the spring season. If they hadn't directed that epic Oscar night with IG, they might not have made it to the stage of the spring finals.

Now in the summer season, after LGD has the addition of Chen Yiqiu, it can be said that it has completely completed the phoenix nirvana, and the overall strength is much stronger.

If the final result is 30, it will really be a big win for EDG.


In front of the computer.

Shen Chao also watched the replay carefully at this time.

He kept thinking about why Chen Yiqiu put the pillar of the troll in this position, and even why the troll could release the pillar at that moment, when the troll's E skill was clearly used in the bottom lane fight.

Normally, it didn't work well.

But now looking at the replay.

Glacial Armor provides CD reduction, and at the same time makes Olaf's damage less painful.

The key equipment!

And when fighting with AJ in the bottom lane, the troll released the E skill very early, waiting for the fight to teleport to the front and land.

Wait a little while, the CD of the E skill is just right.

Another problem. If the CD of the troll's E skill is good, there is a chance to block the entry of the factory manager's blind monk.

But Cmy's troll's E skill is placed in another position, blocking Panktor and Deft Vayne.

At the dragon's side.

At that moment, the health of the dragon was low and the junglers on both sides were fighting for punishment. The factory manager's blind monk was indeed a little late. Shen Chao had just retired not long ago, and he was actually very keen on this.

Combined with this series of events,

Shenchao thought of a very scary possibility.

That is.

First, Cmy knew and was on guard. He knew that after learning from his lesson, it was impossible for the factory manager to be stuck by his pillar and Lee Sin's second stage Q like before.

So the position of the pillar was changed.

If the factory manager used flash to avoid the pillar, then his pillar would be useless.

If the factory manager flashed to open the angle and then entered the field, then the punishment would be late.

Now looking back.

From an objective perspective, it must be clear that the situation was like this.

But at that moment, the factory manager could not make such an accurate judgment of the health of the big dragon at that moment. He would definitely choose to be on guard against the troll pillar and enter the field to grab the big dragon in the safest way.

So he would use flash and then use the second stage Q.

Second, the troll pillar blocked EDG's double C and prevented them from coming over, which was more advantageous.

Two points and one combination.

It was really wonderful!

The position of this troll pillar produced such a magical effect.

From the fight in the bottom lane to the release of the big dragon pillar, it perfectly dominated this wave of team battles.

Just this calculation, I admire you so much!


The game is still going on.

However, after this wave of fighting, the five LGD players with the Baron buff were already ahead in terms of equipment and level.

EDG wanted to play a steady and cautious operation in this game, but they were beaten by LGD and were already lagging behind by too much.

Even the EDG players wanted to give up.

It's impossible to play!

Especially AJ, his mentality was blown up.

Now seeing the troll, AJ has a headache. He has a headache every time he looks at it, and his scalp tingles when he looks at it more.

I really don't know what's wrong with Chen Yiqiu's head.

Why can he play LOL to such a perfect level that he can even rely on the skills of various heroes to play out the sense of déjà vu of the Three Kingdoms War again and again.

It seems that every step, whether it is positioning, pushing the line, development, positioning, etc., is all calculated in A's eyes.

He really played like Zhuge Liang.

But you know, before AJ went on the court, he always thought that Chen Yiqiu was just playing the game more thoroughly. Now, after AJ played a game with Chen Yiqiu, his opinion was completely changed.

Not only the best actor, but also the best actor.

The calculation is not just Zhuge Liang, but the plus and max version of Zhuge Liang.


"Autumn God, another divine pillar"

"We've won the championship!"

Inside LGD.

Taobao Quan and Hirano Aya were both very excited at this time. The victory of this big dragon for LGD had basically completely established the victory of the game.

In the following time, they only needed to push the tower normally.

Then they could steadily control the resources of the big and small dragons, and it would be no problem to win.

If Chen Yiqiu could release some magical troll ice pillars like before, it would be even simpler, and it was very likely that the game would be over in another wave.


Hearing his teammates' words, Chen Yiqiu felt a little embarrassed.

God knows what he did in the last dragon fight. He put the pillar crookedly, but he didn't expect the magical effect to appear again.

Chen Yiqiu didn't even see Deft at that time. He didn't expect that the pillar would make Deft and Vayne appear.

But now.

The last team fight is over.

Next, we should focus on the game, after all, it's not over yet.

Chen Yiqiu updated his equipment.

Bingxin was made.

LGD took the dragon buff and quickly pushed down EDG's second tower in the bottom lane.

Three lanes were split.

Chen Yiqiu's troll demolished the highland tower in the top lane, leaving only the crystal. Facing LGD's mercury-like attack, EDG had a chance to turn the tide._Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collection,

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