The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 808 Team Assignment Seventh-Level Void Golden Eagle

"Taiyi Star Palace is truly worthy of studying the inheritance of the 'Bloodline Catalog'. The means to deal with these void monsters are really powerful. That starlight ring is probably at least a seventh-level immortal weapon, and it is specially designed to target the seventh-level void monsters. Immortal weapon!"

On the 'Dragon Snake' starship, Peng Yue's grandma looked at the 'Taiyi Star Palace' starship. A ring of starlight restrained and captured a seventh-order void monster and put it into the starship. She couldn't help but admire it. road.

Each of the nine star palaces in the Star Alliance has its own strengths. The Taiyi Star Palace has carefully studied the "Bloodline Catalog", and its research and mastery of various void demon clans is naturally more in-depth. Various small black holes operating inside and outside the Star Alliance , the various void demon clans kept in captivity will only be more than the Vientiane Star Palace, and even far exceed the other star palaces.

Liang Ji once chatted with Wang Ziqiu, who often took on tasks from the Star Palace in the Taiyi Star Palace. He went to various small black holes operated by the Taiyi Star Palace within the Star Alliance and was responsible for breeding and managing some of the captive voids. Monster clan.

In the Taiyi Star Palace, this can even be regarded as a rewarding task. Only the star master students who have performed well and won in the internal competition of the Taiyi Star Palace can get such a task. According to Wang Ziqiu, in these Taiyi Star Palaces In the small black hole run by the palace, the missions of various void monsters raised in captivity often include a lot of benefits, which is of great benefit to their cultivation and research on the inheritance of the 'Bloodline Catalog'.

Of course, each of the nine star palaces has its own strengths, and Taiyi Star Palace is good at dealing with the Void Monster Clan. But this time, if Peng Yue had not used the power of the 'Elemental Nest', he could restrain the seventh-level Void Caijiao and suppress it directly. , prisoners, no matter how many starlight rings there are in the starship of the 'Taiyi Star Palace', it is impossible to directly capture the seventh-level Void Sparrow.

So after a few words of praise, a few people put it down and started to divide the 110,000 merits traded from the 'Taiyi Star Palace' while choosing the target of the seventh-level Void Monster Clan for the next battle.

"This time I was able to win the seventh-level Void Colored Bird, and the transaction was worth 110,000 merit points. Peng Yue and Chu Yue should be the first to win, and each of them received 30,000 merit points!"

"There are 50,000 merits left. Each of the four of us will take 10,000. The remaining 10,000 will be deposited into the team's public account in case the team needs it."

Liang Ji quickly gave his opinion on the distribution. This was also the distribution plan that several members of the team had discussed before joining the 'Pioneering War'.

The main force of the attack took the lead, and the rest of the team members, even though Liang Ji, Wu Shan, Peng Xuanding, and Peng Yue's grandma made little contribution in dealing with the seventh-order Void Colored Sparrow, they still shared 10,000 merit points each.

This is the meaning of the existence of the team and unity and cooperation. The team is meant for everyone to work together to earn more merits and benefits. Even if the rest of the team has little contribution in this operation, the spoils still need to be distributed; similarly, future actions Among them, there may also be situations where Peng Yue and Chu Yue share the spoils and benefits without having to contribute.

Therefore, no one in the team had any objections to Liang Ji's allocation. He directly controlled the public account of the 'Dragon Snake' team and distributed the merits belonging to the team members directly.

"Sure enough, it is easier to earn merit outside the Star Alliance!" Peng Xuanding looked at the 10,000 merit points added directly to his account, and couldn't help but smile with joy, and sighed: "In the past, within the Star Alliance, doing You may not be able to earn 10,000 merit points for various tasks in a year, but now you can only get 10,000 merit points for one task and one transaction. This gap..."

He couldn't help but shook his head as he spoke, and then thanked Chu Yue and Peng Yue, saying: "This time, I have benefited from you..."

Peng Yue said with a smile: "Uncle, you're welcome. That's how the team is. There will definitely be times when your immortal-level combat power will be used in the future."

At this time, Liang Ji shook his head slightly and said, "I'm afraid we won't have to wait until later. Uncle Peng will help us this time."

But while they were taking down the seventh-order Void Caijiao and completing a deal with the 'Taiyi Star Palace', several more of the incoming seventh-order Void Monsters had been killed. Liang Ji looked at the remaining ones. After several comparisons with the seventh-order Void Demon Clan, he discovered that the seventh-order Void Golden Eagle he eliminated first was already the easiest one for them to take down.

The other seventh-order Void Monsters have no lower combat power and difficulty in defeating them than the seventh-order Void Golden Eagle. After all, Liang Ji has hunted a large number of fifth-order Void Golden Eagles before, so he still has trouble with monsters like the Void Golden Eagle. To be more familiar and understand it, in contrast, it has become the most suitable target for them to deal with and capture now.

After listening to Liang Ji's words, the rest of the team couldn't choose a more suitable target, and they all agreed with Liang Ji's choice.

"The seventh-level void golden eagle has a golden body with very powerful defense, and the power of the golden law of natural disasters that distorts the void is also very powerful in attack!"

"This time, relying solely on the power of the starship, I am afraid that we may not be able to capture the seventh-order Void Golden Eagle!"

"Uncle Peng and Senior Wu still need to take action together."

Hearing this, Peng Xuanding immediately smiled and said: "It's finally my turn to take action. Since I joined the team, I have always enjoyed your care and benefits, but I don't have the chance to take action. I feel a little embarrassed."

In comparison, the human immortal Wu Shan is much calmer. He has been operating in the Star Alliance's outer territory for a long time. He is very clear about the situations in various teams. He knows when to enjoy and take action when it is time to take action. He is well prepared.

Here, Liang Ji and others were ready to directly select the seventh-order Void Golden Eagle as the next battle target. The 'Taiyi Star Palace' also directly gave it a pass and opened the 'Star Map Array' channel, allowing them to They intercepted directly in front of the seventh-order Void Golden Eagle.


This time, the 'Dragon Snake' starship arrived on the battlefield. Before Liang Ji and others had time to launch an attack, the seventh-order void golden eagle had already chirped and launched the attack first.

The intelligence of these seventh-level void monsters is no weaker than that of the monks. Naturally, they have already seen clearly the situation in this battlefield. Seeing their companions being killed and taken down one by one, they naturally also know that these stars The ships, and the 'Star Map Formation' are so powerful.

Facing an incoming starship, they would naturally choose to strike first.

The wings of the seventh-level void golden eagle were slashed in the void like a pair of golden knives, and two golden thin lines were seen directly tearing the void, almost teleporting and slashing on the 'Dragon Snake' starship.

These two golden threads are the power of the golden natural disaster law controlled by the seventh-level Void Golden Eagle. They have been condensed to their peak. The sharp power contained in them is terrifying. Cutting through the chaotic void is as easy as teleporting.

Although it does not have the ability to control the void with the power of elements and open up 'elemental passages' like the seventh-level Void Caijiao, the golden thread that cuts through the void is undoubtedly more lethal and more difficult to deal with.

In the "Dragon Snake" starship, even though Liang Ji and others had long been prepared for the power of the seventh-order Void Golden Eagle, they were all undoubtedly shocked at this time.

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