The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 415 The Wilderness Star Advances

On the Mangyuan star, the transcendent Master Mangyuan reunited with the Tao again, and the figure condensed by the starlight jumped into the stars again, merged with the stars, and became one.

Listening to the promise of the high-ranking star master in the sky, Venerable Mangyuan who manifested in the sky nodded slightly and responded: "Good!"

Afterwards, Venerable Mangyuan's gaze surrendered to the stars and earth below.

Above the stars, in the remaining cities, the native monks and indigenous aliens of Mangyuan Star also heard the words of Lord Mangyuan in the air, and immediately fell to the ground, either grateful or crying, all of them were right. Venerable Mangyuan, who sacrificed his life and restored the world, paid homage endlessly.

Even in mid-air, Liang Ji could see that in the wild mountains, wild forests, and rivers, the birds, animals, swimming fish and other non-intelligent beings seemed to have been inspired by the spirit at this time, and they all looked towards the sky. Bow down and give thanks.

The strong wind blew through the wilderness, and all the vegetation was bowed, as if they were also kowtowing to the Lord Mangyuan who was united in the sky.

Between heaven and earth, an extremely rich and pure power of faith and belief permeated the air, blending into the avenue of stars and into the body of Venerable Mangyuan who was reuniting with the path in the sky.

"This is..." Liang Ji was slightly surprised. He could sense that these strong, pure beliefs and the power of belief were even stronger and purer than the incense belief and power of belief of the dependents in his natal star.

And with the integration of this rich and pure faith and the power of belief, Venerable Mangyuan, who is in the process of joining the path in the sky, seems to become more dazzling and powerful.

The figure floating in the air seemed to sense these changes, and the smile on his face became more and more obvious and bright.

"Everything in heaven and earth respects me. I unite heaven and earth to form the great road!"

"It turns out that this is the Dao Fruit!"

"Ha ha……"

Lord Mangyuan seemed to have realized something. The huge figure reflecting in the sky suddenly stretched out his giant hand of starlight and grabbed the star in Mangyuan.

The next moment, screams rang out from all over the stars.


"Spare my life..."


I saw figures lingering in demonic energy, divine light, or bloody light, being captured from the city, from under the rivers, from the mountains and forests, and even from under the earth. Struggling in the air, begging for mercy, and even igniting demonic fires, erupting divine light and breaking through the limit in an attempt to escape.

Obviously, these figures are all evil cultivators and foreign enemies who still remain in the wilderness star.

In order to hinder and destroy Venerable Mangyuan's breakthrough, these evil cultivators and foreign enemies had already killed and injured most of them before, but now there are only a few left. Seeing that Venerable Mangyuan has broken through, they all hid and tried to survive.

But now, in the eyes of Lord Mangyuan who has reunited with Taoism, the entire Mangyuan planet can be clearly seen and understood everywhere inside and outside it. How can these remaining evil cultivators and foreign enemies be hidden and resisted.

Lord Mangyuan, who had reunited with Taoism, naturally had a bad look on these evil cultivators and foreign enemies who attacked the city, killed his children and natives, and blocked his breakthrough.

Taking advantage of this time to reunite and control the power of the entire star, Venerable Mangyuan captured all the remaining evil cultivators and foreign enemies who were hiding, and crushed them to death.

Screams and screams resounded in the air.

Those evil cultivators and foreign enemies who were captured were crushed and exploded in the air, as if they were being crushed by the entire world, unable to resist, and were killed on the spot.



"Light of the gods, be guided by me..."

In the sky, after being captured and captured, the remaining evil cultivators and foreign enemies broke out one after another when they saw their companions around them being crushed to their feet and unable to escape.

Either the body is ignited with demonic fire, or the 'divine crystal' flies out from the center of the eyebrow and explodes directly. There is even a divine light rushing into the starry sky, trying to open the divine door to attract the arrival of the gods from the outside world.

These evil cultivators and foreign enemies who were able to survive were basically the strongest in the fifth level. At this time, their lives exploded, and their aura and combat power exceeded their limits, entering the fourth level.

Previously, at the time of the 'Long Live Birthday Banquet', evil cultivators and foreign enemies broke through the limit and broke out, which would cause a backlash from heaven and earth, like the sky tearing apart and blood thunder birth and death, which would then affect and interfere with Venerable Mangyuan's harmony and transcendence practice.

But now, Liang Ji saw that these evil cultivators and foreign enemies once again broke out beyond their limits, but they never caused a backlash from heaven and earth. The sky did not tear, and the blood thunder did not fall.

Liang Ji's eyes flashed slightly, and his eyes were filled with starlight. He lowered his head to look at the stars and the earth below. His soul power sensed the spiritual energy permeating the surrounding heaven and earth. He suddenly found that the concentration and quality of the spiritual energy in the air were slowly increasing. It had far exceeded go.

"Mangyuan Star, advanced!"

Liang Ji was slightly surprised, but he could clearly see that this was originally a fifth-level wilderness star, but now it was increasing the strength of its spiritual veins and had reached the strength of a sixth-level star.

Because of this, this wilderness star has been able to withstand and accommodate the outbreak and battle of fourth-level combat power.

Therefore, even though those evil cultivators and foreign enemies in the sky once again tried their best to break through their own limits and reach the fourth level of combat power, they were unable to have any impact or damage on the world of the Wild Star. Naturally, they were also unable to trigger a backlash from the world.

"Mangyuan Star has actually advanced!" Liang Ji's eyes were filled with starlight. He couldn't help but look up at Lord Mangyuan who was joining the Tao in the sky. The Venerable's reunification promoted the advancement of Mangyuan Star!"

After all, Venerable Mangyuan successfully completed the practice of harmony and detachment. Although in the end, because the level of Mangyuan's star was too low, it was difficult to support Venerable Mang Yuan's detachment, causing his practice to fall short.

However, the realm of Lord Mangyuan and the starlight giant body formed by gathering countless starlight are all real.

And now, as Lord Mangyuan reunites with the Tao again, his realm and starlight giant body have also been integrated into the world of Mangyuan Star. I am afraid that this has greatly enhanced the origin and way of heaven of Mangyuan Star, thus promoting the progress of Mangyuan Star. level.

"Looking at the speed at which this spiritual energy is improving, I'm afraid the sixth level star is not the end yet."

Liang Ji had a thought in his mind.

In the air, those evil cultivators and foreign enemies who broke through the limit and exploded, although they had burned and exploded everything, trying to rush out desperately, but under the advanced Mangyuan Star Heavenly Dao, these people's explosions were in vain. After all, They were all crushed and killed on the spot by Xingchen Tiandao.

The invading foreign enemies and evil gods wanted to erupt with divine light and open the divine gate, but they were all suppressed by Venerable Mangyuan. All the divine light was blocked by the stars and heaven, crushed and extinguished.

In just a moment, the evil cultivators, foreign enemies, etc. captured by Venerable Mangyuan from all over the stars were all crushed and killed in the air. The demonic energy, divine light, evil blood, etc. were all wiped out by the stars, heaven and earth, and the whole world was destroyed. To clear it up.

"Haha... After ten thousand years of practice, I come from the stars and return to the stars! In harmony with the sky, it is not a holy call!"

With a burst of laughter, the starry figure of Lord Mangyuan disappeared into the sky, completely integrated into the avenue of Mangyuan Star, Heaven and Earth.

And the advancement of the Wild Star has once again crossed a level, reaching the seventh level star.

Among the stars, whether they are monks, natives, sentient beings, heartless beings, etc., they all bow down at this time and express their gratitude.

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