Chapter 338 Nitorina

Chapter 338 Nidorina

Ye Chen stroked Nidorina’s forehead lightly.

“Nido! Nido!

The thorns erected on Nidorina’s body because of fear have been slowly retracted, which is to avoid mutual harm with relatives, friends, family, and trainers.

Jiang Yixuan clearly saw the changes in Nidorina’s body and couldn’t help covering her small mouth.

“Nido! Nido!”

Nidorina licked Ye Chen’s fingers happily.

A thought came up in Jiang Yixuan’s mind, and this rise couldn’t stop.

“Ye Chen is still an excellent Pokémon cultivator?”

“Oh my god, if it wasn’t for a cultivator, how could Nidorina relax her vigilance on Ye Chen so quickly, and lick his fingers friendly!

“I discovered this secret!”

“No, I discovered this secret, so I can’t tell anyone!”

However, Jiang Yixuan would never have thought that Ye Chen did nothing for reason, and really just fed a piece of ordinary Pokéblocks…

“Nidorina, let’s go over!”

Ye Chen pointed in Charizard’s direction.

“Nido, Ne!”

“Come on, Nidorina, I believe you can!” Ye Chen clenched his fists in front of Nidorina.

At this moment, the hesitation on Nidorina’s face seemed to be infected by Ye Chen’s aura.


Nidorina ran in the direction of Charizard in the pool!

Nidorina fixed her eyes!

“Nidorina, come on!” Jiang Yixuan’s voice also came from behind.

Nidorina is getting closer and closer to Charizard!

Limbs, limbs start to tremble involuntarily

“Nee, Nido!”

Charizard lowered his head and blinked…

Nidorina immediately turned around and ran away!


Yang Yu knew in his heart, and nodded, Nidorina was able to run this distance, which is already very good, so he immediately said loudly: “Nidorina, nice job|!”

Nini “Much?” Nidorina was still trembling in fear, but after hearing Ye Chen’s encouragement, the frightened mood slowly stopped…


A cry of gratitude!

A new move appeared in Ye Chen’s mind.

【Poison Sting】

Note: This move can also be learned by the person.

With Nidorina’s demonstration, soon, the students called out the little Pokémon in turn. The boys seemed to have nothing, but the girls in the students all wanted to get similar treatment to Jiang Yixuan, and wanted to give the little Pokémon to Ye Chen…

Obviously, not all the little Pokémon are very close to strangers from the beginning, except for a certain girl who was beaten and cryed by Ye Chen, her little Pokémon Nidorina has not eaten dinner yet.

The second little Pokémon, Machop!

Perhaps it is because of the combativeness of the young Pokémon, who performed better than Nidorina. Of course, it was only better.

The third little Pokémon, Pokémon Butterfree!

This Butterfree flew slowly in Charizard’s direction, seeming to feel that the adult fish king was not malicious, and it was flying in the air.

“What a great Butterfree! I’m not afraid of Charizard’s threatening aura!

“The advantage of Pokémon.

Ye Chen nodded. This Pakistani team performed well and deserves encouragement. He glanced at the owner of Butterfree, and he was a bit familiar. He should be the top 16 player in the freshman ranking.

Everyone, “What are you waiting for? Since it’s training, you shouldn’t be afraid!” Yang Yu said loudly to the students behind.

“Pidgeotto, let’s go!”

“Go, Weepinbell!”

Most of the little Pokémon have completed a simple test. When Charizard is not in combat, the little Pokémon can accept the closest distance.

Let’s go”, little guys, everyone can go together!”

Ye Chen did not embarrass the little Pokémons who are still afraid of trembling behind. This training class is actually like a kindergarten. The little Pokémons are like babies who are studying in kindergarten for the first time. After getting familiar with them, they may be alone. Take this step towards Charizard, even if it’s just a small step.

At the beginning of the road, Ye Chen brought them all to the pool.

In the pool, Ye Chen saw a Marshtomp and a Sealeo. This is the little Pokémon of the two school Superior Alliance officers. He has completed an Evolution. If you want Evolution to become Swampert and Diyahai, it is still quite difficult. .

Both Swampert and Teya Sea Lion are very powerful two-line little Pokémon.

Our training begins now!”

Pokémon of 50 students, Ye Chen knows that several students may have more than one Pokémon, but for the time being, start training with the first one.

According to the performance of Pokémon Junior in this simple test, two or two teams formed a team with equal performance.

Nidorina’s teammate is a Geodude, and Geodude’s rather resolute expression can bring Nidorina some courage to face Charizard, but…

Nidorina swallowed, she was still scared…

, Chi Charizard, control the water waves, let’s start with the Water Type Pokémon!”

While training the students Pokémon, Ye Chen is actually training Charizard.

Charizard’s explosive power is true, but Ye Chen can still count on Charizard to help catch the wild little Pokémon!

This is like in a game in the previous life, accidentally raising your little Pokémon’s level too high. When capturing the wild little Pokémon that is difficult to encounter, the result is a move and the wild little Pokémon is directly burped. I can’t play anymore, then catch a woolen thread!

This is especially true in the Pokémon world. When Charizard appears, he is afraid that he will scare many wild little Pokémon away. Yang Yu wants to order the use of moves at that time, so he must come up with a less powerful move?

Charizard nodded and moved around the pool field.

The little Pokémon on the land at the edge of the pool saw Charizard start to move, and immediately felt his scalp tingling, especially when Charizard approached, they really wanted to turn around and flee, but they suddenly found the ground in tragedy. I’m so scared, I can’t escape at all!

Fortunately, Charizard just moved in the pool.

Water Type Pokémon is like a big enemy, and they are ready to go ashore at any time to escape. It is just that the waves that are getting bigger are coming, not the terrible Charizard.

“Charizard, Twister, this time, the power is controlled to the minimum!” Ye Chen ordered.

Charizard blinked, Twister, the least powerful, this is so difficult, it’s not very controllable.

Since this is the case, then he should be able to.

Charizard shook his tail slightly, motioning for the little fish on the side of his tail to give way. For fear of hitting it, the little fish “huhu” leaned forward and stayed directly under Charizard’s big abdomen.

Appeared, a small Twister flung out with its tail!

“This is Twister?

“The Twister used by Charizard.”

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