The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 424 Evil forces join forces

Demonic fire dyes the dark sky, and divine light hits the star map.

The Star Alliance expected that someone would be interested in Jin Chi, so they set up a dragnet and attracted the power of the "Zhoutian Star Formation", striving to suppress everything with overwhelming force to ensure the normal and successful progress of the Conferred God.

Naturally, those monks of the ‘Ten Thousand Temples’ who had the idea of ​​​​Jin Chi could also think of the arrangement of the Star Alliance.

Especially the high-level monks who live in the Star Alliance and have cultivated to the level of third-level immortals. They undoubtedly have a more intuitive understanding of the power of the Star Alliance and the power and terror of the innate spiritual treasure 'Celestial Star Array'. , deep understanding.

They also know that with their own strength, it is absolutely difficult to resist the suppression of the Star Alliance and the Star Map.

Therefore, whether it is to save one's life or to strive for the success of the 'Golden Edict', the evil cultivators of the 'Ten Thousand Temples' will naturally prepare some trump cards and means for these actions.

Otherwise, it is not an adventure, but a death.

However, the treasures and power that can resist the power of the Star Alliance and the innate spiritual treasure "Zhoutian Star Formation" are actually limited. The easiest ones to access and obtain are naturally the power of the devil and the evil god.

Therefore, it can be said that this attack was a joint operation of the three major evil organizations of the Star Alliance, namely, the Pantheon, the Pantheon, and the Pantheon.

In the sky, the demonic fire that burned all over the sky was constantly fighting and competing with the starlight that enveloped the sky; the divine light erupting from the shattered 'divine crystal' fragments gathered in the sky and manifested into a portal of divine light.

The divine door opened, and the figures of the gods appeared faintly behind it, peeking into the world.

"! Such a strong power of faith!"

"Star Alliance! It's Star Alliance! Such a huge land of faith..."

"False God!"

"Damn it! The Star Alliance is carving out false gods again!"

"This is blasphemy! How can the gods be divided? How can the gods be controlled by the Star Alliance!"

"Kill over! Break the Star Alliance and kill all the false gods!"

Behind the divine light portal, there seemed to be many gods roaring and roaring.

The next moment, bright divine lights blasted out from behind the divine gate, and huge divine figures passed through the divine gate and projected out, killing into the stars and everywhere in the underworld.


"Kill the false god!"

“Only the true God can give all living beings faith!”

"Let the light of the gods shine on this ignorant world!"

Projections of gods shot out one after another, sweeping the divine light and shaking the starry sky, and even killed many ghosts and gods in the underworld, trying to kill them and seize the power of faith.

"The devil dyes the world and seizes the stars!"

Among the demonic fires burning across the sky, there seemed to be a huge demonic soul roaring, and countless demonic energy and demonic fires were infecting the world and the avenue of the underworld.

Demon cultivators in the Temple of Ten Thousand Demons have always used demon dyeing and body-seizing to seek sainthood.

From the moment Liang Ji entered the path of star master training, the teacher warned them not to randomly refine objects of unknown origin to prevent the demonic cultivators of the 'Ten Thousand Demons Palace' from taking over their natal stars.

Back in Xiu She City, there was an incident where the demon cultivator stained the stars of the star master's students, causing quite a commotion.

Now, although this wilderness star is not the Star Lord's natal star, due to various changes, it is almost the same as the Star Lord's natal star, and it even has no owner or star owner.

Such a situation is naturally more conducive to the demon cultivator, demon dyeing, and body seizing. The demon soul is definitely the top and important demon cultivator in the Ten Thousand Demons Palace, and may even be the master of the Ten Thousand Demons Palace.

"The Emperor of Hades returns to his throne!"


"I, the Emperor of the Underworld, have returned to his throne!"

With the power of evil gods and demon souls to disrupt the 'Celestial Star Array' projected from the sky, although they may not be the match for the innate spiritual treasures, they finally gave the remaining monks of the 'Ten Thousand Temples' in the sky a chance to breathe. .

As a result, the remaining monks and immortals continued to pounce on the golden imperial edict in the air, hoping to seize the golden edict and ascend to the throne of the Wild Star Underworld Emperor.

At this time, Jin Chi has been completely refined, controlled reincarnation, and integrated into the great avenue of heaven and earth in the underworld.

Facing the monks and immortals from all sides, a large amount of golden divine light suddenly bloomed in the golden imperial edict. This divine light condensed outside the golden imperial edict and turned into a golden figure, wearing a black emperor's robe, embroidered with the five ghost emperors of the underworld. The city and other strange phenomena, with the crown on his head, are exactly the image of the Underworld Emperor.

At this time, Emperor Hades raised his hand, and life and death gathered in his palm and turned into a projection of reincarnation, which directly covered the monks and immortals who rushed to seize the golden edict from all directions.

The terrifying devouring power erupted from the samsara projection and swept in all directions. The third-grade monks and immortals who rushed towards them were unable to resist. They exclaimed, shouted angrily, or were swallowed directly into the samsara and died, or died. It was a case of self-mutilation and a lucky escape with a life.

"How can it be?"

"Isn't Mangyuan Star ownerless?"

"How did the Underworld Emperor's golden edict condense into the Underworld Emperor's golden body?"

There were screams of surprise, revealing the panic and despair of the monks and immortals from all sides.

At this time, the figure of the Emperor of Hades condensed by divine light suddenly dispersed, turning into little stars and flying out of the underworld. The third-grade golden imperial edict in the figure of the Emperor of Hades has been completely integrated into the world of the underworld, waiting quietly for the underworld to come. Born out of the emperor's nourishment.

"It's the method of someone who can become a god!"

"It was the body of the Underworld Emperor that he controlled by condensing the divine light with the Golden Imperial Order, and manifested it. That is not the real Underworld Emperor..."

In the underworld, many monks and immortals saw this and immediately recognized that this method was exactly the method of the person who was currently presiding over the canonization of gods on the wilderness star.

Mangyuan Xing is the principal of Kunlun Star Palace who is in charge of the matter of conferring gods this time. He has the deepest research on conferring gods. He is a Dingding figure specially invited by the Star Alliance. Naturally, he has extraordinary means. He has witnessed the war in the underworld, but he directly controls the underworld. The Emperor's Golden Order will repel all those who covet it, integrate the Golden Order into the world of the underworld, and quickly complete the final enfeoffment of ghosts and gods in the underworld. Only in this way can we have the most stable and rapid 'power to stabilize the tripod'.

The Golden Imperial Order has been integrated into the underworld. If outsiders want to seize it, they will inevitably have to merge with the Great Dao of the Underworld, search for and fuse the Golden Imperial Order, and the dangers and low success rates cannot be the same. Then he spoke.

"I order Yan Tao, a monk in Chiyuan City, to receive the fourth-grade purple edict and hold the position of the City God of Chiyuan City. He is in charge of the life and death of all living beings within the Chiyuan City area, as well as matters of success..."

Between heaven and earth, the voice of the great road of conferring gods by the principal of Kunlun Star Palace continued to sound. It had ended the enfeoffment of ghosts and gods in the underworld and began to enfeoff all the land in the Yang world on the wilderness star.

In Chiyuan City, Liang Ji followed Yang Yun and others to fight against evil cultivators and foreign enemies. He also knew something about this monk Yan Tao. He was a fifth-grade monk in Chiyuan City. During the battle of the 'Long Live Birthday Banquet' , died at the hands of foreign enemies.

But now it seems that the other party should have retained the soul, and in the subsequent deification, he was assigned as the inheritance city god due to his merits, holding the fourth-level purple edict, but he was promoted from the original fifth-level cultivation to a fourth-level immortal. It can be considered a blessing in disguise and a big gain.

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