The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 419 Conferred God

In the wild star underworld, before the whirlpool of reincarnation.


Another dragon roar sounded in his soul, and Liang Ji suddenly woke up. The vortex of reincarnation was already in front of him.

Although Liang Ji woke up again before being swallowed by the vortex of reincarnation, there was not much joy on his face.

What he needs is 'absolute control'. He needs to be able to absolutely control himself while watching the reincarnation of heaven and earth, and not fall into it or be swallowed up by the reincarnation.

But now, he has stayed in the wilderness star for several months, and has watched this reincarnation many times, but he still can only avoid being swallowed by the reincarnation, but it is difficult to stay awake while watching the reincarnation and achieve absolute control over himself.

"Isn't your cultivation enough?"

Liang Ji had some enlightenment in his heart.

Afterwards, he did not stay here for long in reincarnation. His soul broke away from the swallowing scope of the whirlpool of reincarnation and wandered in the wilderness star underworld.

After several months, the ghost kings of all parties in the wilderness star underworld have been fighting, and now the area has initially stabilized. Five ghost emperors have been produced, occupying the five directions in the underworld and controlling the entire underworld.

However, these five ghost emperors are currently only winning in the battle for hegemony and winning the war.

The Star Alliance wants to guide the stable pattern of the underworld in the wilderness star, and wants to cultivate the underworld to worship the "Underworld Emperor" to help the wilderness star produce new transcendent people, so as to verify the second half of the road to the earthly immortal, but it is obviously not enough.

It is also necessary for these five ghost emperors to be recognized by the underworld and even the entire wilderness star of heaven and earth, so that they can be included in the operation of the order of heaven and earth.

Only the great avenue of heaven and earth that forms an order can cultivate the 'Emperor of Heaven' of composite order, making it possible to cultivate new transcendent beings.

Now that the five ghost emperors have been decided, it is now the turn of the Star Alliance to establish an order recognized by the underworld, heaven and earth.

Liang Ji's soul flew away from the range of reincarnation, and soon he saw a huge ghost city. This ghost city far exceeded most ghost cities in the underworld in terms of size, height, and momentum. There was a high mountain in the center of the city. There stands a 'Ghost Gate', which is one of the soul passages connecting the underworld and the human world.

This city is now the central ghost emperor city of the five ghost emperors in the underworld. It is the central ghost emperor city.

Different from the Jiuquan underworld opened in Liang Ji's natal star, each level of the underworld has a 'Ghost Gate', with a total of nine 'Ghost Gates'; in this wilderness star underworld, there are five ghost emperors who rule the underworld. 'Guimenguan' stands in each of the five ghost emperor cities.

At this time, Liang Ji's soul entered the Central Ghost Emperor City and could see that in the center of the Ghost Emperor City, a large number of ghost soldiers were ordered to build a altar and prepare for a grand ceremony.

In fact, not only the Central Ghost Emperor City, Liang Ji's soul had already traveled to the other four ghost emperor cities before, and they were building shrines in the city in accordance with the orders of the five ghost emperors.

These shrines were built by the Five Ghost Emperors in accordance with the requirements of the Star Alliance, in order to cooperate with the Star Alliance in establishing an order in the underworld that is recognized by the underworld and the avenue of heaven and earth.

Liang Ji's soul came here to monitor the construction progress of the altar and to see whether it was built in accordance with the Star Gate requirements.

This mission is related to the establishment of order in the underworld and even the entire wilderness star world, and it is also related to the verification of the Earth Immortal Queen's half-step practice. Naturally, there is no room for any mistakes.

He accepted the task of the security department and often needed to enter and exit the underworld, so naturally he accepted these inspection tasks by the way.

After seeing the construction status of the altar in the Central Ghost Emperor City, Liang Ji's soul immediately left the Central Ghost Emperor City and went to the Sifang Ghost Emperor City to check, confirming that there were no problems with the altar built and that it had reached the progress required by the Star Alliance. At this moment, he did not stay in the underworld for a long time and returned directly to the body of Wilderness City.

In Mangyuan City, Liang Ji ended his retreat and walked out of his residence to look at the center of Mangyuan City.

There, the temple of the Mang Yuan Cult has been completed, and the statue of Lord Mang Yuan is enshrined in it. And now, a altar has also been built on the square in front of the temple.

However, the shrine built in the Five Directions Ghost Emperor City only has six floors, while the shrine built in front of the temple in Mangyuan City has nine floors, as if it reaches the sky and the earth.

"Conferring the Gods Platform! Conferring the Gods!"

Liang Ji looked at the nine-story altar in the distance, stars flashing in his eyes, and murmured to himself.

According to the deductions from the Star Alliance, the current situation of the Wild Star is that if you want to cultivate new transcendent beings and continue the second half of the path of earthly immortals, the best way is to 'conquer the gods' in the Wild Star and control them with Shinto. The Great Avenue of Mangyuan Star Heaven and Earth enshrines an 'Emperor of Heaven' in the order of Mangyuan Star Heaven and Earth.

This is also imitating the path of the Star Lord's orthodoxy. After all, the Star Lord's path also requires "consecration of gods" among the natal stars, with the Star Lord as the Heavenly Emperor controlling the natal stars and the Heavenly Emperor's Way.

Venerable Mang Yuan initially imitated the path of the Star Lord and took a successful half step in opening up the path to the Earth Immortal. Now if he wants to continue to open up the second half step, he naturally needs to continue to imitate the path of the Star Lord.

Therefore, now that the growth of the Wild Star is gradually stabilizing, and after the forces in the Yang world, the underworld, and even the Nine Heavens have initially stabilized under the guidance of the Star Alliance, the Star Alliance has begun to 'canonize gods' in this Wild Star.

As long as the Shinto system of the wilderness star can successfully support an 'Emperor of Heaven', the second half of the underground road will be almost opened.

Time flew by, and another month passed in the blink of an eye. During this period, Liang Ji's soul entered the underworld several times, watching reincarnation, trying to control himself in the face of the reincarnation of heaven and earth, and at the same time monitoring the ghost emperors in the five directions. The construction of the altar.

Finally, on this day, the construction of various shrines in the wilderness star underworld, Yangjian, and Jiutian was completed. The spiritual veins in the stars, the qi of heaven and earth, the movement of the sun, moon and stars in the starry sky, etc., all reached the goal recommended by the Star Alliance. The best time to evolve.

In the wilderness star, the ceremony of conferring gods has officially begun!

Nowadays, in the Mangyuan Star, the number of cities has increased from the original forty-five to eighty-one. In each city, the "Mangyuan God Cult" supported by the Star Alliance is presiding over the celebration of the God Ceremony. The momentum, atmosphere, and surge are The moving faith and power of belief are more intense than during the "Long Live Birthday Banquet".

In various cities, the monks of the Mangyuan Cult, leading the monks from the stars, indigenous aliens, etc., all prostrated themselves before the altar built in the center of the city.

On these altars, there are statues of gods, monks sitting cross-legged, or indigenous aliens from the stars sitting cross-legged.

These statues of gods, monks, and indigenous alien races were all decided upon by the monks, indigenous people, and the Star Alliance in the Wilderness Star over the past few months. They will accept the canonization of gods together during the God Conferring Ceremony, and become the host and control everywhere. The 'god' of the city.

And in the center of the stars, on the tallest main altar in Mangyuan City, is the statue of 'Venerable Mangyuan', the 'Emperor' that the Star Alliance wants to cultivate!

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