The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 818: Uprooting the land to form an island, moving mountains to fill the sea

"There were originally two seventh-level sea snakes in this sea snake star, but they were both captured by the principal when he captured the star."

She Yuanjie led Liang Ji and others on a spaceship to tour the 'Sea Serpent Star', introducing them to the situation in the star.

"Later, I asked someone to clean up the sixth-level sea snakes in the stars. Under normal circumstances, no sea snakes can advance to the seventh level in a short period of time."

But obviously, the outbreak of the ‘Tide of Heavenly Demon Power’ a month later was not an ordinary situation.

No one knows what impact the 'tide of sky demon power' will have on the sea snake monsters in the star when it surges through the sea snake star. Whether there will be mid-level sea snakes that directly break the limit, or even advance to the seventh level. The realm of monsters.

After all, Liang Ji and others had seen with their own eyes how powerful the demon was.

Distort the stars, transform into life stars, and create the entire star field!

Such terrifying power, not to mention just enlightening one or two mid-level sea snakes to advance to the seventh level, is even possible to distort the entire sea snake galaxy and raise the spiritual vein level of the 'Sea Serpent Star' by one level.

Liang Ji and others nodded slightly, understanding She Yuanjie's worries.

During the tour of the 'Sea Serpent Star', She Yuanjie also took them to see several resource points in the star that produce spiritual materials and spiritual seeds.

She Yuanjie issued a mission this time to hire Liang Ji and the others as guardians. The specific reward is not fixed, but depends on the situation encountered during the guardianship. The more powerful the enemy encountered, the more difficult the guardianship task will be, and the rewards afterwards will be natural. It is also getting higher and higher.

The lowest reward is that She Yuanjie did not encounter any danger during the entire breakthrough process. There was no monster riot in the 'Sea Snake Star', and there was no wave of void monsters attacking in the void outside. Liang Ji and others were equivalent to a trip here. , there is no need to even fight.

So according to the agreement, She Yuanjie only needs to pay some resources such as spiritual materials, spiritual seeds, and monster blood essence contained in the 'Sea Serpent Star'.

But if there is a monster riot, even a seventh-order sea snake is born and attacks, there is a wave of monsters in the void outside, or there is even a seventh-order void monster attack, etc., the rewards for Liang Ji and others to protect the law will naturally increase greatly.

According to the employment contract they signed with She Yuanjie, the increased remuneration even included allowing them to accept the inheritance of the 'Sage of the Heavenly Serpent' again, and even leave a mark on the seventh-level spiritual star 'Sea Serpent Star', and have the ability to seize the source of the star. to compensate for one’s own consumption, etc.

Of course, such top-level rewards will only mean that they will face the highest-level dangers. It is estimated that there will be more than one seventh-level sea snake in the stars and seven-level void monsters attacking from the void.

I believe that neither She Yuanjie nor Liang Ji and others are willing to encounter such a situation.

Therefore, She Yuanjie took them to see some of the resources, spiritual seeds, etc. contained in the 'Sea Snake Star'. He hoped that there would be no disasters and he could break through safely and smoothly. Liang Ji and others directly took some resources, spiritual seeds, etc. go.

Liang Ji and others naturally understood what the other party meant, and when visiting various resource points, they also carefully selected them.

Soon, after visiting the entire 'Sea Serpent Star', She Yuanjie hosted a banquet among the stars for Liang Ji and others, using resources and spiritual objects produced in the 'Sea Serpent Star', and even a sixth-order sea snake. The stewed snake soup gave Liang Ji and others a good taste.

After the banquet was over, She Yuanjie returned to the airport where he was parked in the void. He still needed to make a lot of preparations for his breakthrough in a month's time. This time he was able to take time to entertain Liang Ji and others, which was already squeezed out time.

Liang Ji and others were allowed to take a tour of the 'Sea Snake Star' on their own.

It's just that during this trip, a few people were more familiar with the situation in the 'Sea Serpent Star', and were understanding and preparing for the possible outbreak of monster riots and even seventh-order sea snake attacks in a month.

After spending several days carefully inspecting the 'Sea Serpent Star', Liang Ji and others returned to the 'Dragon Snake' starship outside the void, and began to drive the starship to tour and inspect the entire 'Sea Serpent Galaxy' inside and outside. Prepare for the possible arrival of the void demon tide and the attack of the seventh-level void demon clan.

She Yuanjie has already given them full permissions in the star map array of the galaxy, so there is no hindrance for the starship Dragon Snake to enter and leave the array, visit and inspect various places inside and outside the galaxy.

After half a month of such busy work, Liang Ji and others also had a detailed understanding of the situation inside and outside the 'Sea Serpent Galaxy', as well as the 'Sea Serpent Star'.

Even in the main control cabin of the starship, several members of the team used various data in the formation database to make some deductions based on the collected data, intelligence, etc., and formulated several response plans. Only after ensuring that they were correct did they feel relieved. Come.

At this time, there were still about ten days before the 'Tide of Heavenly Demon's Power' erupted. Liang Ji and others were observing the changes in the galaxy and the void in the starship while busy with their own research and practice.

The members of the team have gained a lot in the 'Heavy Purple Galaxy'. During this time, they were either on the road or inspecting the 'Sea Serpent Galaxy', but they have not spared much time to count and study these harvests. Now they finally have some free time. , Liang Ji and others are naturally busy with their own affairs.


Among Liang Ji's natal stars, the dragon soul entwined in the stars raised its head and roared, opened its mouth to swallow the 'meteor' falling from the sky, refined it and sent it into the natal star. This was another fifth-level void golden eagle demon. Dan.

"In the Chongzi Galaxy, my family members hunted more than a dozen fifth-level void golden eagles. The demon pills obtained were added to the number originally accumulated, and the number of demon pills increased to more than fifty, which is enough for me to cultivate my natal star to the fifth level. (60%) or more.”

"It's a pity that the entire galaxy was destroyed too quickly at that time. Taiyi Star Palace wanted to refine it into a 'star map' and made us withdraw from the galaxy in advance. Among those Void Golden Eagles, there were still many fifth-level Void Golden Eagles that were too late to hunt, otherwise they would be killed. It is not impossible to get the demon pill to 70 or even 80 or more."

Liang Ji's soul escaped into the natal stars and wandered above the stars. Looking at the demon pills sent down by the dragon soul in the sky and planted into the natal stars, he felt a little regretful in his heart.

Then, his soul flew in the sunlight and soon arrived at a huge island deep in the sea to the east.

This island stands out from the bottom of the sea, and there are many signs of remnants of seabed spiritual plants, corals, shells and other objects on it, indicating that the island was not pulled out from the bottom of the sea for a long time. There are even thunder and lightning around the island. Various extreme forces and phenomena, such as storms, huge waves, poisonous fog, etc., blocked all directions and isolated the island from the outside world.

There is no doubt that these are all arrangements made by Liang Ji. With his current 'power of the Emperor of Heaven', he has even been able to directly uproot undersea mountains and land directly into islands on the sea among the stars, and move mountains to fill the sea. Next words.

As for the various blockade forces that shape the surroundings of the island, they can be directly formed by using the "God List" to operate the original power of the natal stars and the power of laws to distort the laws of heaven and earth.

In this way, the island is blocked. As long as the blocked objects on the island are not high-level or above and have the power of origin and law, it will be impossible to break through the blockade.

Those who were sealed off and imprisoned on this island were naturally those who were distorted and alienated by the out-of-control power of the Purple Sun and the power of the Sky Demon in the natal stars that Liang Ji had recovered in the 'Chong Purple Galaxy'.

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