The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 456 Meteor Shower from Extraterrestrial Visitors

There are thirty-three star regions in the Star Alliance, among which the Manggu Star Region is a newly developed star region in the past ten thousand years. The remaining thirty-two star regions have been developed for more than tens of thousands of years and have long been developed by the Star Alliance.

Liang Ji had speculated at the beginning that the natal stars they, the new Star Masters, would most likely be in the newly developed Manggu Star Territory.

During the Battle of the Gods on the Wild Star, the cult organization 'Pantheon' sacrificed the Taoist weapon Pantheon, and with the help of the temples in the outer 'God Realm', they upgraded to the level of acquired spiritual treasures, and finally directly disintegrated the Pantheon. Spread the pantheon of gods throughout the Manggu Star Territory.

For this reason, in the past few years, the situation in the Manggu Star Territory has been quite turbulent and turbulent.

Many forces and methods in the Star Alliance are pursuing and capturing these 'temples' scattered everywhere.

But now, Liang Ji actually saw a 'temple' descending into the starry sky above his own natal star, colliding and competing with the 'star map' formed by the sun, moon and stars in the starry sky.

This seemed to further verify his original speculation. The natal stars of these new star masters were probably in the Manggu Star Territory, so they encountered the "Pantheon" with its scattered "Temple".

"I just didn't expect that after several years, the Star Alliance has not found and recovered all these scattered 'temples', and now this 'temple' has broken into the starry sky!"

"It happened to be the time when I was reincarnated in the natal star and practicing the 'unity of soul and Tao'."

"Is this luck considered good or bad?"

Liang Ji couldn't help but be speechless.

However, he immediately activated all the protective formations above the stars, and activated the protective formations of both Yin and Yang realms to the extreme.

This 'temple' that collapsed from the acquired spiritual treasure 'Pantheon' is at least the level of a seventh-level immortal weapon. Although the guardian array on its stars governs both Yin and Yang realms and is based on stars, the stars are of too low a level. The third level is also destined to be too low level for the guardian formation, and it will definitely be difficult to withstand the power of the immortal weapon 'temple'.

Even, it should be said that even his third-level natal star cannot withstand the power of the seventh-level immortal weapon 'temple'.

If the 'temple' in the starry sky collides directly with his natal star, his third-level stars will be smashed and destroyed.

"However, the 'Zhoutian Star Formation' is an innate spiritual treasure, even if only part of its power is here, it should be able to block this fairy weapon 'temple'!"

Liang Ji looked up at the starry sky, where the temple and the 'star map' formed by the sun, moon and stars were constantly colliding and competing, and he prayed secretly in his heart.

boom! Rumble...

At this time, another roar of thunder came in the starry sky, and Liang Ji suddenly saw that the 'temple' that was constantly colliding in the starry sky collapsed directly, turning into countless streams of light that scattered directly across the starry sky.

In the starry sky, the 'star map' formed by the sun, moon and stars seemed to come alive at this time, moving the stars to change buckets, the sun and moon turning the wheel, the entire starry sky rotated, intercepting most of the light that was scattered everywhere, but there was still something. A small stream of light broke through the blockage of the starry sky's 'star map' and spread across the starry sky.

There were dozens of them, which were directly attacking Liang Ji's natal star, like a meteor shower falling from the sky.

Visitors from outside, a meteor shower!

When Liang Ji first started practicing as a star master, he encountered such an intrusion of meteors from 'outsiders'. At that time, he watched with a 'star mirror' and relied on the dragon soul wrapped around his natal star to swallow the falling meteors and refine himself. Only by transforming the demonic souls in the 'visitors from outside' can the natal stars be protected from invasion and demonic contamination.

But now, he was practicing the practice of "unity of soul and Tao" and was reincarnated in this natal star family, but he did not expect to encounter this "visitor from outside" meteor invasion again.

Moreover, this time the invasion was a meteor shower, which was undoubtedly much more dangerous than when there was only one meteor.

Moreover, this time he was among the stars of his birth, but he was facing the invasion of the meteor shower from outside the sky.

The feeling and danger are far from what they were before.


At this time, the roar of the dragon sounded, and the dragon soul entangled in his natal star had taken the lead, raising its head and roaring, swallowing the meteor shower falling in the starry sky.

However, although the dragon soul is mysterious, these meteor showers were transformed after the collapse of the Immortal Weapon Temple. Even if it is the power of the fourth or fifth level, it is difficult for the dragon soul to swallow them all.

In the end, only half of the dozens of meteors that fell into Liang Ji's natal star were swallowed by the dragon soul. There were still more than ten divine light meteors that broke through the dragon soul's interception and fell straight into his natal star.

"Wandering Dragon!"

"Tower Town!"

"Yin Yang Guardian Formation!"

Seeing this, Liang Ji immediately urged the large array arranged above the stars to the extreme.

The dragon roared again, and the elemental spiritual veins that were born and distributed on the stars connected and turned into an 'elementary dragon' that flew up first, directly facing the dozens of falling meteors.

The wandering dragon collided with the meteor. Amidst the loud roar and the wail of the wandering dragon, several meteors were blocked and destroyed, and the elemental wandering dragon was also directly blasted to pieces. It even implicated many of the elemental spiritual veins distributed and connected on the stars. Suffered severe damage and broken.

For a time, Liang Ji's natal stars were shaken by earthquakes, rivers collapsed, volcanoes erupted, tsunamis subsided, and storms swept through natural disasters. These were all the backlash of the heavy damage to the elemental spiritual veins in the stars.

However, Liang Ji could not care about the backlash of these natural disasters for the time being, and continued to operate the formation to fight against the remaining meteors.

The phantoms of pagodas appeared in all directions among the stars, forming a large formation of 'Pagodas Suppressing Rivers and Mountains', suppressing the falling meteors in the sky.

Amidst the roaring and shaking, the meteors collided with the pagoda formation, and the phantoms of the pagodas shattered in the collision. The formation of 'Pagodas Suppressing Rivers and Mountains' was broken in the blink of an eye.

However, several more meteors fell from the sky, and now there are only six meteors left.

At the same time, in the cities of the Familia in the star world, the pagodas that stood there collapsed one after another, either directly collapsing and destroying, or rupturing and suffering heavy losses, which implicated every city in the city to suffer destruction, turbulence, or collapse. , causing many family members to panic.

There is no doubt that the collapse of these pagodas in the city was also caused by the backlash caused by the destruction of the "Pagoda Town River and Mountain" formation by meteors, which caused many turmoils and chaos among the dependents.

Liang Ji still didn't care about this and continued to activate the guardian formation among the stars.

All the protective formations arranged in conjunction with the Yin and Yang realms are in motion. The stars in the Yang world and the Nine Springs in the underworld are all shaking, and streams of light are rising into the sky. There are many Familia cities and cities in the Yang world, as well as scenes of the lives, battles, and labor of the Familia, as well as the Nine Springs in the underworld. All kinds of strange phenomena such as the underworld and the nine hells manifested and gathered in it, and finally turned into a huge vortex of yin and yang, like reincarnation and the great mill of yin and yang, swallowing and wearing away the remaining meteors.

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