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This diary doesn't say much throughout.

But... this diary of an LPL top laner's imagination when facing Chen Yiqiu, combined with the games that netizens watched at the time, feels extremely vivid and appropriate.

It's simply excellent to the extreme

"Damn it, brother, I want to respect you as the God of Show!"

"The beauty of the flower, the beauty of the God of Nature, the beauty of Shi Xiu, the Victoria's lingerie show, when can I match your beauty, the show of Li Xiu Lian at Tongfu Inn, my dear turtle, why are you so showy!"

"My family is poor and we only have one lock on the front door. Whenever it rains, I will lie on the front door and say to the lock,"Please stop rusting.""


After seeing this, many people even commented with all kinds of show-offs.

This diary quickly became popular.

Many people in the e-sports circle couldn't help laughing after reading it, but they were embarrassed to forward it, after all, it involved many LL top laners.

And it was still a joke.

If e-sports people forward it, it might be easy to cause problems.

Originally, many LGD fans were a little uncomfortable when they saw the negative treatment of LGD official blog.

But now such a diary makes them feel more comfortable.

In any case, it is a little comfort.

And in the afternoon.

The LGD official Weibo, which was sprayed by LGD fans, finally updated the latest Weibo before the game started, and also made a pre-match poster to deal with IG.

On the poster, all you can see is a mountain.

And the LGD people standing on the mountain look even more fierce and domineering. The LGD people themselves, especially Wei Shen and Hirano Aya. They are quite strong in momentum.

With the text

""At the foot of Mount Adachi, aiming for the top!"

The eight characters look majestic, and the font is more imposing than the poster of IG.

Seeing this, many fans of the LGD team let go of the official Weibo and stopped attacking. After seeing the maker of this poster, they also turned around and supported LGD.

You know.

This poster was not made by a temporary artist, but was made by the female boss of the GD team herself.

This alone is already very impressive.

Take a look at the comparison of the posters on both sides.

IG's is: Never fall from the blue sky, never kill the unknown.

And LGD's is: Stand firm, aim at the peak.

After these operations, the popularity of the posters released by the two teams before the game has exploded.

Chen Yi Qiu took a glance.

Judging from the popularity on the Internet, I am afraid that the number of viewers watching this match will be even higher than the popularity when they faced EDG.

It's really terrifying.

But now, he has a headache looking at that diary.

Although it is now used by netizens to make fun of it, Chen Yi Qiu felt as if he had become the most powerful top laner in LPL after being praised by netizens. It

's like he is invincible in the world.

This title is really enough.

Chen Yi Qiu has always had a clear view of himself, especially after listening to the post-match analysis of his teammates last night, he felt a sense of crisis.

Although he is growing, this gap between him and professional players is... This gap is like a chasm that is difficult for him to cross.

For Chen Yi Qiu, this is both a blow and a warning.

In the next game, he needs to face an exploding number of viewers, as well as the current top laner of LPL, Zzitai.

Perhaps in the later S8 and S9, Zzitai's personal competitive level will decline as he gets older.

But now is 201, and Zzitai is in his prime, still the young DJ player.

A CD DJ, playing DJs with his left hand and playing Jie with his right hand.

Although Zzitai was forced to move to the top lane because of the arrival of rookie, his personal strength is there. This year's summer season IG also moved from the middle lane to the top.

The record has been going up all the way.

And their current LPL season points have reached the third place, which is already a very remarkable record.

At six o'clock in the afternoon, this much-anticipated game has finally arrived.


"Hello everyone, welcome back!"

"In the last game, EDG successfully defeated UP and got three points again."In the Oriental Stadium of Shanghai

, a 1v1 summer game was going on. EDG won the game that just ended.

The director will give the camera to the commentary seat.

Wawa and Miller will comment on the next key game between LGD and IG. The fans of the two teams experienced a round of"PK"After that.

Now, the real showdown is about to begin.

The number of people in the official live broadcast room was not large before, but now after reaching this point, the number of viewers pouring into the live broadcast room has begun to explode.

The barrage area.

The whole screen is now full of"coming soon".

At this time, the official big screen also released the MVP of the last game. Clearlove's excavator won the MVP. In the game with UP, the factory manager still performed well.

"In the last game, our factory really turned a deaf ear to what was happening outside."

""I just want to push the tower."

After Wawa finished speaking, Miller continued leisurely.

This is why the commentary of these two people has always been loved by netizens. The two of them seem to have truly formed a complementary commentary combination.

One can control the scene, the other can analyze.

One can tell crosstalk, and the other can connect with the crosstalk.

"In this game, the factory manager did not show off at all, but just focused on counter-jungle, setting the pace, and pushing the tower."


For the last game, a brief summary was made.

At this time, the director has already started to show an information panel, which is the current LPL points ranking

"We can now look at"

"LGD is now 45 points ahead and ranks first"

"IG has 31 points. There is no competition for points between the two teams, but QG, who is behind IG, is also biting very hard."

"Only 1 point behind IG"

"The fifth-placed OMG also has 28 points."


Wawa and Miller specifically interpreted the current standings.

At present.

LGD ranks first with 45 points, and EDG ranks second with 40 points. The difference in points between the top two teams is not that big, and it can be said that the two teams have firmly occupied the top two places.

The 345th place behind them will compete with them.

From this point of view, LGD should be under very little pressure for this game, but in fact, the key point for LGD to win this game is not here.

The main reason is that the only team LGD lost to in the summer season was IG. In this game, they definitely want to make a comeback.

As for IG, they are considering points.

If the next few games are not played well enough, it is possible for IG to fall to fifth or even sixth place, which will obviously be very unfavorable for their playoffs.

At that time, they will run into LGD or EDG early in the playoffs, and they will also be uncomfortable.

If they can win a few more games now, and even have a chance to rush to the third place, then the playoffs will be relatively favorable.


"Before this game, both teams had a poster battle and had a lot of fun."

"In fact, both teams are in very good shape, and now they are really competing head-on."

The commentator, Wawa, specifically mentioned some of the excitement before the game, but he didn't say much, but the excitement was definitely real.

"The players on both sides are now preparing"

"Let's take a look here first"

""Zizi, the top laner!"

This year's LPL games will introduce the players on both sides before the game and show some of their game information.

Kills, deaths, assists, KDA, and the heroes they have used recently, etc.

Judging from Zizi's data, he is definitely very powerful among the top laners in LPL, which is also a reflection of Zizi's personal strength.

Then, the big screen continued to introduce.

Jungle: Kakao.

Mid: Rookie.

ADC Kid.

Support: Shekeke


From the perspective of IG's player lineup, it can be said that it is star-studded. No matter what time it is, IG's players never seem to be bad.

Basically, there are some top players.

This is also closely related to Principal Wang.

"Let's take a look at the LGD team here."


"God of Autumn!"

"There is really no need to say more. Now, let alone LPL, even Riot has given Qiu Shen a high evaluation."

When Wawa and Miller saw Chen Yiqiu appear on the big screen, they also said that there were too many topics about Chen Yiqiu.

Jungle: TBQ.

Mid: Wei Shen


LGD's starting lineup was also complete in this game.

According to Feng Ge's meaning, if this game can be won smoothly, then the starting players may not be needed to continue playing in the remaining regular season.

Chen Yiqiu, Taobao Quan and Wei Shen may have a chance to take a short break.

But now for this game, LGD needs to go all out to win.

At this time, the audience at the scene has already started cheering. _To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Xiao

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