123: In just a short period of time, the entire mask group has the strength of the demon emperor! (Seeking full order, seeking more!)

Looking at the king’s hegemony kneeling on the ground, Steward Fei didn’t speak.

Because it was just Lin Tian’s sword, he had already convinced him.

You must know that half of the power of the Wangquan family is now played by this steward Fei, so it can be seen that the strength of the steward Fei is definitely the top among human beings.

But even such a powerful butler Fei, seeing that sword of Lin Tian just now, is like seeing Tianwei, so in the face of the apprenticeship of Wang Quan and hegemony, how could Butler Fei stop him? Even the joy is too late!

Xiao Wancheng was trembling all over, and swallowed all the words in his mouth. Although he was arrogant and domineering, he was not an idiot. The strength displayed by Lin Tian, ​​even if he was the head of the Wang Quan family and the head of the Dongfang family, was far inferior.

This must be a famous senior hidden in the human race. If you offend such a strong person, the Xiao family will be finished today!

“Senior, calm down!

Xiao Wancheng bowed and saluted without hesitation, his eyes full of tension.

Lin Tian didn’t even look at him, just looked at Wang Quan Hegemony who was kneeling in front of him, and then looked at Wang Quan Zui, Yang Yitan, etc., and smiled.

“You two, would you like to worship me as your teacher?”

Lin Tian’s idea is to take in the entire mask group, and of course the investment object he chooses in the end is Wangquan Hegemony alone.

After all, he doesn’t care about this investment currency in the thousands of worlds, so he has an investment goal, he can control the world perfectly for himself, so he can take more apprentices, but if this investment object is concerned, there is no need for so many.

In the current chat group, even if it is not your own investment goal, you can spend a little investment currency to let it enter.

Wang Quanzui and Yang Yitan were stunned. They clearly knew the qualifications of Wang Quan’s hegemony, but they didn’t expect him to have the opportunity to apprentice.

“Miss, kneel down and worship your teacher!”

Butler Fei said anxiously, even his hands were shaking, obviously he was very excited.

At this time, Yang Yan, who was wearing a phoenix crown, also reacted and shouted quickly.

“With a sigh, hurry up and kneel down to worship the teacher!”

No one can see that Lin Tian is a supreme powerhouse, and what a chance he is to become the master of such powerhouses!

Wang Quanzui and Yang Yitan knelt on the ground without hesitation.

“Disciple sees Master!”

Lin Tian smiled, and the three members of the mask group were all his disciples.

At the moment Lin Tian scanned the audience and said lightly.

“Besides drinking 26 wedding wines, I came here today only to accept disciples.”

After a pause, Lin Tian continued.

“Is Dongfang Zhunzhu’s daughter Dongfang Zhunzhu, and the second daughter Dongfang Qin Lan available?”

Listening to Lin Tian’s words, among the guests, two figures slowly walked out, and there were several disciples of Shenhuo Zhuang beside them. They were Dongfang Huaizhu and Dongfang Qinlan when they were children.

But they have always kept a low profile, because the only people who came to attend the wedding were their two sisters, and their father, the East Patriarch, did not come.

“Li Zizai from the Li family, are Li Quzhuo brothers here?”

“Is Ji Wuji in the Ji family?”

“Is Aoki Yuan in the Aoki family?

“Is the shepherd’s spirit alive?”

“Where is Zhang Family Zhang Zheng?”

“Where is the Deng family and Deng Qiyue?Every time Lin Tian utters a name, a child will walk out. When everyone sees it, these are basically the children who saw something at the Blue Sky Conference!

Could it be that this senior was born for the sake of these extremely talented children?

But what makes everyone puzzled is that the children who saw things at the Blue Sky Conference, and Li Muchen of the Li family, why did this senior only miss Li Mu?

But they didn’t know that Li Muchen’s so-called seeing something was a lie.

That little girl is an extremely vain guy, everyone can see it, she is a little unbalanced in her heart, so she pretends that she can see it too.

Looking at these children in front of him, it can be said that this generation is the most enchanting existence of the human race in the fox demon world.

Can be comparable to them, or surpass them, in the history of the human race in the fox demon world in the future, it is estimated that only two will be born.

They are the first month of the East and the royal power and wealth!

These two people are the strongest human race in the fox demon world. Although Dongfang Yueyue called the third young master as the owner, when Dongfang Yueyue spoke to the third young master, his tone was not humble.

It means that when Dongfang Lu was the most powerful, even if the strength was not as good as that of the third young master, it was estimated that the difference would not be too far.

But the human race’s lifespan is limited after all, even if it is the royal power and wealth of the strongest Taoist soldier, isn’t it because of the human race’s lifespan limit, and the reincarnation continues?

“Would you like to worship me as your teacher?

Lin Tian smiled slightly.

Without the slightest hesitation, even Dongfang Huaizhu and Dongfang Qin Lan, who were not accompanied by their elders, knelt directly on the ground to apprentice.

After all, although they are young, as the most enchanting geniuses of this generation, they are not fools. They clearly know how lucky they are to be disciples of such a powerful existence as Lin Tian.

Since then, the entire mask group, as well as Dongfang Zhunzhu and Dongfang Qinlan, who are carrying the Oriental spirit blood, have all become their own disciples.

This step alone, in fact, has seriously changed the plot!

Because the plot of the whole fox demon world actually started from the beginning of the east and Tushan Honghong.

But now that Dongfang Huaizhu and Dongfang Tailan have become their own disciples, will everything happen in the future? For example, that Jin Renfeng, will that kind of garbage still have a chance to harm Shenhuoshan Village?

Therefore, there is a great possibility that Dongfang Yue and the royal power and wealth will not appear again, after all, the birth of these two people.

One is because Dongfang Qinlan was living in the rivers and lakes, and then met a painter, and finally gave birth to Dongfang Moon.

One, it was because he wanted to find the sword heart for the king’s hegemony, and to unlock the secrets outside the circle, he sacrificed the Taoist soldiers created by Dongfang Huaizhu.

The future tragedies will not happen, and naturally these two people will not be born.

Even if the two disciples, Dongfang Zhunzhu and Wangquan hegemony continued to be together after that, but what was born at that time was no longer a Taoist soldier, Wangquan and wealth, but the young master of the Wangquan family.

After the apprenticeship was over, Lin Tian looked at the people of the Xiao family and said lightly.

“This seat is here for wedding wine.

“And now that Yang Yitan is a disciple of this seat, the Yang family’s words are not a place where you Xiao Xiao can make a fool of themselves.

“Leave quickly, I don’t want to start killing people.”

Lin Tian said this, he has really reached his realm, and seeing these black Yao inspectors is like ordinary people seeing ants.

When a normal person walks by the side of the road and sees a group of ants, will they go forward and trample them all to death?

In the eyes of Lin Tian, ​​these black dazzling inspectors of the Xiao family are like ants, and they don’t care about them at all.

“Yes, yes, senior, we will leave now.

Xiao Wancheng naturally didn’t dare to wait any longer, otherwise, if he angered this senior, he would be dead without a whole corpse.

After Xiao Wancheng left, the wedding naturally continued. After all, a great god like Lin Tian was sitting here, who would dare to make trouble?

The wedding ended smoothly, although an accident happened in the middle, but the result was good.

Especially the Yang Family Patriarch, the Li Family Patriarch and the others all had smiles on their faces, because Li Quzhuo, Yang Yitan and the others had apprenticed to the experts like Lin Tian!

It’s just that they still have doubts in their hearts, such as what Lin Tian’s identity is, if there are such unparalleled powerhouses among the seniors of the Dao League, it is impossible to have no information at all.

But in the end, it was Butler Fei’s words that made them stop thinking about it.

This “Senior’s strength, if we want to destroy us, it is just a matter of fingertips.”

Having said this, everyone can understand, that is, the strength of others is extremely powerful, if it is really bad for them, there is no need to spend so much effort!

After the wedding was over, Lin Tian was too lazy to run, so he stayed at the Yang family directly.

The Yang family was naturally very happy, and Wang Quanbaye and other Daoist family members stayed directly in the Yang family.

The matter about Lin Tian spread throughout the entire human race in a short period of time, and even the demon race knew the news.

That day’s sword can be said to have shocked the world, so after knowing that the person who issued the sword was Lin Tian, ​​Wang Quan’s family and Dongfang’s family had absolutely no opinion on their children’s apprenticeship.

As for the rest of the Taoist families, they were wondering if they could find an opportunity to please Lin Tian and let their disciples apprentice.

In a quiet courtyard of the Yang family, Lin Tian looked at the disciples who were sitting cross-legged with a smile on his face.

This time, he didn’t use the Chaos Beads to hang up, because if they directly use the Chaos Beads to hang up, they only need to practice in it for a year and a half before they can directly enter the realm of immortals.

Therefore, Lin Tian wanted them to strengthen their normal cultivation. He wanted to spend more time in this world, and at the same time, he wanted to realize his own cultivation of the saint realm.

After all, before he entered this world, he had just acquired the saint-level strength, and before he gradually realized the adaptation, he entered the fox demon world.


On this day, an incomparably tyrannical aura from Wang Quan’s hegemony body rose directly out, and instantly swept the entire Yang family.

In the front hall of the Yang family, the old owner of the Yang family, who was chatting with the old owner of the Li family, looked in the direction of the backyard in shock.

“Is this the breath of kingship and hegemony? As expected of seniors, in just a few days, the breath of kingship and hegemony is no weaker than some old-fashioned powerhouses within the Dao League.”

“Yeah! He’s just a child! It’s hard to imagine how powerful they will be when they become adults.”

But both of them were smiling, because Li Zizai, Li Quzhuo, Yang Yitan and others were also very powerful! Even if they were not as good as Wang Quan’s hegemony, they wouldn’t be much different.

Time passed day by day, and ten years passed in the blink of an eye.

In the past ten years, Lin Tian has never left the Yang family. In addition to teaching Wang Quan hegemony and the others to practice, the rest of the time is spent in the Chaos Pearl, with the help of thousands of times the flow of time, comprehending his own laws.

Lin Tian’s law is actually the power of the rules of each world. After all, there are dozens of worlds under his control.

This is Lin Tian’s real trump card. If he has a good understanding, he will be able to exert a more powerful force when fighting against people in the earth universe.

Ten years have passed, and the disciples who were just children have grown up now.

All of them have become young people, as well as big girls, they can be regarded as growing up with Lin Tian’s own eyes.

Although Lin Tian has never been out in these years, his name has long spread to the entire human race and even the demon race. Because of the king’s hegemony, they will be born because of Lin Tian’s mission.

For the first time, the kingship hegemony was born, and as a young man, he killed a demon king and shook the world.

In the next few years, these disciples of Lin Tian, ​​the arrogance of the human race who saw things at the Blue Sky Conference, would often go out to experience.

Either beheading monsters in the demon king realm, or beheading evil monks who are comparable to demon kings.

And at that time, the oldest of them was generally not more than twelve years old!

Now the oldest is not over twenty years old, but their strength is already different!

According to this world, they are already the powerhouses standing above the demon emperor.

The universal ceiling combat power in this world naturally refers to the demon emperor realm powerhouse.

But in fact, the realm of the demon emperor is not the top.Because whether it is Tu Shan Honghong in the peak period or Tu Shan Yaya in the future, they must all exist above ordinary demon emperors.

Not to mention, Dongfang Moon, who is known as the strongest Taoist priest in human beings, is rich in royal power.

They are the real superpowers, second only to the existence of the third young master of the Aolai Kingdom.

Today’s mask group members are generally above the demon emperor level.

Among them, like Yang Yitan, Li Quzhuo, and Dongfang Huaizhu, they have the combat power above the demon emperor level. Today, the demon clan, Tushan has not yet risen, and the famous demon emperor level powerhouse is only the sand fox in the Western Regions. Demon Emperor, Southern Demon Emperor and Beishan Demon Emperor.

And the words of these three demon emperors are normal demon emperor realm powerhouses.

Any member of the mask group has strength comparable to them, and Dongfang Huaizhu, Li Quzhuo, Yang Yitan and others have the strength to kill them in seconds.

And among these 977, the most powerful is the kingship hegemony.

“Ye, your current strength should be invincible among the human races, even the mysterious Eastern Spiritual Race, but it can be destroyed with a snap of your fingers.”

Listening to the Oriental Spiritual Clan, Dongfang Huaizhu and Dongfang Qinlan immediately became interested.

Teacher, “You actually know the Eastern Spiritual Race?”

In fact, the word Oriental Spiritual Race was spoken by my father, but they were not allowed to spread it everywhere.

Lin Tian nodded and continued.

“The Eastern Spiritual Clan is an ancient cultivating family, and the entire family will have pure Yang Yan, and your father’s words are the collateral bloodline of the Eastern Spiritual Clan.”

“However, in the end he left the Eastern Spiritual Clan, and there should be people from the Eastern Spiritual Clan coming to look for trouble in the future.

“But don’t worry, although the Eastern Spiritual Race is powerful, it is not invincible.”

Lin Tian said this because it was shown in the original book that the Xiaobu senior who captured Dongfang Guyue at that time was actually the most powerful existence of the Dongfang Spiritual Race.

Although the strength is terrifying, it is estimated that it is only a demon emperor-level existence.

Even if the entire Oriental Spiritual Clan is terrifying, there are at most a few demon emperor-level powerhouses. For Dongfang Qinlan, who already has the demon emperor level, and Dongfang Huaizhu, who has surpassed the demon emperor level, the Oriental Spiritual Clan is only a small problem. .

After a few simple words, Lin Tian said to them.

“Your practice is over, it’s time to get out of this place and venture out – the sky that belongs to you.”

Lin Tian said with a smile.

A group of disciples were stunned at first, and then all were shocked.

Teacher “, are you leaving us?”

While speaking, Wang Quanzui hugged Lin Tian directly. Among these disciples, the one who likes to be tired of Lin Tian the most is Wang Quanzui.

Touching Wang Quan’s drunk head, Lin Tian said with a smile.

“You can’t keep cultivating, can you? It’s been eight years since you last went out to practice. Now that you’ve achieved success in your practice, the next path is not something you can achieve through hard work.”

Lin Tian looked at Wang Quan Hegemony and continued.

“Especially you, Domineering, your strength is almost at the limit at this time, and if you go further, it will be at the level of Immortal Dao.”

“The dragon clan in the sea and the third young master of Aolai Kingdom are your best goals, because the young master of Aolai Kingdom is a strong immortal. If you fight against him, you may be able to try to enter the realm of immortality.”

Lin Tian said that, among these disciples, Wang Quan’s hegemony is the most powerful.

His strength is far beyond the realm of the demon emperor. It can be said that he has touched the level of the third young master.

And now in a state of serious injury, the third young master, who is not even one of the ten, may be a strong man who exists in the same way as Wangquan hegemony. If he fights with him, Wangquan hegemony can smoothly enter the realm of immortality.

Many thanks, “Teacher, I will go to Aolai Country to fight against the third young master.”

Wangquan Hegemony said this, but what makes people sigh is that they were proud to see the information left by the third young master, but now that such a short time has passed, he Wangquan hegemony has the strength to fight against the third young master. .

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