The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 821 Breaking the shackles of the ‘Sky Snake’

Liang Ji had seen the black hole explode in the 'Yinghai Star Territory'. Countless starlight powers erupted from the black hole, sweeping across the star territory like waves.

At this time, although he was among the spiritual stars on the edge of the 'Sky Demon Star Territory', he could still see the situation in the void through the star atmosphere when he looked up at the sky.

The water-like starlight filled the void, sweeping everything including the void, chaos, stars, void monsters, etc. into it. It was indeed very similar to the original explosion of the 'Yinghai Black Hole'.

The only difference is that the starlight in the void is filled with a large amount of the power of the demon, making the starlight changeable, containing various dazzling colors, and even eroding and distorting the void.

Similarly, under the influence of the starlight that contains the power of the sky demon, the entire void, star field, and galaxy are undergoing drastic changes.

In the void, a large number of void monsters are chasing these starlights that contain the power of the sky demons. Under the creation and influence of the starlight and the power of the sky demons, they either advance, undergo mutations, or even directly fail to evolve. , exploded and died.

But these did not affect their pursuit of the starlight and the power of the sky demon, and even formed a violent demon tide in the void, sweeping across the 'Celestial Demon Star Territory' with the starlight and the power of the sky demon.

In the void outside the 'Sea Snake Star', roaring explosions, roars of the void monsters, and sounds of battles were heard one after another, even reaching the stars; looking up, one could even see various auras, divine lights, elemental lights, Starlight is like a dazzling aurora shining and exploding in the sky!

It was Peng Yue and Chu Yue who controlled the starship "Dragon Snake". In conjunction with the star chart formation and the airport of the "Sky Serpent Academy", they had already begun to fight and fight with the demonic tide attacking from the void.

And soon, Liang Ji had to retract his gaze and turn his attention to the inside of the 'Sea Snake Star'.

Just because the starlight containing the power of the sky demon also swept into the "Sea Serpent Star" at this time, forming various creations and influences inside the star.

hiss! Roar……

In the vast sea area of ​​the 'Sea Serpent Star', various monster beasts, especially the large number of sea snakes, rioted in the sea water, constantly jumping out of the water, swallowing the starlight and the power of the sky monsters that rushed into the stars.

Then, under the creation and influence of the starlight and the power of the sky demon, they underwent more drastic changes, either advanced, alienated, or directly exploded and died.

In particular, the rate of alienation and self-destruction has greatly increased, far exceeding that of the Void Monsters in the void outside.

It can be seen that the monsters inside these stars are still much weaker than the void monsters in the void outside, and they are more difficult to withstand the power of the sky monsters.

hiss! hold head high……

At this time, the loudest roar sounded behind Liang Ji and others in the abyss of the seabed.

Liang Ji and others couldn't help but look back and saw the huge sea snake phantom that was inspired by She Yuanjie's formation and restriction. It seemed to come to life at this time, opening its huge mouth to devour the stars.

A large amount of starlight and sky demon power suddenly rushed into the 'Sea Serpent Star', like hundreds of rivers converging into the sea, flowing into the huge sea snake shadow.

And with the filling and creation of these starlights and the power of the sky demon, the huge sea snake's shadow quickly solidified from the void, and its scales appeared. Even the spiritual starlight gathered and emerged in its eyes, as if it was really going to appear. Under the creation of the power of the heavenly demon, the void became real and the dead came back to life.


At this time, another roar sounded. This roar was not as loud as the roar of the sea snake shadow, but it was more mysterious and majestic.

Liang Ji and others saw that behind the huge sea snake shadow, a 'Sky Snake' shadow that was several times smaller gradually emerged, and She Yuanjie's figure was in the 'Sky Snake' shadow. .

He seemed to be unable to speak in the shadow of the 'Sky Snake'. He looked at Liang Ji and others and bowed solemnly, obviously asking them to be good protectors.

Then, the phantom of the 'Sky Snake', which was several times smaller in size, opened its mouth and swallowed directly towards the 'Sea Snake', which was constantly condensing, manifesting, and solidifying under the power of the starlight and the sky demon.

The huge sea snake phantom seemed to have life and intelligence at this time. It roared and roared, and also opened its huge mouth to fight with the rushing 'Sky Serpent' phantom and devour each other.


When Liang Ji saw this, he was not surprised. When he saw that the other party used formations and restrictions to condense the fate, origin, and even the past and future of the Sea Serpent clan in the entire 'Sea Serpent Star', the 'Sea Serpent Shadow' ’ After that, he had already guessed something about She Yuanjie’s purpose.

Use the 'Sky Snake' to devour the 'Sea Snake', and use the power of the Sky Demon to break the restrictions and paths of the 'Sky Snake', and find a new way out of it.

Even if the 'Sky Serpent' was affected by the 'Sea Serpent' in the end, and its level, power, mystery, etc. fell and weakened, it still broke away from the shackles of the inheritance of the 'Sage of the Heavenly Snake' and walked out of its own path. Finally, high-level star masters have hope. !

It is much better than him being trapped in the fourth-level star master now, never daring to advance to the fifth-level star master.

"What courage!"

Peng Yue's grandma on the side obviously also saw something of She Yuanjie's plan, and couldn't help but sigh in admiration, with a thoughtful look on her face.

She came to the 'Sea Serpent Star' to protect She Yuanjie this time. She also wanted to see the other party's method of breaking the shackles of the 'Sky Serpent' and finding his own path for reference.

After all, although she didn't have to break the shackles of the 'Sky Snake', she still hadn't found her own path over the years.

Every monk who aspires to be a high-level star master will not give up the opportunity to wait and see and refer to it.

But just after thinking about it for a moment, Peng Yue's grandma knew that She Yuanjie's method could only be used as a reference for her, and it was impossible to imitate it.

Not to mention that she does not have the conditions like She Yuanjie to directly occupy a high-level spiritual star, and the snake alien race occupies a dominant position in the star, which condenses the luck and origin of the snake alien race for her ice soul. The Snake Man 'devours, breaks through.

Even with such conditions, her 'Ice Soul Snake' did not have the foundation and abilities of She Yuanjie's 'Sky Snake', but it transcended levels and devoured the origin, luck, etc. of a high-level snake-like demon clan in a high-level star.

Although she doesn't have the shackles of the 'Sky Snake', she also doesn't have the benefits of the 'Sky Snake'!

Moreover, even with the strength and power of the 'Sky Snake', at this time, the shadow of the 'Sky Snake' and the shadow of the 'Sea Serpent' were fighting and devouring, but they did not gain the upper hand.

It seems that the possibility of She Yuanjie successfully using the 'Sky Snake' to devour the 'Sea Snake' is only between 50 and 50.

The 'Ice Soul Snake', whose foundation and strength were far inferior to the 'Sky Snake', naturally had no chance of victory.

Peng Yue's grandma couldn't help but sigh. Every step she took to break the shackles and find her own path was not easy to succeed and achieve.

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