Chapter 232: Mawile leads the way!

Chapter 232: Mawile leads the way!

After a while, the leader and the highest-ranked Mawile stood up and walked in front of Ye Chen.

The surrounding Mawile all looked at the Mawile who stood up, waiting for it to make a decision.

“Wow! Wow! Wow! (Thank you for saving us, please allow us to discuss whether or not to tell you our secret cave)

“Wow! Wow! Wow! (Although you are our savior, this matter cannot be decided by myself)

“Wow! Wow! Wow! (Once the location of our cave is exposed to our enemies, we will not be able to survive in this desert)

Although Ye Chen rescued the group of Mawiles, it was clear that the leader Mawile was still very cautious and did not make his own claim to tell Ye 13chen their secrets.

“It’s okay! You can discuss it yourself, it won’t hurt if you don’t tell, after all, I can’t understand the bullying of the two strange jaw dragons.

Ye Chen nodded. After all, where people settle their lives, they can’t tell themselves casually. It’s understandable for themselves.

Ye Chen took Gyarados and Flygon aside, fed them two Pokéblocks, and signaled that he would not overhear.



This group of Mawile talked about it, discussing whether to tell Ye Chen.

It didn’t take long for this group of Mawiles to discuss it. Obviously, they agreed very much, and it didn’t take much time.

The leader Mawile motioned to Ye Chen to follow them, to take Ye Chen to the mysterious cave where he lived.

After more than twenty minutes, about three or four kilometers walked, there were overlapping rocks and several huge rocky mountains ahead.

The Mawiles turned left and right among the huge rock piles, and brought Ye Chen to a small cave.

The entrance of the cave is not very big, it is about two meters high and two meters wide, and the location is very hidden.

Due to the special influence inside the Phantom Desert, the interior of the Phantom Desert is particularly prone to virtual images similar to mirages.

Sometimes this rocky mountain is even completely covered by Sandstorm and can’t be found at all.

Even if you find this rocky mountain, it is difficult to find this cave. After all, the Mawiles turned left and took many turns to get to the entrance of the cave.

Ye Chen followed the group of Mawiles into the cave. The inside of the cave is very spacious and there is no cave.

There are also two Sandslash with a group of Sandshrew, but the level of the two Sandslash is not high, only about 30 or 40.

The lead Mawile introduced Ye Chen to the two Sandslash, and said that Ye Chen had just saved himself and had no intentions.

When the two Sandslash heard that Ye Chen had defeated the two strange jaw dragons, they were very surprised, but they still thanked Ye Chen.

Ye Chen was a little surprised to see that Mawile was able to live in harmony with this group of Sandslash and Sandshrew.

The lead Mawile quickly solved Ye Chen’s confusion.

It turned out that these two Sandslash and this group of Sandshrew were originally living in the outermost periphery of the Phantom Desert, and the two strange jaw dragons have been bullying everywhere.

Seeing this situation, this group of Mawile couldn’t bear it, and took this group of poor little guys to their secret base, hiding the two monster jaws and sneaking out to find food every day.

Ye Chen couldn’t help sighing after listening. It turns out that these two strange jaw dragons are so hateful. It seems that he really learned the lesson.

After getting permission from the group of Mawiles, Ye Chen decided to live in Mawile’s secret cave while looking for rock slabs.

After all, although this place is outside the Phantom Desert, it is still much closer to the depths of the Phantom Desert than the outside of the Phantom Desert.

And this place is not attacked by Sandstorm, and there is no need to worry about other little Pokémon sneaking on yourself. Living here makes it more convenient for you to explore the desert and find stone slabs.

After obtaining Mawile’s consent, Ye Chen immediately set off to take the Flygon to the outside of the Phantom Desert, put away his tent, kitchen utensils, and so on, and took it to Mawile’s secret cave.

After Ye Chen settled down again, it was already night.

In the evening, Ye Chen made a bunch of fire-raising, took out the meat and vegetables he had bought in the town before, put it on the fire and cooked it.

At first, this group of Sandshrew and Mawile were still a little afraid of life. They were far away from Ye Chen, so they didn’t dare to go up and say hello. 957

After a while, the smell of meat and vegetables drifted to the two groups of Pokémon.

Due to the strange jawed dragons encountered during the day, this group of Mawile did not bring back any minerals as things. Both Mawile and Sandshrew were hungry and swallowed one after another.

Ye Chen saw them like this and took out Pokéblocks and meat from the system backpack. Fortunately, Ye Chen had trouble buying a lot of Pokéblocks and meat in the system backpack.

After Ye Chen took it out to eat, he beckoned to the two groups of Pokémon.

The two groups of little Pokémon looked at their boss one after another, and when they saw the boss indicating that they could pass, they all happily rushed to Ye Chen.

After a full meal, Ye Chen brought these two groups of little Pokémon and his little Pokémon to a fire-raising party.

Everyone danced around to raise the fire and enjoyed themselves well.

The little Pokémon in this cave really accepted Ye Chen after a night of getting along.

Even to rest at night, this group of Sandshrew and Mawile were all asleep around Ye Chen, very comfortable.

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