560: Distribute Manpower

560: Distribute Manpower

So he immediately discussed with the people on the side of the alliance to see if there was a possibility of tentatively appointing a sovereign over there. Let’s proceed.

Originally, the Pokémon Alliance wanted to respect Ye Chen, and gave him his own private space. The Alliance took all the matters on its own, but as time got longer and longer, it became more and more ignorant of the alliance, they found that it still Need to have a decision-maker center to guide them.

Ever since, everyone called Ye Chen, hoping that he could return to the Pokémon League as soon as possible.

Ye Chen also understood this, but he had no way to give their response directly.

After hanging up the phone, Ye Chen returned to the party and called Lu Yao, as well as Louise, Miss Sheng Lan and Lange.

Ye Chen made all the content on the phone call just now, and after telling them to a few people, he left the question of going to them. After all, everyone came together, where to go, and respect. The opinions of others.

In the end, I didn’t expect that everyone wanted to hear what Ye Chen thought.

Ye Chen said that he actually still wants to stay in this place. After all, many things are only half resolved, and they have not been fully studied.

So he hopes that he can stay here for a while, and when everything is solved, he will naturally go back. It is impossible to be the leader of the Pokémon Alliance but always be the treasurer.

Luyao also understands Ye Chen’s thoughts. He immediately said that if Ye Chen stays, he can go back to the Pokémon Alliance to sit there, but Ye Chen needs to write a letter of appointment. In this way, the Pokémon Alliance Those people who are likely to follow his commands and orders.

Otherwise, there will still be some people who are unwilling to obey his orders and commands.

Since Luyao took the initiative to ask to go back, Miss Sheng Lan and Louise immediately expressed that they wanted to leave with Luyao and go back to the Pokémon Alliance. Maybe they can also help a group of sugar people. In many things, they The three people can also discuss the solution.

With Miss Sheng Lan and a few of them going back with Lu Yao, Ye Chen was relieved a lot.

He looked around and found that Lan Guo hadn’t expressed his attitude. He immediately said, “Ge, otherwise you can go back with Luyao and the others. I can stay in Alola Region alone.”

Lange didn’t expect that Ye Chen actually wanted to arrange for himself to leave with Lu Yao and the others.

He immediately objected and said, “No, I still want to follow you to record your affairs and make a documentary. I have been observing your follow-up movie scripts during this period, and I will also set you as the protagonist. As for the content of the movie, I cannot leave at this time.”

“Otherwise, without you being the protagonist in front of me, referring to my follow-up script, it would be impossible to complete it.”

Just when Ye Chen was about to arrange to leave with Luyao and the others, Lange said that he still had a movie script that hadn’t been completed, which made Ye Chen’s plan forced to change.

…For flowers…

So Ye Chen had no choice but to arrange for Lange to stay, while Luyao and the others went back to the Pokémon Alliance to take charge of taking charge.

Although things have been arranged, the next Ye Chen and the others are in no mood to continue participating in the party. They barely played with everyone for a while, and then the party ended.

Although Kukui Professor said that he did not know what happened to Ye Chen and the others, he still saw that Ye Chen’s faces were not very good, so he asked Ye Chen as the exclusive side and asked: “What’s wrong with Ye Chen? , I see that after you answered a call before, everyone’s expressions have changed. Is there something happening on your side and you are anxious to make you rush back?”

Originally, Professor Kukui just mentioned it casually, but he didn’t expect it to be right.

Ps [The author’s words: ask for full order, ask for customization, ask for flowers, ask for monthly ticket, ask for evaluation ticket, all kinds of requests!!!!!

Ask for full order, ask for custom order, ask for flowers, ask for monthly ticket, ask for evaluation ticket, all kinds of requests!!!!!

Ask for full order, ask for custom order, ask for flowers, ask for monthly ticket, ask for evaluation ticket, all kinds of requests!!!!!

Say the important thing three times!!!!!


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