The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 412 The final madness

The path of star master cultivation, that is, the path of heavenly immortals. The high-level cultivation is divided into three stages: third-level refining the void, second-level hedao, and first-level heavenly immortals.

Among them, not to mention the third-level cultivation, the monks who can embark on the path of earth immortals have all cultivated to the third-level realm and achieved existences such as human immortals, ghost immortals, and gods.

These people are actually only two steps away from the final ascension to sainthood, namely: the second level of harmony and the first level of transcendence!

After being united with the Tao and transcending, you will become a heavenly being!

The path of the Earth Immortal opened by Venerable Mangyuan is almost completely modeled on the path of the Star Lord. Naturally, its cultivation process is also similar to that of a high-level Star Lord.

After refining the spiritual vein stars into the 'Earth Immortal Blessed Land', they first merge with the Dao of Heaven and Earth, that is, they are consistent with the Heaven and Earth Dao of the Earth Immortal Blessed Land stars. This is also the state that Venerable Mangyuan has been in in the past thousands of years, which is consistent with the Heaven and Earth Dao of Mangyuan Star. .

And next, if you want to go one step further and achieve the realm of heavenly immortals, you need to transcend from the state of harmony, completely master the heaven and earth avenues of the entire earthly immortal blessed land and stars, control the heavenly hearts with your own heart, and control the heavenly ways with your own way!

This is the final path of the Star Lord's cultivation. Even in the mature Star Lord lineage, there are often monks who fail in the second-level union. In the end, they are unable to transcend, thus ending up with the body and the Tao disappear.

Before the college entrance examination, Liang Ji went with Director Zhang of the Education Bureau of Xiu She City to participate in the training and look for opportunities in the 'Big Shark Star'. The star that comes out is the natal star.

This shows the dangers of harmony and detachment.

As for Venerable Mangyuan who needs to open up the path to the Earthly Immortality, he has no mature and complete experience to refer to. He can only refer to the cultivation experience of the Star Lord Tradition. The difficulties and dangers can be imagined.

But now it seems that at least in the past thousands of years, the combined practice of Venerable Mangyuan and the Earthly Immortal Blessed Land "Mangyuan Star" has been going very well, and it should even be said to be very successful.

At least, Venerable Mangyuan has not yet fallen into Hedao, nor has he completely transformed into Taoism and transformed into the great avenue of heaven and earth on Mangyuan Star.

Even now, with the help of the 'Long Live Birthday Banquet', Venerable Mangyuan has shown signs of advancing from the second level of harmony to the first level of transcendence.

Liang Ji looked up at the figure of Venerable Mangyuan that was getting bigger and clearer in the sky. He could see that as Venerable Mangyuan opened his eyes, the expression on his face and the emotions in his eyes were becoming more and more intense. The more, the richer.

These all show that Venerable Mangyuan is now transcending from the state of harmony with the Mangyuan Star Avenue of Heaven and Earth, and his own emotions, emotions, cognitions, etc. are all returning one after another.

When he has completely found himself and restored his feelings, emotions, and cognition, that is when he has successfully transcended and advanced to the realm of a first-level immortal.

At this time, not only did Liang Ji see the transcendent phenomenon of 'Venerable Mangyuan' in the sky, but everyone on the entire Mangyuan planet, including local monks, indigenous aliens, visitors, evil cultivators, and foreign enemies who attacked and destroyed, naturally also saw it. Visions in the sky.

Ordinary people may not know what this vision represents, but the senior officials of both parties naturally know it very well.

As a result, both the enemy and ourselves became even more crazy.

The same is true here in Xijiang City.

The monks in the city who were guarding the grand ceremony shouted with surprise and enthusiasm: "The Venerable has arrived, and we will follow the Venerable to the eternal star realm!"

Similarly, the monks and indigenous foreigners who participated in the "Long Live Birthday Banquet" ceremony in the city became more and more enthusiastic and excited when they saw the "miracle" of the Lord descending and emerging from the sky. They kowtowed, praised, and recited epic poems. With the temple, more fanatical, crazy, and intense faith and belief burst out from the city and merged into the stars, heaven and earth.

At this time, among all the remaining stars on the Mangyuan Star, the monks and indigenous aliens were all like this, and therefore integrated into the world, helping the Lord Mangyuan's faith and faith to greatly increase.

Affected by this boost, the silhouette of Lord Mangyuan emerging in the sky accelerated faster and faster. A huge figure, as if made of starlight, was breaking away from the Mangyuan star and standing in the vast starry sky.

The starlight giant stretched out a hand, and the wild star seemed to be a small ball, falling into his palm.

Once the Starlight Giant is completely condensed and the Mangyuan Star completely falls into the Starlight Giant's palm, it means that the Mangyuan Master has successfully transcended and successfully advanced to the first-level heavenly realm.

It also means that the successful development of the Earth Immortal Road will directly solve the biggest problem that other orthodox traditions in the Star Alliance have no way forward, and will undoubtedly be the greatest merit for the entire Star Alliance.

The monks of the Star Alliance, the monks of the Mangyuan Star, and the natives knew this. Naturally, the evil cultivators and enemies who came to destroy the Master Mangyuan's transcendence and prevent him from opening up the path to earthly immortality also knew this.

Therefore, at this time, the remaining evil cultivators and foreign enemies' attacks on the Wild Planet became more and more crazy and violent.


At this time, there was a roar and explosion. It was the River God Python that controlled the Xijiang River. The fragments of the 'divine crystal' that appeared on its forehead had already shattered, and now they exploded directly.

An even more violent and brilliant divine light instantly rushed into the giant python's body. Even the giant python, 'Jiang Shen', couldn't bear it at this time, and its body was directly shattered, but its divine power and power exploded in this self-destruction style. He was pushed to the limit, reached the peak of the fourth level, and almost reached the power of the third level.

Under the control of such a huge force, the entire Xijiang River seemed to be controlled and overturned, like the Tianhe River rushing down, directly towards Xijiang City and towards Liang Ji's family members guarding outside the city.

"Damn it, there's no way I can stop it!"

Liang Ji's expression suddenly changed when he saw this. The combat strength of his family members was only equivalent to the seventh level. With the help of battle formations and other means, and the great magical power of Fa Tian Xiang Di, the combat strength was equivalent to the sixth level at most. It was to resist the original It is very difficult for the fifth-grade 'Jiang Shen', let alone the fourth-grade divine power that has now broken through the limits.

This is a gap in combat power that directly spans two levels, and it is simply not something that his family team can resist.


Without the slightest hesitation, Liang Ji's army of family members quickly retreated into Xijiang City, using the help of the city and the city defense formation to resist the rushing Xijiang River.

Call for the wind and rain! Drive thunder and lightning! Take the mountain to hold the mountain! Frozen! Sea of ​​fire...

The second-generation human emperor of Fa Tian Xiang Di desperately mobilized the power of all the family legions and waved his hands to unleash magical powers and battle formations.

He even summoned the golden sword of the 'Lord of the Hell of Sword Mountain' from the Yajuan Army, and cut down the mountain of swords to withstand the rushing water of the Xijiang River.

However, under the bombardment that reached the fourth level, everything was in vain. The wind and rain were shattered, the thunder and lightning were swallowed up, the mountains were washed away, and the sword mountain was destroyed...

Xijiang City's city walls and city defense formations were also broken through, and endless floods rushed into the city.

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