Chapter 170: Alone in an empty room, crying in vain in old age, big nightclub explosion

After watching for a minute,

Pi Zhengyang couldn't help but feel a little happy.

This movie has been played so far, although it can't be said to be bad.

But there is nothing outstanding about it.

It seems a bit mediocre.

And Su Ye's movie, mediocre is bad!

It seems that his 10 million will be a good thing!

He observed the movements of the fans around him.

He found that many fans were whispering and complaining

"Oh my god, I thought the nightclub was a KTV or a bar, but it turned out to be a convenience store"

"I also wanted to see cool beauties and hot dances, and I even had the tissues ready, but I didn’t expect it to be a convenience store. Master Su lied to me so badly!"

"Does Su Ye seem to be selling dog meat under the guise of selling mutton?"

"It was you who had the wrong idea, can you blame Su Ye?"


Hearing the complaints from the crowd,

Pi Zhengyang was very satisfied.

The more the audience complained, the more secure his 10 million would be!


At this time, another star appeared in the movie. Bald Xu Zheng. As Xu Zheng's plot unfolded, Pi Zhengyang suddenly felt a little flustered. Because he found that the movie was beginning to become interesting. He even heard laughter from the audience in the theater. Could it be that Su Ye could really make a high-quality movie within three days ?


In particular, when the couple played by Gao Ye and Peng Yuyan appeared as customers, they mistook He Sanshui for a deaf-mute.

This led to a series of hilarious jokes.

The audience in the theater laughed so hard that they couldn't close their mouths.

Then, the customer played by Wang Xun once again made the audience laugh.

Seeing this,

Pi Zhengyang understood.

He and 10 million were completely out of luck.

He never thought that Su Ye could actually make a high-quality comedy movie in three days.

Pi Zhengyang felt that although the scene of"Nightclub" was a little small and the plot was simple, its funny and fun level was not much different from"Charlotte" and"Tomato".

Damn, is Su Ye really a genius? How can a movie shot in three days be so good? Pi Zhengyang was a little exasperated.

Also, since this movie is not a bad movie, but rather very exciting, do I really have to do a handstand and shit? Damn, I can't do it!



"I can’t do it anymore!"

Reba fell into Yang Mi’s arms.

After a while, she suddenly remembered something and said to Yang Mi curiously:

"Now, the first screening of Nightclub should be over."

"I don’t know how the audience will react."

Yang Mi responded:

"Want to know the reactions of netizens?"

"You can go to Miaoyan to check out netizens’ comments."

"There should be some comments now."

After hearing this, Reba struggled and quickly picked up her phone and opened the Miaoyan APP.

She entered the"Nightclub" page. Sure enough, she saw that there were already thousands of comments in the"Nightclub" comment area.

"The movie is great, very funny!"

"Su Ye is still your Master Su. I didn’t expect that the movie that was finished in three days would be so wonderful. I am completely convinced!"

"《Nightclub is as funny as Charlotte and Tomato. Come on, everyone."

"This is not a bad movie, Su Ye did not ruin his own reputation!"

"Su Ye is so awesome, I can’t believe that such a wonderful movie was shot in just three days!"

"There are so many big stars in the movie, and any passerby can call out their names. It’s so exciting!"

"Unexpectedly wonderful, I want to watch it again"

"In the movie, Reba and Su Ye are such a sweet couple!"


Seeing all the positive comments in the comment section,

Reba's already flushed cheeks suddenly became even more flushed with excitement.

Looking at the full collagen, she excitedly said to Su Ye and Yang Mi:

"Haha, all good reviews."

"It seems that our film is safe again."

Yang Mi also saw these comments, and she said to Su Ye with emotion:

"You are really capable, boy."

"The movie was shot in three days."

"It's so popular."

Su Ye teased Yang Mi:

"Just now I called him daddy."

"Now I call you kid,"

"Auntie, you changed your mind too quickly, didn't you?"

Yang Mi pouted and said:

"You forced me to do this!"

"Oh, right,"

Reba suddenly thought of something.

"《The first episode of"Meow Demon Legend" should have finished playing,"

"I'll see what the reviews of"Meow Demon Legend" are like."


Reba found the webpage of"Meow Demon Legend" and clicked on the comment section.

"What the hell is this? I don't understand what the movie is about!"

"The plot is too disjointed, I have no idea what it's talking about!"

"The special effects got full marks, but the plot got minus ten points, so disappointing!"

"Who the hell wrote this script? When I first read it, I thought there was some big secret, but it turned out to be a trick. Is this screenwriter a primary school student?"

"I fell asleep halfway through the film!"

"The special effects are really good, but it's a pity that without the special effects of the plot, I can't watch it at all"

"Yang Yuhuan is really beautiful, Li Bai is a bit ugly, the movie is really rubbish, I forced myself to finish watching it"

"I think the movie is very good and profound. You need to watch it repeatedly to understand the deep meaning contained in it."

"Although the plot is bad and Yang Yuhuan's death is depressing, the picture is really beautiful."

"After watching it, I have one sentence: Not worth the ticket price"



Seeing that there were many negative comments in the comment section of"Meow Demon Legend",

Reba couldn't help but laugh happily

"Many people complained that the plot of"Meow Demon Legend" was bad."

"《The reputation of"Meow Demon Legend""

"I'm afraid I'm going to suffer a Waterloo."

Yang Mi heard this and said happily:

"It's what he deserves. Chen Ge always says our movies are bad."

"Now the audience finally knows."

"Whose movie is the bad one?"

Reba said proudly:

"It took two years to make this movie."

"The word of mouth is not as good as the movie my husband shot in three days."

"I wonder if Chen Ge still has the face to face the media."

Yang Mi also looked gloating:

"I am looking forward to Chen Ge seeing his own movie."

"What kind of expression would he have if the reputation was so bad?"

Su Ye didn't say much.

He was having a good time with a snowball in each hand, so he didn't have time to care about the reputation of"The Legend of the Cat Demon".

After all, the ancients said it well, a gold cup or a silver cup is not as good as a cup of anything else!


Big things have their advantages, small things have their charms!

On all major online platforms,

《The reputation of"Nightclub" and"Meow Monster Legend" spread very quickly.


《Nightclub" has received constant praise from film and television up masters and netizens.

Everyone was amazed that

Su Ye only took three days to shoot a hilarious movie.

This is really a rare genius in a century.

In particular,

《In"Nightclub", more than 30 stars came to play small roles, which surprised countless fans.

It makes people feel like a family.

Countless film and television up-loaders gave"Nightclub" a five-star rating and strongly recommended this movie to their fans.


Compared to the rave reviews for Nightclub,

《"The Legend of the Cat Demon" was criticized by countless people

《The art of"Meow Demon Legend" is said to be beautiful by everyone who has seen it, but the plot of"Meow Demon Legend" is said to be bad by everyone who has seen it. And it is impossible to endure the disgusting plot of a movie and only watch the art and special effects. So,

《" Meow Demon Legend" has received many negative reviews from fans and critics.

Although a small number of people think that"Meow Demon Legend" is well made.

However, after all, it is only a small number of people.

Most netizens say that"Meow Demon Legend" is not worth the price of the ticket.


《After the premiere of"Meow Demon Legend", Chen Ge immediately returned home from the premiere (to read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!


On the way back, his face was full of pride.

Because, at the premiere, everyone who had seen the movie was amazed by the stunning visual effects of"Meow Demon Legend".

They all expressed their praise to him.

Although, some reporters and film critics said that the plot of the movie was a little difficult to understand.

However, Chen Ge did not take it to heart.

After all, he contained a lot of metaphors in the plot.

It is normal for people with insufficient skills not to understand.

When these people watch it a few more times, they will know how wonderful the metaphors I designed are.

At that time, they will definitely applaud!


After returning to his luxurious villa,

Chen Ge could not help but open his phone and go to the Miaoyan forum to read the comments of netizens on the premiere of"Meow Demon Legend".

However, after reading it, his face, which was originally a little excited, immediately fell.

It became very ugly.

It was so gloomy that it was almost dripping with water.

Chen Ge never expected that so many people would not appreciate the gorgeous blockbuster he had carefully shot and his proud work that he was full of confidence in.

"How dare you say my"Meow Demon Legend" is a gorgeous pile of shit"

"I'll fire your grandma."

"You are a piece of shit."

"Your whole family is shit!"

Just as Chen Ge was looking at the countless negative reviews in frustration, the old Diao Chan, Cheng Hong, came over and said to Chen Ge:

"I just read the comments of"Nightclub""

"How is it?"

Chen Ge quickly asked his wife:

"They must be all bad reviews, right?"

I spent hundreds of millions to make this blockbuster, but there are so many people complaining about it.

Su Ye made a bad movie in three days.

It must have been criticized by netizens at this moment.

Cheng Hong shook his head and said:

"It's not a bad review, but a rave review."

"Netizens and film critics are praising"Nightclub"》"


Chen Ge's jaw dropped when he heard this.

He couldn't believe it and said:

"How can it be?"

"The garbage he shot in three days."

"How could it possibly receive such rave reviews?"

"He bought some water army, right?"

Chen Ge was like grabbing a life-saving straw.

"Yes, he must have hired some navy."

"���Deliberately posting good reviews,"

"So damn insidious"

"Why didn’t I think of hiring some water army!"

Cheng Hong shook his head and said:

"It shouldn't be the navy."

"I specifically looked at the accounts that commented,"

"Many of them are old accounts that have been registered for a long time."

"Usually very active"

"And there are some very famous film critics,"

"He also praised the plot of"Night Club" for being warm and funny."

"It's a very good family movie."

"Looking at this person's comments, they all make sense and don't seem like he is just bragging for money."

Chen Ge's expression froze, and he said with difficulty:

"The movie was shot in three days."

"How could anyone possibly flatter me?"

"The"Cat Demon Legend" we carefully produced》,"

"But it was criticized as a bad movie."

"Do these netizens know how to appreciate things?"

Chenghong consoled him.

"《The reputation of"Meow Demon Legend""

"Although it is somewhat unsatisfactory,"

"However, there is another movie released at the same time."

"Worse than our reputation."

"Jiang Wen and Fu Jun star in Turandot》,"

"I've been sprayed by netizens"

"It was called an epic bad movie."


Chen Ge was not happy about it.

What's so good about comparing yourself to others?

The point is that

Su Ye's movie actually has a better reputation than his movie.

This is more painful than killing him!


Seeing that it was getting late, Cheng Hong immediately walked up to Chen Ge and said in a shy tone:

"Honey, it's getting late."

"Let's take a break."

"I think……"

Chen Ge's expression suddenly became a little awkward when he heard this.

He said vaguely:

"Well, I have some things to do."

"You should go and rest first."

The sadness of a fifty-year-old man is beyond the reach of ordinary people!

Upon hearing this, Chen Hong's face immediately showed a look of resentment.

You know, she has been resting alone for more than half a year. And she is in her prime, but since Chen Ge has already said to do it another day, she can't say anything more. After all, although she really wants to, she also has to save face.

"I'll go take a rest first. Come over when you're done."

""Okay," Chen Ge looked at the swaying figure of Cheng Hong.

His heart was filled with regret.

It was all because he didn't know the value of things when he was young.

As a result, he was crying at the empty space when he was old!


Sleeping on the empty bed,

Cheng Hong looked at his hands.

He couldn't help but sigh.



""You should withdraw your magical power!"

In Reba's apartment,

Reba leaned on the bay window, looking at the starry sky and flashing neon lights outside the window.

She said with a fearful face.

Yang Mi's expression was not much better than Reba's.

In the middle of winter, her forehead was full of sweat. How come

Su Ye is getting more and more abnormal?


Bailu, where are you?

Come and save me!



Bailu and Tianxian came out of the rehearsal of Spring Evening.

They both sneezed at the same time.

Bailu rubbed her nose, shrunk her neck and said to Tianxian:

"It's so cold."

Upon seeing this, the fairy immediately hugged Bai Lu in her arms:

"Let's get in the car quickly, everything will be fine once we get in."

Bai Lu:

"If only I could hug my husband,"


My husband is like a big fireball at all times.

"Wait until Sister Mi finishes the hot bar."

"We can hug each other."

Bai Lu:

"I envy Sister Mi,"

"She must be very fulfilled now!"


"Stop talking, the more I talk, the more I think about it."


Day 2

《The comments on"Nightclub" and"Meow Demon Legend" continued to ferment on the Internet.

However, facing the negative reviews that were popping up like mushrooms after rain, Chen Ge chose to control the comments in time.

Then he asked the Internet users to give good reviews. On several major domestic forums, all the bad comments about"Meow Demon Legend" were deleted or folded for no reason.


Chen Ge's approach has both advantages and disadvantages.

Although there are fewer negative reviews of"Meow Demon Legend" on the Internet, the netizens whose comments were deleted seemed very angry.

These people began to accuse"Meow Demon Legend" of controlling comments everywhere.……

I love you: I love you

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