Chapter 265: Mysterious Haze!

Chapter 265: Mysterious Black Mist! [Listen for subscription, please support!)

After eating breakfast, Ye Chen casually found an excuse to prevent Lu Yao from worrying and went out.

After Ye Chen went out, he rode a Flygon to the sky above Dongxue Town to observe the distribution of pear trees around Dongxue Town.

Most of the pear fruit trees near Dongxue Town have withered, and only a few are still alive, but the pear fruit that bears is also much smaller.

Ye Chen’s eyesight is much better than before. Now even if he takes a Flygon to fly high in the sky, he can see the situation on the ground completely.

Ye Chen found that the withering degree of pear trees is positively correlated with the distance from a snow-capped mountain.

At the foot of the snow-capped mountain, there is no pear tree on the snow-capped mountain. The farther away from the snow-capped mountain, the lower the withering degree of the pear tree.

Although many pear trees have not completely withered, they cannot bear pear fruits at all because of insufficient nutrition.

“System! Investigation!”

Ye Chen did not rashly let Flygon land on the snowy mountain, but activated the system’s reconnaissance function to take a look at the snowy mountain and its surroundings.

Sure enough, the power of grass elements on the snow-capped mountains almost disappeared, and the closer the location to the snow-capped mountains-the sparser the grass elements.

There is a faint black-purple force in the air that is constantly eroding the surrounding grass elements and spreading outward along the top of the snow-capped mountains.

This force is relatively weak and hard to be noticed.

The black and purple power is very mysterious and powerful, and it looks like it was left by a very powerful first-level god from the aura.

Ye Chen who has not received the blessing of Arceus would normally not be able to detect this breath, but after receiving the blessing of Arceus, Ye Chen’s surroundings are more sensitive to unknown forces in the environment.

Ye Chen continued to let Flygon raise the flying height, preparing to observe what was on the top of the snow mountain.

Ye Chen saw a dark Haze on the snow-capped mountain, and this mysterious power of black and purple was constantly exuding.

Ye Chen frowned. He couldn’t see what was inside Haze at all. This group of Haze completely isolated his investigative ability, like an airtight protective cover.

Who left this group of Haze?

Could it be that the ultimate Nakroz left behind?

Ye Chen thinks of the previous battle between Arceus and Ultimate Necroz in Winter Snow.

At that time, there were large tracts of Haze in Dongxue Town, but the situation was much more serious than it is now. Many villagers were sick and it was easy to detect.

And the current Haze group is off the beaten track, and it is very small, so it is difficult for people or Pokémon to detect it.

Ye Chen wasn’t sure if there was a powerful little Pokémon in Haze, so he didn’t dare to rush in.

“Come out! Charizard!”

Ye Chen decided to let his little Pokémon try to disperse Haze, to see what’s inside Haze.

Even if the ultimate Necroz is in it, Ye Chen is confident that he can survive.

After all, Ye Chen currently has Arceus’ blessings on him, and Arceus will feel the danger of his life.

As far as the current level of trust in Arceus is concerned, Ye Chen does not believe that Arceus will not be saved.

“Charizard! Use the flame vortex! Create powerful wind pressure!”


Charizard received Ye Chen’s heartfelt voice, and immediately executed Ye Chen’s instructions, and directed the flame vortex at the haze on the snow mountain.


The flame vortex raged in the air, creating a strong wind pressure.

The strong wind pressure rushed towards Haze along with the flames ejected from Charizard’s mouth.

Ask for flowers


Haze seemed to have vitality, and soon regrouped after being blown away.

Ye Chen’s dynamic vision is very strong. When Haze dissipated, he observed a group of black energy light in the middle of Haze.

Could it be the light group made by Ultimate Necroz?

Although it was only a moment, Ye Chen recognized that the mysterious black light cluster was not much different from the energy radiated by the prism used by Ultimate Nykroze.

“Come out! Articuno!”



Since Charizard alone cannot dispel Haze, what about Articuno?

Ye Chen decided to let Charizard cooperate with Articuno to completely disperse Haze.

“Charizard! Use big characters!”

“Articuno! With Charizard’s big characters, Hurricane!”


After Charizard launched the big-character explosion, Articuno followed Hurricane to provide a powerful boost to Charizard’s big-character explosion.

After all, Charizard’s previous flame vortex had to consider controlling the wind pressure, and the power of pure flame was much weaker than that of the big character explosion.

With Articuno’s Hurricane providing powerful wind pressure, Charizard doesn’t need to consider controlling the wind pressure at all, as long as it concentrates on increasing the flame power of the big character explosion.

Charizard’s big character explosion and Articuno’s Hurricane are equivalent to strengthening a lot of flame vortex.


Ye Chen’s two little Pokémon cooperated quite well. The two skills attacked Haze one after another. Haze was completely washed away in an instant, revealing the black light inside.

Although the black light group continues to produce black potatoes, compared to Ye Chen’s small Pokémon’s powerful offensive, it doesn’t help at all. Of

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