Chapter 72

“Zero, a reward?” Konan asked subconsciously.

Nagato is the backbone of Akatsuki.

It is impossible not to ask him for advice on such a major event as rewarding the blood and following the limit.


After thinking about it, Nagato said: “The host of the live broadcast room has the power to understand the past and the present.”

“It can even forcibly seize power from others out of thin air, and transfer it…”

“A lot of things can prove that even if he is not a god, he is not far away from God.”

The voice is a bit heavy.

After all, when it comes to God, he is somewhat embarrassed as a “fake God”.

But the meaning is obvious.

That’s… Do you think that dignified true spirits will seldom use your paper escape?

Just give it a reward and it’s over!

“Okay!” Konan nodded.

Then began to type in the live broadcast room.

[Konan: @房主, I’ll give you a reward! 】

[Reminder, Konan rewards the homeowner’s blood succession limit-paper escape! 】


“This paper escape is still very fragrant!”

In Konoha Ward, Ling Yu’s eyes suddenly lit up!

Suddenly flashes of mystery flashed through my mind, and the entire body began to change!

“Big guys are really willing to reward for a truth…”

“Well, it seems that there is still a big market for this one.”

“In the future, maybe we will rely on this ability…” Ling Yu’s mouth gradually rose!

Except for the time when the live broadcast room just appeared, the big guys are actually very rigorous!

Basically do not answer questions easily!

Even if the answer is wrong, the wrong one is not too outrageous.

Simply put, it is difficult for Ling Yu to get strong abilities by getting them to answer the wrong questions.

And answer the questions yourself?

This is even worse!

It has been answered correctly two or three times, and it can barely be interpreted as being blind.

But if this continues, one day you will be doubted by the bigwigs!

Therefore, it is perfect and quick to gain abilities by answering the doubts of the big guys!

[Homeowner: Take it down, the answer is – Uchiha Madara is indeed dead. 】

[Konan: Thank you, the host. 】


“Fortunately, it has nothing to do with Madara-senpai!” Konan let out a long sigh.

Whether Madara is still alive, it means too much to them.

First, if Madara is still alive, how can Obito get the Uchiha fan?

It can only be explained as that Obito’s behavior was intended by Madara.

The subsequent battle between Obito and Konan was also favored by Madara!

It also proved that he and Nagato were fooled!

But now, the homeowner confirmed that Madara is dead in one sentence.

Konan and Nagato’s heart, then let go.


“However, that Uchiha Obito has a lot of courage…”

“Pretending to be Madara.” Nagato frowned.

Quickly thinking about the pros and cons.

“No matter what Obito’s purpose is, at least he is also a powerful rebel.”

“If you have a good chat, you might still be able to use it for me.”

“Nagato, after all, you can absolutely restrain him.” Konan said softly.

This is the benefit of having absolute power!




It doesn’t matter!

Anyway, under that pair of Rinnegan, everything will turn into a vain, and the most important thing is whether you can cooperate!

“That’s right.” Nagato nodded and said, “Speak to Obito in the live room, let him come and talk to me when he has time.”

[Rosa: Good guy, what’s the situation? 】

[Ohnoki: Is it necessary to reward a blood succession boundary for answering a question? It’s a bit expensive…][Fourth Raikage: Let’s not mention the expensive ones, why did Konan mention Uchiha Madara again? Does it matter whether he is dead or not? 】

[Terumi Mei: Something is wrong, Madara is not right…]

The big guys don’t think it’s strange that the homeowner can answer questions.

Everyone knows in their hearts that as long as enough benefits are rewarded, there is nothing to discuss.

For example, don’t you use Wood Style to replace the big pillars with the house pipes?

What puzzles them is… why are you getting involved with Madara again?

[Senju Hashirama: @ Motorola, you are not right! 】

[Uchiha Madara:? ? ? What does it matter to me? I would like to ask the girl why she always mentions me all right? 】

[Senju Hashirama: Hey, don’t you admit it? 】

[Uchiha Madara: Admit what? I don’t know anything. 】

[Senju Hashirama: The liar is the little bastard…][Uchiha Madara:…]

The big pillar found an abnormality!

To be precise, everyone found the anomaly!

However, Lord Madara can’t admit it!

This has nothing to do with arrogance!

This is a big plan related to the resurrection, so I have to pretend to be stupid for a while!

A small leak will sink a great ship!(Read more @

Pretending to be a good guy abruptly, that is the courage of a man, not Lord Madara.

[Senju Tobirama: Haha, it seems that the relationship between that organization and Madara is unusual…][Ohnoki: Could it be that… Madara’s future resurrection may be related to that organization? 】

[Fourth Raikage: The old man thinks the same way, otherwise the girl will not reward the blood and follow the limit to ask questions. 】

[Nara Shikahisa: According to my guess… there should be some conflicts between them. But I personally suggest that the five Ninja villages should be united first, and the rebellious Ninja organization should be eliminated first to avoid future troubles! 】

[Terumi Mei: I agree! A group of S-class rebels get together, and they will eventually cause trouble! 】

[Sarutobi Hiruzen: Well, if that’s the case, why not send a prestigious representative from each Ninja Village to discuss the matter during the Chūnin exam? 】

[Ohnoki: I think it’s OK, so let’s do it…]

Lord Madara:? ? ?

Am I on a horse? ? ?

Or was it noticed?

Lord Madara is straightforward!

In any case, he did not expect that these stinky big guys would be wrong that the existence of the Xiao organization was related to his resurrection!

Is it necessary to form a temporary alliance to destroy the Akatsuki organization?

Isn’t this over?

Although Lord Madara knows the power of Rinnegan… but the Five Shadows should not be underestimated!

And you should know that there is a person in the live broadcast room called Chaoguan Ling Yu!

There is an ability called receiving rewards!

If it is the moment of crisis, Konoha’s bosses are likely to give Ling Yu their strongest abilities to fight against Akatsuki!

Eight Inner Gates, Flying Thunder God, Wood Style, Second Generation Hai Dun, unlimited rewards, Chakra support…

Thinking about it makes the scalp numb!

“damn it!”

“Could it be that the old man’s resurrection is hopeless?”

In the Pure Land world, Lord Madara is squeezing her hair in handfuls!

It’s messing up that kill Matt hairstyle!


“Resurrection… by the way!”

Suddenly, Lord Madara’s eyes lit up: “Yes, I don’t have to count on Nagato to revive me!”

“There are various question and answer rewards in the live broadcast room. Maybe when will the resurrection rewards appear?”

“Well, I still have a chance, I still have a chance…”

Lord Madara comforted herself crazy in her heart!

[Jiraiya: @Konan, what the hell is going on with you! why do you ignore me! 】

[Jiraiya: What about Nagato? and also…】

[Konan: @Uchiha Obito, come back when I have time, and talk to you if I have anything to do. 】

【Uchiha Obito: Yes. 】

Obito looked at the information in the live broadcast room and nodded.

Then the surrounding space was distorted for a while, and the whole person disappeared directly in place!


With Kamui in hand, Obito is not afraid of Nagato.

It is definitely not possible to fight, but no one can stop him if he wants to escape.

Besides, he believed that Nagato was definitely not looking for himself to kill him.

High probability is to talk about cooperation.

[Jiraiya:? ? ? 】

[Jiraiya: Really pretend not to see me? 】

[Jiraiya: Good! Wait, wait for me! 】

Hero is angry!

It feels uncomfortable to be ignored!

Konan talks to the host normally, and talks to Obito normally.

But… just ignore yourself?

“Good good!”

“Is the background the country of rain? Your base?”

“Ignore me, my uncle will come to visit in person!”

Jiraiya stopped suddenly on the way to Konoha!

I planned to go back to Konoha’s lesson and teach Ling Yu that stinky kid who just took advantage of Tsunade.

But now, he has changed his mind!

He wants to ask his apprentice personally what is going on!

“Isn’t it?”

“Senior Jiraiya is going to find Nagato and the others?”

In Konoha ward, Ling Yu’s eyes suddenly shrank!

Because the meaning of Jiraiya’s words in the live broadcast room is already obvious!

Wait, wait for me!

Isn’t this going to kick the gym? What is the rhythm?

“Oops, Jiraiya will definitely be killed if he goes?”

“No, I have to remind…” Ling Yu frowned…

Wandering dragon and angelica, the sea does not welcome me Jiraiya.

Hero Jiraiya, is one of his favorite characters.

Like Obito and Itachi, Ling Yu has no sympathy at all.

Love to die!

But Jiraiya is different!

Thinking of this, I hurriedly typed in the live broadcast room!

[Host: If you have any doubts about the future or the past, you can ask me. 】

[Homeowner: Just like Konan just now, just reward the blood and the limit and explain the intention. 】

[Host: The host is in a good mood today, so I will reveal another secret…]

Putting on the homeowner’s vest, Ling Yu started the message unscrupulously.

You can play tricks casually!

[Homeowner: @Jiraiya, I watch your Yintang get dark, let’s look for Konan’s nine deaths. 】

[Host: I suggest you don’t ask for trouble, or, in times of crisis, don’t be a hero, use the reverse Summoning Technique, maybe you can save a little life…]

When the voice fell, Konoha and the other big guys in the live broadcast room were shocked!


Your hostess is in a good mood today?

Foresee the future for free?

And… Jiraiya, the dignified Sannin, to find that organization would have to rely on reverse Summoning to survive?

How terrible is that organization? !

All of a sudden, the live broadcast room was full of storms and panic!

Everyone is even more afraid of Akatsuki!

[Jiraiya: Is it life-threatening? 】

[Jiraiya: Maybe it’s the child of Nagato…]

Nagato has a special blood successor, that is, Rinnegan’s matter. Jiraiya discovered it when he took a disciple back then.

What the homeowner says cannot be fake.

And most of them are only Nagato who can threaten themselves!

[Sarutobi Hiruzen: @Jiraiya, you are not allowed to go! Get me back to Konoha now! 】

The old monkey is not stupid!

Although the homeowner said that he will die forever, but in his opinion it is equal to lifeless!

Akatsuki is too mysterious, he will never allow his disciples to venture alone!

[Nara Shikahisa: Master Third Generation is right, Jiraiya, we are going to have a battle with that organization sooner or later, so why rush for a while? 】

[Nara Shikahisa: Besides, what the Lord Third Generation just said was both an order and an order, so go back to Konoha as soon as possible! 】

Lu Jiu also realized the seriousness of the matter and quickly persuaded him.

And he raised Sarutobi Hiruzen’s words to the height of command!

[Jiraiya: Hey! Ok…】

With a sigh, Jiraiya chose to listen to people’s advice to eat a full meal.

In the original book, the reason why he would rather die than use the reverse summoning technique was largely because he wanted to gather more information about Payne.

But now it’s different.

With the existence of the live broadcast room, various futures will slowly emerge!

No need to fight for your life!

“Naruto, take care of your illness.”

“Ling Yu, Sasuke, little Sakura, you guys go back and have a good rest.”

“Tomorrow, the official commission will be carried out.”

Kakashi in Konoha Ward told several people.

Naruto’s self-healing power is very strong, he knows this.

Although Thousand Years of Death is hot…but it doesn’t take long.

A good night’s sleep will be fine.

“Well, if that’s the case, I will leave first.” Ling Yu smiled slightly: “Naruto, take care of your injuries.”

Smiled, turned and left.

But just took a step!

The whole person was stunned in place!

Only because the live Q&A appeared again!

“What the hell?”

“Two questions and answers in a row?”

“Want so often!”

Can’t help but complain, Ling Yu looked into the live broadcast screen.

In an instant, the whole person became energetic!

Because that scene is one of the few…very funny clips in Hokage! .

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