Chapter 270: Intimate Contact with the Ground! [Listen for subscription and support!)

Chapter 270: Intimate contact with the ground!

“It’s now! Mega CharizardX! Accelerate towards the ground with the Bad Eater! Throw the Bad Eater out when you are about to get close to the ground!”

Ye Chen saw that Mega CharizardX had been caught by Mega CharizardX and had been stunned by Mega CharizardX. Before the evil eating king had yet to wake up, he hurriedly gave instructions to Mega CharizardX.

It’s time to wrap up.


Mega CharizardX grabbed the two tentacles of the evil eater, and rushed straight to the ground.


Because Mega CharizardX and the evil eater itself have the Gravity function, coupled with the acceleration of Mega CharizardX against the ground, they both rush to the ground very fast.

“It’s now! Mega CharizardX! Throw out the evil eater!”

Seeing that Mega CharizardX and the Bad Eating King were about to tackle to the ground, Ye Chen directly gave instructions to Mega CharizardX.


Mega CharizardX threw the dizzy evil eater out, and flew out sideways against the ground, unloading the powerful impact.


The evil eater smashed heavily on the ground, smashing a big hole, and the ground outside the big hole appeared to be cracked to varying degrees.

The Icirrus around the eater king were all blasted into the air, and they all went up and down.

Lying in the middle of the big pit, the king of evil eater has completely lost consciousness, his life or death is uncertain.


Mega CharizardX, who had just taken off the impact just now, fell to the ground, and saw the situation of the King of Bad Eating, he sighed in relief, and screamed up to the sky, announcing his victory.

After all, Mega Charizard X is also the little Pokémon who has been protected by this world. Facing the destroyer of this order, he naturally didn’t get angry. It can be said that he breathed out a bad breath.

After dressing for a while, Mega CharizardX looked towards the top of the snowy mountain in the distance. On the top of the mountain, the blue light of Articuno and the black light wave of the evil eater blasted back and forth, and the battle was not over yet.

Indeed, in the battlefield on Articuno’s side, the battle is still going on. Articuno and the eater, you come and go, constantly fighting, and the situation is in a stalemate.


Mega CharizardX and the other evil eater had a lot of movement, and the ground in a large area centered on that evil eater had severely collapsed.

The heavy bombardment in the distance reached the ears of Articuno and the Bad Eating King, and Articuno had heard Ye Chen’s voice a long time ago, and he understood the situation on the battlefield of Mega CharizardX, and he was relieved.


The evil eater who was fighting Articuno was a little flustered, it had sensed that his companion had already been defeated.

After all, these two evil eater kings have lived together all year round. In addition, they have absorbed the power of the ultimate Necroz just now. There is a mutual induction between them, and they can perceive the life and death of each other.


The evil eater on the top of the mountain became crazy, and kept firing Dark Pulse at Articuno.

“Articuno! Your opponent’s mentality has been messed up! There is no need to use skills against it! Its skill accuracy has been greatly reduced! Reduce physical energy consumption, just avoid it!”

Ye Chen and Articuno have the same mind, and naturally also know the state of Articuno’s evil eater.

Articuno’s figure is very agile, constantly changing positions in the air, and avoiding the dark pulse of the evil eater, really interpreting what is meant by “passing through the flowers, Arrowroot does not touch the body”.

Seeking flowers…


Seeing that his attack didn’t have any effect, the evil eater even broke down, speeding up the frequency of using Dark Pulse, staring at Articuno, and wanting to knock Articuno down.

“Mega CharizardX! Fly to the battlefield on Articuno’s side! Ready to harvest at any time! Articuno! Continue to evade the skills of the evil eater!

How could Ye Chen succumb to it? Ye Chen is now waiting for the evil eater to consume his energy and let Mega CharizardX come and harvest.


The evil eater on the top of the mountain was already delirious, and was still using Dark Pulse non-stop, without even noticing that his energy was rapidly consuming.


The attack of the eater is becoming less and more inaccurate, and Articuno can easily dodge it casually.

After all, Articuno is a second-level god no matter how hard it is. His hard power is still better than the second-level god who is forced to promote by others. It costs a lot to deal with a bad eater who has lost his mind. Not much physical strength.


After launching Dark Pulse continuously for a period of time, the Bad Eater was already exhausted, panting on the ground, very angry.

“Mega CharizardX! It’s now! Come out! Use Dragon Claw in succession against the evil eater!”

Seeing that the time had come, Ye Chen directly issued instructions to Mega CharizardX, which had been ambushing on the side of the snow mountain.

It is also thanks to this bad eating king that he has long lost his mind and gave Mega CharizardX such a good sneak attack opportunity.


The panting eater hasn’t reacted yet, only seeing Mega CharizardX’s huge claws appear in front of him with a light blue flame. Of.

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