The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 426 Absolute Combat Power

Among the Star Alliance, the Immortal Taoist lineage practices the power of incense belief, and can use the 'divine decree' to open up the incense divine realm, where it can cultivate and refine incense Taoist soldiers.

To be honest, among the various Taoist traditions of the Star Alliance, the Immortal Taoist Tradition is undoubtedly the closest and even similar to the Star Lord Taoist Tradition.

Even in the Star Lord Taoism, there are many references to the Immortal Taoism. From the religious sacrifices at the beginning to the enfeoffment of third-level gods and so on, there are many references to the Immortal Taoism.

While Liang Ji was performing tasks for the Star Alliance's security department over the years, he also fought and killed several immortal Taoist monks who had fallen into evil ways.

However, the people he dealt with at that time were all immortal monks who were at the same level as him. Most of the battles were between his family members and the incense Taoist soldiers. The power of the family members was enough to crush the incense Taoist soldiers and even kill the immortal Taoist monks. .

After all, the Immortal Taoism is still far behind compared to the Star Lord Taoism. Not to mention that it can only practice to the third level and has no way to transcendence. Even among the same level, it is still weaker than the Star Lord monks. many.

The most important point is that the monks of the Star Lord Taoist lineage, the level and combat power of the family members cultivated in the natal stars can keep up with the Star Lord himself, and the combat power of the Star Lord is the same level.

Just like Liang Ji was promoted to the seventh-level soul refining realm, his family members can also reach the third-level realm and the seventh-level combat power.

The Immortal Taoist order is much worse than this. The incense Taoist soldiers trained and trained by his subordinates are even one level lower than the monks of the Immortal Taoist lineage. For example, the third-grade immortal monks in front of them are sending out many incense Taoist soldiers at this moment. The strongest soldiers are only those of fourth grade and combat strength.

Just because, as the foundation of the Immortal Taoism, the Incense Divine Realm opened by divine decree cannot accommodate the incense Taoist soldiers and combat power of the same level, otherwise it will be backlashed.

But even so, there are tens of thousands of incense Taoist soldiers sent by the third-level gods in front of them, and they have all reached the fourth-level combat strength. Under the battle formation, immeasurable golden divine light gathered like a violent wave and overturned, including the combat strength and power. It is also unparalleled in power, directly breaking through the fourth level and reaching the peak of third level.

Obviously, these third-level immortals have no way forward, but they have studied the power and incense Taoist weapons they have mastered deeply, and they have brought the power of the battle formation to the extreme.

As expected, no one who can cultivate to the level of a third-grade immortal is a good person.

If Liang Ji had used his own strength to face the battle formation composed of these third-grade immortals and these fourth-grade Taoist soldiers, he would naturally be unable to resist or even fight.

However, at this time, Liang Ji had the power of the Star Chart in his body, running the majestic and mysterious power of the stars. Facing the golden divine light and the battle formation of the fourth-grade Taoist soldiers, he had no scruples at all. .

Instead, he raised his voice and laughed loudly. The figure made of starlight raised his hand and held it. Countless starlight gathered and condensed into a 'golden knife' in his hand.

"The golden sword of Yaizhen, the mountain of swords breaks the prison!"

With a long roar, the figure of Yaizhen faintly appeared behind Liang Ji. At the same time, above the 'Starlight Golden Sword' chopped off in his hand, the image of sword mountain hell appeared. Together with the golden knife, he stood on top of the majestic golden divine light that struck. .

Amidst the roaring and cracking sounds, the majestic golden divine light was split by the 'golden sword' on the spot, and the force of the mountain of swords was directly blasted into the Taoist formation under the golden light.

The Taoist battle formation was immediately shaken, and countless sword energy and sword light burst out from the mountain of swords, rushing into the Taoist battle formation to cut, slash, and tear apart, killing tens of thousands of fourth-grade soldiers on the spot. The battle formation composed of Taoist soldiers was torn and shattered.

Without the protection of the Taoist battle formation, these fourth-grade incense Taoist soldiers would be even more difficult to withstand the attacks of the sword light and sword energy that contained the power of the stars in the star map and the avenue of stars.

Screams rang out in the field, and each golden-armored incense and fire Taoist soldier was killed by the light and sword energy of the sword, turning into a wisp of residual soul and flying back to the incense and fire god's domain.

"Haha... Baxia Zhenyue, break it for me!"

Liang Ji controlled the starlight body, running the vast and mysterious power of starlight, and roared loudly.

At this time, behind him, Yaizhen's figure dissipated, and Baxia's figure appeared instead. The golden knife in his hand also disappeared, and the infinite starlight turned into a mountain, like a big seal. As the starlight body raised its hand, it struck down directly. The realm of incense and fire spread out by the golden imperial edict.

"Get out of my way!"

In the Incense God Realm, the third-level gods shouted loudly, and more golden divine light erupted from the golden edict and merged into the God Realm, causing the entire Incense God Realm to be dyed golden, as if it were made of gold, facing the falling starlight mountains. Boom together.

boom! Click and wipe...

Amidst the roar and explosion, the golden incense domain was blasted by the Starlight Mountain on the spot. Countless cracks emerged in it, spreading and expanding rapidly.

The golden imperial edict in the center of the divine domain suddenly suffered a backlash, and the existing cracks rapidly expanded and deepened.


A shrill scream came from the cracked Golden Imperial Palace, and then the Divine Realm and Golden Imperial Palace could no longer hold on. They all cracked and disintegrated, turning into countless golden divine lights that scattered in all directions.

In the midst of these golden divine lights, a figure could be faintly seen dissipating. It was the immortal Taoist cultivator who had achieved the third-level immortal realm.

Although its strength is strong, the divine command and the golden divine power gathered in the divine domain are vast, they are far less than the vastness, mystery and power of the starlight power in the innate spiritual treasure "Zhoutian Star Array".

Even though the power of the star map that Liang Ji had added to his body may only be one ten thousandth of the power of the innate spiritual treasure, it is not something that a third-level immortal can fight against and compete with.

After the destruction of the Incense God Realm and the Golden Order, the golden armored soldiers who were still involved in the air also lost their foundation and support. Amidst the screams, the golden armored soldiers exploded one after another, bursting out with powerful golden divine light. , the explosive energy swept across all directions.

Obviously, this is the back-up left behind by the third-level gods when they sacrificed these incense Taoist soldiers. Once they are defeated and killed, there is no need for these incense Taoist soldiers to stay. It is better to explode directly. , perhaps even severely injuring or even killing his opponent to avenge him.

Unfortunately, for Liang Ji, who was now empowered by the power of the Star Map, although the self-destruction of these incense Taoist soldiers was powerful, it was difficult to shake him at all.

Liang Ji just used his magical power again, and the phantom of Ba Xia behind him dispersed and turned into a figure of Jiao Tu. Countless stars gathered around him and turned into the power of ice to freeze the surroundings. Protect yourself.

Then the stars flashed, crushing and eliminating all the self-destructing Dao soldiers and the energy of the explosion.

At this time, Liang Ji's eyes were no longer here. He waved his hand and sprinkled a piece of starlight, putting away the broken Incense God Realm. Not to mention that the broken God Realm itself was precious, and it was more likely to contain the belongings of the third-level immortal. Liang Ji Naturally, he will not let go of this trophy.

At the same time, he turned his eyes to look at the next opponent. He raised his hand and grasped it. Infinite starlight gathered and turned into a spear again, directly hitting the evil god on the other side who came through the projection of the divine light portal.

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