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This opening seems to be a bit smooth.

Chen Yiqiu didn't expect that after the laning, AJ actually gave away the first blood right at the beginning. Anyway, Taobao Quan is very happy now. His excavator took off in this game. In the early stage, it helped his teammates to establish a little advantage. From Chen Yiqiu's point of view, the troll hero didn't seem so ugly.

After all, in this wave, he also played a role.

The hero excavator itself is a very strong point on the LGD side in the early and mid-term. Now that he has the first blood, he can directly help Taobao Quan in the next time.

Occupy the initiative in the wild area.

Although he gave up the flash in this wave, he didn't lose anything.

At this time, Hirano Aya, as the captain, was more sober-minded, and quickly placed a ward at his own blue buff position.

Prevent the factory manager's blind monk from coming to counter-wild.

This operation instantly made the factory manager helpless.

EDG suddenly became a small disadvantage in the period


"The fat general in the middle lane plays quite aggressively!"

"This Viktor is not inferior to Wei Shen's Kassadin."

The camera switched to the middle lane.

It can be seen that Wei Shen's Kassadin was obviously a little weak when facing Pawn's three-handed Viktor.

After all, he is a short-handed hero.

Before level 6, Kassadin's combat power is quite limited.

Moreover, in this game, Pawn's Viktor is quite strong, with Flash and Ignite, and he is not inferior to Wei Shen's Kassadin in the laning phase.

"If the top lane gives away first blood, the middle and bottom lanes will really need to step up."

"Otherwise, EDG's formation will be difficult to beat in the mid-term."

Miller continued what Wawa said.

As for the bottom lane on both sides.

Vayne and Janna are indeed stronger than the combination of Braum and Annie, but if you want to force Annie to last-hit, it is basically difficult at least in the early stage.

Imp Annie is not kidding.

Three lanes are in a stalemate for the time being.

This situation is what Chen Yiqiu likes the most, it is a wonderful moment for the mixed man.

And now.

He has made an amazing discovery.

That is……

"Troll, this ugly hero, his Q skill CD is so short."

Since he picked Ryze and Yasuo to play top lane, Chen Yiqiu is really fascinated by heroes with short skill CDs, although Troll only has a short Q skill CD. The CD of the other skills, C, doesn't seem to be short.

But being able to do this is enough.


After taking a look at the Troll's Q skill, Chen Yiqiu made another more surprising discovery.

Troll's Q skill, after biting it, can actually reduce the opponent's attack power?

Olaf, this idiot hero.

The ultimate skill is to increase the attack power, and it also relies on the attack power to deal real damage. What if Olaf opens his ultimate and is bitten by his own troll, and his attack power is directly reduced?

Chen Yiqiu doesn't know much about the troll.

But for Olaf, this hero is a black technology hero that he specially practiced and took out before the finals, so naturally he is relatively familiar with many aspects.

When he thought of this, Chen Yiqiu was a little excited.

At this moment, he suddenly understood why Feng Ge asked him to choose Troll. It was just to counter Olaf. Just reducing Olaf's attack power was already very powerful.

Once Olaf's attack power drops after activating his ultimate, the threat to the back row will be greatly reduced.

Isn't Olaf with low attack power no different from a tank?

Thinking of this, Chen Yiqiu was a little happy.

However... if other people found out that he was still looking at the hero's skills when playing, I wonder what they would think.

Chen Yiqiu also played the hero Troll before he was reborn.

But he didn't really pay attention to what it meant.

Every time he played Troll, he always thought that the Q skill of this ugly hero was bloodsucking, just like a vampire, but now it seems that it is not what he thought at all. It

's not bloodsucking at all.

The Q skill is just a bite, and it has a little deceleration effect.

As for me, I don't know where Feng Ge got the confidence from. He actually let me play Troll in the top lane, and the key is that he trusts me so much.


Top lane.

The two top laners are on the line again, and AJ is now looking at his Olaf.

He is a little doubtful about life.

When he took out Olaf, he thought that he must not be timid in the line, but now AJ's mind is full of the previous wave of kills, from the axe throwing to the second axe.

The latter was completely calculated by the opponent, and finally gave away the first blood.

How can he fight him?

Behind in experience!

Behind in last hits!

The key is that AJ used his teleport in this wave of going online. If he dies again later, then his Olaf will really become EDG's number one scapegoat in this crucial battle.

AJ doesn't want to play timidly.

This feeling is too cowardly.

Before going on the court, he was full of confidence. In the finals, he learned that EDG will play against GD.

In the days before the game, AJ watched Chen Yiqiu's game videos for 30 games, and also used a notebook to record many characteristics, small details, and positioning methods of Chen Yiqiu in the line.

I thought it was stable!

I thought I was well prepared for the final against Chen Yiqiu.

But this crucial game was a life-or-death game for EDG. He lost his temper and gave away the first blood, which was a slap in his face.

Now he has to be timid in the laning phase, after all, he has lost his flash.

Chen Yiqiu was very happy.

Seeing AJ calm down, he felt relieved.

They are all idiots, why should idiots embarrass idiots?

Ancient style handsome man, why are you so anxious to fight each other!

His huge���One soldier after another is simply a delicious delicacy. It is so comfortable.


"It seems that Wei Shen is very unconvinced in the laning phase!"

"Being hit by Buddha's Viktor QAQA, Wei Shen felt particularly uncomfortable."

Commentary booth.

You can see the laning in the middle lane.

Paw's Viktor has been constantly looking for opportunities to use the Q skill to consume Wei Shen's Kassadin and interfere with Wei Shen's last-hitting, which makes Wei Shen, who has always had a bad temper in the middle lane PK, extremely uncomfortable.

From some small details, it can be seen that Wei Shen wanted to come up and fight hard several times.

Unfortunately, he was pulled away by pawn.

Back and forth.

Wei Shen was even more angry!

It is normal for the hero Kassadin to be suppressed by the long-range AP in the early stage, but Wei Shen's temper is very unconvinced. If he is bullied, he would rather suffer a loss and come up to use the Q skill.

The key is that pawn played very cunningly.

He has been controlling the line in the middle lane to suppress Wei Shen's Kassadin


"Scan you again"

""Vegas is in a tough game!"

Miller said five minutes into the game, seeing that Vegas was suppressed in the middle lane and was already 10 knives behind.

Zz11's Lee Sin squatted nearby for a long time.

It was obvious that Zz11 himself did not want to target the top lane, especially after AJ's Olaf gave away the first blood, he did not want to go even more. The disadvantaged lane is in the game.

It is easy to collapse more and more.

Pawn's mid lane, on the other hand, has a chance to deal with Vegas.

After playing professionally for several years, Zz11 is quite familiar with Vegas's playing style. With his personality, he must be a little dissatisfied. He just came up and wanted to kill a soldier.


Zz11's Lee Sin flashed.


"I am so depressed by the fight!"

Wei Shen was so angry that he couldn't help but complain in the LGD team voice chat.

Compared with Chen Yiqiu's comfort in the top lane, he was targeted by the fat general in the middle lane. Fortunately, Wei Shen's Kassadin brought teleport in this game.

And now, the level has reached level 5.

If it reaches level 6 next, Kassadin will be relatively better.


At this time, Chen Yiqiu's troll returned to the city to replenish a wave of equipment.

He pushed the line of soldiers.

Chen Yiqiu didn't have much money when he returned to the city, but he also made a pickaxe. This equipment was to prepare for the next synthesis of Tiamat. The current version of Tiamat is not synthesized by longsword + blood vampire staff.

At this time, Tiamat is quite expensive. It is a synthesis of pickaxe + blood vampire staff, but its attributes are also much stronger than the later Tiamat.

The AOE is large and the speed of clearing soldiers is quite fast.

And it is exaggerated that the captain's Q skill can trigger the current version of Tiamat.

It's a pity that Chen Yiqiu's troll at this time has only bought a pickaxe, and he still has a lot of money to buy Tiamat. But when he got this equipment,

AJ had no idea.

It's impossible to fight against each other, it's good to be timid!

After the troll leveled up, it was a little unbearable for Olaf to bite it.

But now.

The mid laners on both sides have reached level 6.

The top laner is also about to reach level 6.

Even Zz1tai's Lee Sin is already level 5 at this time, and he may quickly reach level 6 after a while.

Wei Shen Kassadin has a lot of freedom after level 6.

But for EDG's formation, it will have a stronger combat power after level 6.


"Qiu Shen, come and support me"

"It feels like the middle lane may be attacked at any time."

Taobao Quan seemed to be aware of the danger and marked the signal._To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Xiao

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