Chapter 81

At this moment, in the live broadcast screen where the answer is revealed!

Emperor Guy was lying on the ground dying because he played Eight Inner Gates.

There was a faint heat from the body.

The skin is dark all over, and he is obviously severely burned~!

And Lord Madara…- but stood up!

Despite the blood on the corners of the mouth, the heavy breath, the appearance of a serious injury, but…

He is not dead!

That blow that could kill the gods and kill the Buddha failed to kill Lord Madara!

On the contrary, I saw that his broken body was recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye!



“Almost killed by you guy!”

“Although you are already in the wind, you pleased me…” Master Madara said madly.

Obviously the fight just now was very enjoyable and fun!

Guy’s body, starting from the feet, gradually turned into fly ash and dissipated…

It won’t take long for the visual inspection to be wiped out!

“As a thank you…before you are completely reduced to ashes…”

“I will kill you!”

The voice is getting crazy!

Immediately afterwards, a Truth-Seeking Ball flew towards Guy’s body at lightning speed!


However, at this moment, a very handsome figure appeared!

With a volley kick, the Truth-Seeking Ball was directly kicked out!

“Ms. Thick Eyebrow…” Naruto called out softly.

Then he stretched out his palm and pressed it towards his heart!

Just then, Guy’s breath of life stopped dissipating!

Instead, it showed a recovery state!

“The current me…” Naruto shook a fist and turned around abruptly: “The current me, I feel like I can change everything!”

Resolute and handsome face appeared!

Heroic and shaggy!

Just one stop there can give people an infinite sense of security!

Even at this moment, the people in the world of Ninja had an illusion!

This man… is a man who can sacrifice his life for his companions… as warm and powerful as the sun!

As a companion, you can always trust this man!

The picture is frozen!

[Iruka: Is this…Is this the Naruto who only makes trouble all day? 】

All Ninja World was stunned!

But the first person to be shocked is undoubtedly Mr. Iruka!

He grew up watching Naruto!

The group of people who love to do graffiti everywhere and have poor grades will only yell that they want to be Hokage’s ass!

In the future… can you have the ability to confront Madara head-on?

[Ohnoki: Naruto…he kicked away the so-called Truth-Seeking Ball that Madara said? 】

[Rosa: I’m on the horse and calling good guys! Watching the previous live broadcast, that stuff can’t be touched, right? 】

[Terumi Mei: Yeah, but Naruto, just kick it away? 】

[Fourth Raikage: This…grass! @Sarutobi Hiruzen, Laozi regrets it, Naruto must not be allowed to participate in this Chūnin exam! 】

Raikage then reacted!

Naruto, how much potential is in his body?

A glance in the middle of the day is silly criticism, and another look… even more silly criticism!

But in the future… can you wrestle with Uchiha Madara?

This f*ck?

If he was asked to take the Chūnin exam, the ninjas in his village would still play a fart!

[Ohnoki: Yes! Never let Naruto participate! 】

[Terumi Mei: @Sarutobi Hiruzen, you are actually a bit too much to let Ling Yu participate. That kid is not bad at all, and he is good at Hatake! 】

[Rosa: Ling Yu, I can bear it, it’s super good at any rate, we have to give face, but Naruto can’t! 】

[Fourth Raikage: Yes! We can’t give this face! 】


All of a sudden, several movies became excited!

And he made up his mind that he wouldn’t let Naruto take the Chūnin exam even if he died!

[Sarutobi Konohamaru: Huh? You old miscellaneous hairs, what do you mean? 】

[Sarutobi Konohamaru: Why don’t you give my eldest brother face? 】

[Sarutobi Konohamaru: It’s crooked! 】

At this moment, the little Konohamaru stood up!

Because Sarutobi Hiruzen had ordered everyone to be brought in when he was robbing the resurrection quota.

Later, I forgot to kick out, so I’m still here.

Naruto is his most idol, not one of them!

Now that I see my idol making Kamui in the live broadcast, the fanatical admiration has reached the limit!

Who dare not give me the boss face?

Your uncle!

However…someone is right now!

[Sarutobi Hiruzen: @ Konohamaru, who did you learn these words from? 】

[Sarutobi Hiruzen: Brat, are you itchy! 】

The old monkey is really angry!(Read more @

How old is Konohamaru?

Why are you now full of swear words?

Fuck, old miscellaneous hair, stepping horse…

Look, this is what a kid should say?

[Sarutobi Konohamaru: Um… Didn’t I learn from the big guys in the live broadcast room before…]

Konohamaru said weakly.

[Sarutobi Hiruzen:? ? ? Just one day, are you? ? ? 】

The old monkey is dumbfounded!

As the saying goes, it’s not easy to learn well, and it’s easy to learn badly!

Is it okay to teach the child bad after only one day on horseback?

[Uzumaki Kushina: @Naruto, mom is proud of you! 】

[Namikaze Minato: Dad is very pleased, Naruto. 】

The Minato couple looked at the live broadcast and felt very pleased!

My son… will eventually become a powerful ninja alone?

[Uzumaki Kushina: Hehe, he is much better than the son of Mikoto’s family! 】

[Uchiha Mikoto:? ? ? Kushina, I didn’t mess with you! 】

Mikoto party!

Just compare my son to this?

Your son can wrestle with Liu Dao Madara, and the Ninja world is already recognized as awesome!

As for using my son as a foil?

Damn it!

[Uchiha Sasuke: Naruto…will become so powerful in the future…]

Sasuke also muttered to himself.

I saw myself turning on Susanoo and Mangekyō during the live broadcast, and I felt a little bit cocky and proud.

I feel like I have beaten Naruto!

Overwhelming sense of superiority!

But who knows if Naruto doesn’t show up, it will be King Bomb as soon as it appears?

Is it okay to face Madara on the road up there?

For a time, Young Master Zuo was lost again!

No way!

I want to be stronger!

Can’t be thrown that far by the guy at the end of the crane! ! !

The big guys in the live broadcast room are still discussing about Naruto.

Just because that figure is so handsome!

The kick of Truth-Seeking Ball is really amazing!

So that…

No one talks about Madara!

The halo was taken away by Naruto!

This has broken Izuna’s popularity!

[Uchiha Izuna: Hey hey hey! Enough of you guys! Why are all eyes on Naruto? 】

[Uchiha Izuna: I didn’t see my elder brother recovering to the original state after he suffered the devastating night Guy, what happened? 】

【Uchiha Izuna: Speaking of which, my eldest brother is the strongest! Even Naruto could be killed by my big brother! 】

[Uchiha Madara:? ? ? 】

I f*ck!

You are really my brother!

Lord Madara is so handsome!

After all, no one discussed herself, but Izuna took the initiative to pull out hatred for herself?

Is this okay?

Sure enough, the voice fell, and the big guys came back to their senses!

· ·····Find flowers·····

[Rosa: Fuck! Makes sense! 】

[Onoki: I almost forgot about it! 】

[Sarutobi Hiruzen: Madara’s abilities are too strong. After being resurrected, I feel that the entire Ninja World… even Master First Hokage may not be able to kill him. 】

[Senju Hashirama: Well… Guy Immune to Death even night, he recovers quickly, I’m afraid of Xianshu… I guess I’m not afraid of Xianshu, just like Guy who is not afraid of night…][Senju Tobirama: This is a big problem and needs to be studied in depth! 】

[Terumi Mei: @Izuna, if you don’t mention it, we really forgot, then let’s study it now about preventing the resurrection of Uchiha Madara in all respects! 】

[Uchiha Madara: @Izuna, my good brother! 】

[Uchiha Izuna: What’s the matter with big brother? 】

[Uchiha Madara: I…Wdnmd! 】

time flies.

a week later.

Fourth Raikage has obtained the Eight Inner Gates training method from his subordinates and has promoted it throughout the village!

After Kushina was resurrected, she demolished Sarutobi Hiruzen’s house the next day!

His grandma asked you to bully my son?

The old monkey was seriously injured and did not dare to fight back. He went to the Ninja Hospital…

. …… 0

The big guys still fall in love and kill each other in the live broadcast room every day, and it’s a joy to scold and scold!

The only strange thing is…

Seven days in a row!

For seven days, a live Q&A broadcast did not appear again!

While this relieved the big guys, they also looked forward to it!

After all, high risk means high profit!

Everyone is looking forward to the live Q&A again, and it’s best to show some heaven-defying rewards!

On Konoha’s side, Ling Yu is bored with Kakashi, Sasuke and Sakura waiting for the D-class mission.

Scratched cats, planted ground.

Dig graves for the dead, fetch water for the widows…

In short, they are all boring to exploding things!

Finally in this morning, a good news came!

Good news for being able to leave the village!

At this moment, in the Hokage office.

A drunk man was holding a wine bottle and cursing at Naruto.

Well, Dazna.

A bridge-building expert in Poland.

As soon as he entered Hokage’s office, he quarreled with Naruto.

“Well, Naruto, didn’t you mean to perform high-level tasks?”

Knocked on the pipe pot at the corner of the table, Sarutobi Hiruzen said: “This time, send your team to perform a C-level escort mission…”

Konoha Village entrance.

At this moment Ling Yu and his party have already set off.

Looking back, Ling Yu took a deep breath: “Sure enough, the air outside Konoha is fresher!”

“Hey, I just don’t know if you don’t cut that guy again, dare you to jump out again…”

“If you dare, you don’t need me to do it…” Ling Yu thought about it like this.

Now he has mastered a lot of ninjutsu!

This is also thanks to Cloud Shinobi ninjas who answered crazy questions for Eight Inner Gates!

At that time, more than hundreds of people died at Cloud Shinobi!

There are also many who are incapacitated!

And those lost abilities are all cheap Ling Yu!

“Don’t need me to do it…”

“Kakashi-sensei’s ninjutsu with a cannon is enough for him to drink a pot!”

Smiling, Ling Yu and others embarked on a journey to the country of Waves.

Everyone was quiet on the road, only Naruto and Sakura, from time to time there was the sound of fists hitting the head…

“The live Q&A hasn’t appeared for a week…”

“Should it be here too?” Ling Yu muttered to herself.

However, it really made him guess right!

Just this afternoon… a new round of live Q&A will come again! also.

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