Chapter 347 Rumors Make Caterpie Extinct

Chapter 347 Rumors Make Caterpie Extinct

“Moreover, I am not the only one who has been fooled. Almost everyone who has watched this video is crazy now. Everyone thinks that Caterpie can definitely evolve into Rayquaza, so now, for example, Caterpie of Petalburg Woods, almost All the wild ones have been taken away!”

“Now it is almost impossible for you to find another wild one!

“So now Officer Jenny and the others are going crazy. They are trying their best to prevent the trainers from conquering the wild Caterpie, but there is no way. It is only natural for the trainers to accept 13 Pokémon, and it is normal, Officer Jenny. Even if they are trying to maintain natural order and want everyone to reduce their acceptance of Caterpie, they are only treating the symptoms and not the root cause!”

“There are still many trainers who sneak into the forest or go to the suburbs to find Caterpie.”

Yaoyao couldn’t help but wondered when she heard this, “Then, if that’s the case, isn’t Caterpie going to be extinct?”

“There is also the video you sent to Ye Chen before. In fact, I also watched Caterpie Evolution become Rayquaza. This is a ridiculous thing. How could Rayquaza come from Caterpie Evolution? Isn’t they trainers? Will you use your brain to think about it?”

“If it is really possible to change from Caterpie to Rayquaza so easily, then why is Rayquaza so rare?!”

Now that Luyao asked about the most critical point of these, Lange approached them cautiously and said with a very mysterious look, “Its practical Caterpie Evolution becomes Rayquaza, and there is one of the most critical aspects of Evolution. The condition is Mew!”

Having said that, Lange stopped directly and looked up at Ye Chen.

Ye Chen chased his brow and raised it, motioning for him to continue speaking.

Lange had to continue to say, “Because rumors say that ordinary Caterpie can’t truly become Rayquaza in Evolution. The most important condition for Caterpie to succeed in Evolution is to find Mew. Evolution becomes Rayquaza!

But as for what kind of power, the rumors did not say, it simply said that Mew is the key to Evolution’s success.

After hearing the words Mew from Lange’s mouth, not only Rui Yao, but also Miss Sheng Lan and Louise looked up in Ye Chen’s direction at the same time.

Everyone didn’t speak, their eyes kept staring at Ye Chen scorchingly.

After Ye Chen heard that Mew turned out to be the key to Caterpie Evolution, he was also stupid.

He pointed to himself and said, “Such rumors still have something to do with me. Mew can make Caterpie Evolution into Rayquaza?? As a trainer, why don’t I know?”

Then Ye Chen turned his head and looked at Lange and said, “This kind of rumor, when you hear them saying that Mew is the key to Evolution, you should realize that this is a scam. Why are you still fooled together? Is there paste in his head? 027”

After Lange was said so, he suddenly reacted, “Yeah, why I didn’t expect this, I should have asked you in advance! If I think of it, they said that Mew is the key to Evolution, I’m sure I won’t be fooled.”

Lange really slapped his thigh with regret!

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