Chapter 391

Chapter 391

“Then I also told him that if I really want to know, I can now go back to the alliance and inquire about intelligence among my colleagues, but you can rest assured that I did not be particularly courteous!”

In addition, I also told him that the main reason is that the Caterpie incident has caused a lot of noise recently, so people in the entire Pokémon Alliance will work overtime until late to deal with those things, so I return to the zero five “seven” to the alliance to give When he inquires about intelligence, it will not appear obtrusive, nor will it be exposed.

“After he heard what I said, he immediately agreed.”

Lange reported to Ye Chen in detail the chat history between him and Song Yang in these short minutes.

Ye Chen frowned, studied the conversation between Song Yang and Lange over and over again, and then asked, “Is he just asking about my schedule? Didn’t he think about going ahead or disrupting my plan? ?”

Lange shook his head and said, “I don’t know about that. He didn’t mention this in the text message, and after I replied to him, he never returned to me. I don’t know what he thinks. of.”

At present, “the news and intelligence I got from him is what I just told you.”

However, when Ye Chen carefully figured out Song Yang’s actions, Lange’s cell phone suddenly vibrated again.

In the quiet living room, the vibrating sound of this message was quite obvious, and it immediately attracted everyone’s eyes and attention.

As a result, Lange’s whole person also became nervous. He carefully scanned the people around him, and then remembered that this was his mobile phone. He didn’t need to be so polite and nervous, so he pretended to be bold. He picked it up and looked at it openly.

“It’s really a text message from Song Yang.

While reading the text message, he reminded Ye Chen of them.

“What’s written above?” Ye Chen asked him.

“Song Yang said that if I return to the alliance to search for information for him tonight, he also wants to act with me, but he also said that he will not enter the alliance with me, but will follow me at the back door of the alliance. Meet, he wants to give me something.”

After listening to Lange’s words, Ye Chen immediately decided to say, “Go, you must go to his appointment.”

When Lange heard Ye Chen’s words, he almost cried. He hugged the pillow on the sofa tightly, and said with a face of resistance, “No! I don’t want to go! Tonight you all It’s all group activities, so I’m the only one left, and let me deal with Song Yang, I don’t! I will definitely not!”

Lange’s sudden resistance made Ye Chen, Ms. Sheng Lan and Luyao both laugh and cry. They looked at Lange as if they were looking at a child about to make a temper.

No way, now Lange has been promoted to become the most important person in their action.

So I had to coax him and take care of his emotions…

“Langer, don’t make trouble, we will bring you delicious food when you come back tonight! Don’t worry, it must be your favorite food!”

Luyao’s way of coaxing people is more childish, and she treats Lange as if she is a kid. 5.9

In this way, it seems that Miss Sheng Lan’s skills are a bit more advanced.

ps: Ask for full order, ask for custom order, ask for flowers, ask for monthly ticket, ask for evaluation ticket, all kinds of requests!!!!!

Ask for full order, ask for custom order, ask for flowers, ask for monthly ticket, ask for evaluation ticket, all kinds of requests!!!!!

Ask for full order, ask for custom order, ask for flowers, ask for monthly ticket, ask for evaluation ticket, all kinds of requests!!!!!

Say the important thing three times!!!!!

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