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Xu Zhaixing quickly denied Sanlian: I didn't! I didn't think about it! Don't worry!

She doesn't know what kind of person her idol is? ! You can't even scan a blemish with an X-ray! Xu Zhaixing raised the brim of his hat with both hands, leaned in slightly, and whispered in a breathy voice, Brother, if you are kidnapped, just blink.

Cen Feng: ...

The girl next to him who brought him the wet tissue couldn't help but ask, Cen Feng, who is this little sister?

Xu Zhexing is also a luxury, and the pair of shoes under his feet are limited in the world, and they can't grab it without any connections. Of course, they recognized it at a glance.

Before, they all felt that Cen Feng didn't like their rich daughters very much. They were not from the same world. They had a wall.

But now he is gentle and delicate towards this little sister who is obviously one world from them.

A person who was always indifferent suddenly softened, his expression remained the same as before, but there was no piercing cold light in his eyes. Soft and gentle, and smiling.

Ahhhhhhhh so jealous! ! !

Cen Feng glanced at Xu Jiexing, and after a while he said softly, It's my sister.

Xu Zhexing: ?

Who wants to be your sister? ? ? Be awake, baby! ! ! Although I call you brother, I'm still a career fan in essence! You are just a cub(?) in my heart!

Xu Zhexing looks young. She usually doesn't wear makeup and dresses like a student. The rich ladies don't think much about it, and they all cheered: Your sister is so cute, you can do it!

Xu Zhexing: ?

Feel offended.

Cen Feng interrupted the questioning they still wanted to continue with a low voice, and asked Xu Zhexing with his eyes lowered, Want to ride a bike home?

She quickly shook her head: No, no, I just saw that the weather is good today, so I came out for a ride. Brother, go and do it, don't worry about me! I'll go back after riding for a while!

Cen Feng looked down at her a few times, as if judging whether she was telling the truth, and finally explained in her sincere eyes, Be careful.

Xu Zhexing's heart was thumping, and he restrained his excitement and nodded obediently, Goodbye brother.

Cen Feng turned around and walked back. Xu Zhexing thought of something and called him quickly: Brother, your hat!

She was about to raise her hand to take off her hat, when Cen Feng turned around and said, The sun is shining, wear it.

Xu Zhexing was so happy that he was about to turn around in circles.

Received the third gift from Idol! ! !

Cen Feng came back, and several girls also returned to the car. Looking out through the car window, the little girl was standing on the side of the road wearing a hat that was too large, her head slightly raised to prevent the brim of her hat from falling off, and her eyes were shining brightly, waving to them.

The girl headed by the sister group was named Yun Shu. She sat in the co-pilot, buckled her seat belt and said to Cen Feng, Your sister seems to like you very much.

Cen Feng didn't speak. After starting the car, he tilted his head and glanced out the window, then turned the front of the car. Yun Shu asked, Aren't you mad?

Cen Feng's tone was indifferent: Well, it has been tried.

The car quickly drove back to the motorcycle shop, and the boss was surprised: You're back so soon? Cen Feng, don't you tell me to take Shushu and the others around, you still have to give them some sweetness occasionally, or what if you don't come to patronize them?

Several people laughed and went to beat the boss.

Cen Feng parked the car, walked out and asked the boss, Brother Yong, can you lend me a ride on that Dead Fly?

Brother Yong waved his hand: Come on, but be careful, have you ever ridden Dead Fly before?

Cen Feng nodded, took the car out, checked it a little to make sure it was correct, and rode away. Yun Shu leaned on the door of the sports car, with a cigarette between his fingers, and sighed sadly: The reason for sending us back in such a hurry is to find that little sister by bike.

The little sister in the back stretched out a foot from the sports car, wearing Xu Zhexing's same pair of sneakers, and said faintly, Same shoes are different.

The sky is full of clouds.

The afternoon sun was hidden behind the clouds, not so dazzling.

Xu Zhexing rode up a long slope, followed by a downhill. There was no need to pedal, the car slid down, the speed was very fast, and there was no one around, she screamed and screamed in excitement, but she was so complacent that her hat was blown off by the wind...

She didn't dare to brake suddenly when the downhill speed was too fast, and finally stopped safely, the bicycle had slipped out all the way. The hat fell alone on the half-slope.

Xu Zhexing quickly pushed the car to the side of the road and ran up the slope to pick up his hat.

It's great to ride downhill, but it's horrible to go uphill.

Apart from the occasional speeding car, there is no one on the wide road. The sun stretched her shadow very long, staggeringly cast her shadow on the hot road. Xu Zhexing was running up, and a figure appeared on the slope in front of him.

She was still thinking a moment ago, hey, which idiot ran out to ride a bike in the same hot weather as herself.

The next moment Aidou's figure became clear in his eyes.

Xu Zhaixing: …………

Sorry, I slapped.

The dead fly has no brakes, and the downhill section is not easy to stop, but Cen Feng's technique is very good. When the rear pedal is thrown, the front wheel is thrown to the left, and a beautiful elegant brake stabilizes the body. He braced himself, walked over and picked up his hat.

Xu Zhexing quickened his pace and ran up, and when he ran to him, he was already tired.

He was out of breath, his face covered with oil was sweaty, but his eyes were sparkling, and he asked him excitedly and happily, Brother, why are you back?

He patted the ashes on the hat and put it on her head again, clearly acting so warmly, but his tone was still indifferent: It's too biased here, it's not safe.

Xu Zhexing held his small fist and shook the watch on his wrist at him: Don't be afraid, I have this positioning watch, which is bound to my brother's mobile phone, so he can see it at any time!

He glanced at it, said nothing, walked back and pushed Dead Fei over.

Xu Zhaixing's eyes were bulging: Brother, your bicycle is so beautiful! The body is so smooth, it looks much better than mine!

Cen Feng walked to her side and glanced at her: Want to ride me?

Xu Zhaixing pursed his lips excitedly, and asked reservedly, Is it alright?

Cen Feng: No.

Xu Zhexing: ?

The corners of his lips twitched, and he quickly returned to normal. He said softly, This is not safe.

Xu Zhexing couldn't help but talk back: Then why can you ride?

Cen Feng said, I can do it.

He clearly still had that indifferent expression, but Xu Zhaixing could hear his joy in his emotionless voice. She deliberately said angrily, Hmph, childish.

Cen Feng lowered his eyes and smiled silently.

Seeing him smiling, Xu Jiexing's heart almost melted, and he prayed silently that my brother would be like this and be happy all the time.

After going down the slope, she walked over to where Xu Jiexing parked. She ran over to ride the car over and asked him enthusiastically, Brother, do you want to race with me? Whoever loses has to agree to a condition!

Cen Feng hooked the pedal of the car with his toes and stepped on it: Okay.

Xu Zhexing counts: One! Two! Three!

She rushed out with all her strength, and her two little feet pedaled very fast. After pedaling hard for a long time, she realized that something seemed wrong. Looking back, Cen Feng followed her three or four meters away in a hurry. She was fast and he was fast. She was slow and he was slow. Anyway, he didn't surpass her.

How could he go to negotiate terms with a little girl to win or lose? He is letting her go without showing any trace.

He was always like this, never said anything, obviously suffered so many grievances and injuries, and never once complained about the world.

Xu Zhaixing once tortured himself more than once to see his life stories.

See how he jumped from one fire pit to another, how he was hurt again and again by the world. She thought that if the things that happened to him from childhood to adulthood were changed to her, she must have been unable to bear it long ago.

She must be resentful and want to die with this world. But he never hurt anyone.

No matter how much he hated, no matter how painful, no matter how unwilling he was, he always aimed the knife at himself.

Until the end, kill yourself.

Xu Zhexing stopped at the intersection ahead. She closed her eyes and turned around with a bright smile: Brother, I won!

He smiled and said lightly: Well, you won.

She made a tangled look and said in a deep voice: I have to think about it, what conditions should I put forward.

Cen Feng slowly pedaled the car and listened to her muttering to herself next to her. This is not good, and that is not good. The conditions for winning can't be mentioned casually, but a big one!

The two rode along the road for a long distance, and the sun had already started to slant westward.

Xu Zhexing finally said excitedly: I thought of it!

Cen Feng stabilized the car and stopped to look at him: What?

She looked at him with bright eyes and a little expectation in her voice: I hope my brother will do one thing that makes him happy every day, and then write it down in a notebook, write down the year, month and day, and when we meet next time, put Give me the book!

Cen Feng was stunned for a moment, his always indifferent expression finally loosened, and after a while, he asked softly, Why?

Xu Zhaixing looked distressed: It's homework. The teacher asked us to collect the happy moments of our friends and write them into a weekly diary. But I'm here to play, brother, can you help me with my homework?

Cen Feng looked at her eyes, her thin lips stretched into a line, and she didn't speak for a long time.

Just when Xu Zhexing thought his acting skills were seen through, he finally heard him whisper, Okay.

She was so happy, her eyes filled with joy. The watch on the wrist beeped, it was Xu Yan who was about to come over to receive the message from her. Cen Feng glanced at his watch, supported the car again, and said softly, I'm going back.

Xu Jiexing nodded quickly, she was about to speak, Cen Feng continued, I will eat well and sleep well, as if she knew what she would say.

She laughed, her eyes curved like a beautiful crescent moon: Okay!

Cen Feng turned the front of the car, stepped on the pedals, and the exposed half of the ankle was clearly boney. Xu Zhaixing stared at his back reluctantly: Goodbye brother...

He didn't turn his head, he gestured back with one finger, and disappeared from her sight on the bike.

Ten minutes later, Xu Yan drove an off-road vehicle and parked beside her. Xu Zhexing sat on the steps by the side of the road in a daze. Xu Yan moved the bicycle to the trunk and asked her, Tired of riding?

She said disappointedly: Brother, I'm going back to City S soon, will you miss me?

Xu Yan: No.

Xu Zhaixing: ...You are too ruthless. The happy summer vacation ended just like that. Mother Xu called several days in advance to ask her if she had booked a flight ticket and when she would go back. Xu Jiexing went to Chenxing to say goodbye to everyone, and boarded the home


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